Still can't find a title- just ask! E-mail your question or write to us
anytime! We'll try to help out! Titles can be discontinued at any time so
even if a title was previously available it may not be currently.
You can search for a title online by clicking here:
You can order in a variety of ways! · Order Online (use any major credit card) Order via e-mail (use any major credit card) Order via PHONE: Use our voice activated order hotline to quickly order using any major credit card! Be sure to have your selections and credit card info available before calling. Limit background noise when calling- since our system is voice activated excess noise will delay prompts. If you'd rather have a live operator give you a call back: leave your name and phone # and a customer service rep will return your call. 419-629-2383 · Order via snail mail ": print an order form and mail it along with payment to DCS Video Screams P.O. Box 443 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 U.S.A. We gladly accept all major credit cards, personal checks (drawn on a U.S. bank), International and Postal moneyorders, U.S. currency (well hidden and insured or registered- at your own risk) .
Can't find the answer? E-mail any time
How can I order a print catalogue? Order one online or write for a current catalogue at:
DCS Video Screams Film Archival & Transfer P.O. Box 443 Dept.WB Bellefontaine OH 43311 U.S.A.
U.S. = $10.00 International = $20.00
Please allow 1-3 weeks for shipment.
Why don't you list running times for your films? During the transfer process- films can be sped up or slowed down. Running times in these circumstances are inaccurate at best. Running times can be affected by as much as 5-8 minutes. So we do not list running times to avoid confusion. Listed running times in publications have multiple running times for any one film. Running times are completely unreliable.
Censorship sucks! Although we will ship whatever you order- it is your responsibility to check with your local (or country) restrictions. Canada and Germany specifically have a problem with XXX and S&M titles. Order these at your own risk- we have found that the officials in many countries " confiscate " these for their own benefit. We do reserve the right to withhold shipment to certain geographical locations.
Video Screams does NOT offer the following types of films or material: Child Pornography (including but not limited to underage actors in adult films) Snuff Films Bestiality Films Please do not inquire about these types of films– we do not offer or know of anyone who does offer these illegal films. All actors portrayed in the films offered by Video Screams are of legal age and are acting of the their own free will. To order ANY film marked 21+, XXX, or listed in the XXX, or Franco section of this catalogue you must be 21 or older.
Why don't you give longer, more complete descriptions? With well over 30,000 titles we have found it near impossible to offer complete descriptions on every title. Although we try to list pertinent information- we suggest several publications that may help out. : or · Cult Movies Magazine · Fangoria Magazine · Video Watchdog · Psychotronic · Flesh and Blood · UNCUT · Creature Feature Movie Guide · The Psychotronic Video Guide
I placed an order but have not received it yet ... ? All orders ship as quickly as possible. Delivery times will vary depending on time of year, where you live, and volume of orders. Orders are shipped in the order received. We ask that you allow 2-4 weeks for delivery although most will arrive closer to 1-2 weeks after we receive them. If you are concerned about your order feel free to e-mail at . Be sure to include your full name and how the order was placed (phone, e-mail, online or thru mail)
I received my order but found a defect ... ? Although we make every effort to avoid mistakes and defects, this will occasionally occur. If this happens to you, please accept our apologies. Just let us know as quickly as possible what the problem is and how we can rectify the situation and we'll do so pronto! When contacting us please include your full name, details of problem and a way to contact you. ]
What products are available online?
How do I place an online order?
What are my options for online payment?
Can I use a Video Screams gift certificate online?
When returning an item by mail, please indicate the reason for return or exchange on the back of your packing slip, enclose the packing slip mail it to: If you so not have your packing slip- please tape your name and address directly to tape itself and indicate reason for return or exchange. DCS Video Screams ATTN: Returns P.O. Box 443 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 U.S.A.
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at
Do I have to pay tax on my purchases?
How long will it take to get my order ? Most orders are shipped within 3-5 business days - please allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.
All U.S. orders are shipped USPS PRIORITY MAIL Canada and International Orders are shipped via AIRMAIL
When and how often will the website be updated ? Our website is under constant change - occasionally we get behind in updating - but hope to be updating on a regular basis. Check back often.
What if I receive a defective tape/dvd ? Occasionally a dud gets passed us - If you should receive one:
· Use the online customer service form and let us know and we'll ship your replacement pronto. · E-mail and let us know of the problem and we'll ship another A.S.A.P. · Write a quick note to let us know and fax 419-629-4101 or mail it to: (We have convenient customer service forms to print online.)
DCS Video Screams P.O. Box 443 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 U.S.A.
F.L. means a film is in a FOREIGN LANGUAGE
"BA" means that COLOR BOX ART is available for the title. This upgrade is an additional $3.50 per title. All other titles include clear vinyl collectors cases (VHS) or white paper sleeves for DVD-R.
Where can I get more detailed descriptions of the films? The volume of new stuff coming in keeps us from writing as much as we'd like. We are glad to help out via e-mail. Other great sources:
· Cult Movies Magazine · Fangoria Magazine · Video Watchdog · Psychotronic · Flesh and Blood · UNCUT · Creature Feature Movie Guide · The Psychotronic Video Guide
What does "Upgrade" or "Upgraded" mean ? Video Screams offers a FREE upgrade service: When we get a better (upgraded) film print - we list it as an UPGRADE . This means if you previously purchased the film from Video Screams - you can return it for a FREE upgrade! Be sure to tape your name and address directly to tape itself to avoid any confusion, delay or loss. To receive a FREE upgrade without placing an order please include $8.00 S&H with return. When placing an order– no need to send additional funds. We have convenient UPGRADE request forms online to print. Please note we cannot “upgrade” films from VHS to DVD-R.
What can I expect QUALITY wise? We stand behind our quality. All films are transferred onto High Grade brand name VHS or DVD-R media using high quality transfer systems and conversion systems. All titles are Hi-Fi Stereo in SP mode for highest quality. Quality of course varies from title to title depending on rarity, where the source print originated from, or technology of the time. Our prints are from original masters, or converted masters whenever possible - obtained through International sources. Any title listed as "fair" is of fair quality (“poor” is poor quality).
How can I order and maintain privacy? ALL orders are shipped from " DCS Film Archival & Transfer" to avoid customs delays and possible seizure.
Video Screams NEVER sells, rents or trades mailing lists. We will never ship anything that will embarrass you. All update and catalogue mailings are shipped in sealed envelopes. Titles will not appear on invoices or on credit card receipts- * If you wish videos to NOT be labeled - specify on order form |