BA=  Color Box Art Available for an additional $3.50  

FL= Film is in Foreign Language

Lbx=  Letterboxed or Widescreen format 

Subs=  Film is subtitled

aka= Also Known As  (alternate titles)



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AA73                 Back at the Front (52) aka: Willie and Joe in Tokyo   Willie (Tom Ewell) and Joe (now played by Harvey Lembeck after David Wayne dropped out) return for further zany misadventures.  One close call after another topped by their innocent involvement with Nina, a kind of Eurasian Mata Hari type (played by Mari Blanchard), along with her (possibly?) dangerous friends.  Also starring Russell Johnson and you may spot a young David Janssen as a soldier.  BA

AA67                 Dangerous Corner (34) 'Dangerous Corner' takes place at a dinner party one year after the 'suicide' of one of the partners in a publishing firm and the theft of some bonds.  The title refers to the participants 'spilling their guts' and confessing all, a game of truth going horribly wrong, revealing things that should have never come to light.  Virginia Bruce, Melvyn Douglas and more star.  BA

AA74                 Devil's Cargo (48) John Calvert as 'The Falcon'.  This time working the story around a showcase of sorts displaying his real skills as a magician.  A man who has just murdered somebody arrives at the door of 'The Falcon' and leaves him with a key, promising he is going to turn himself in.  Of course, people are after the key.  It opens a locker in a bowling alley, but what is inside?  Also with Lyle Talbot, Christine Larsen and Rochelle Hudson.  BA

AA64 I Stole a Million (39) A cab driver (George Raft) goes on the lam after stealing from his boss who ripped him off.  He is arrested, and escapes.  The system is crap, so he turns to a life of crime.  Basically the tale of how something minor can spiral out of control into something far worse.  Everything always catches up to you in the end.  The print has problems but the only one we could find.  Also starring Claire Trevor  BA

AA67 Lady in the Morgue, The (38) aka: The Case of the Missing Blonde   A woman is found dead, hanging in a hotel room.  Now, her body has gone missing from the morgue.  Shifty undertakers, dour taxi drivers and some pretty risqué business that escaped the enforcement code of the time.  Barbara Pepper is sassy and sardonic, but also cute and seductive.  Preston Foster, Patricia Ellis and more star.   BA

AA75 Locked Door, The (29) Rod La Rocque plays Frank Devereaux, a serial cad, who mistreats Ann Carter (Barbara Stanwyck in her first full part feature).  There is a swell looking panoramic dance party sequence on a 'drinking boat' (prohibition remember?) intercut with an intimate scene between Ann and Frank in one of the cabins.  For an early talkie, the camera is all over the place and quite impressive.  At one point Ann finds herself trapped in an apartment with a corpse.  Also with Zasu Pitts and on the party boat see if you can spot a 19 year old Paulette Goddard.  BA

AA66 Mad Holiday (36) aka: The White Dragon   A disenchanted movie star who plays a detective in films, takes a break and goes on a cruise.  On the ship he finds himself in a real mystery when he finds a body.  A stolen diamond, a killer....  this is the real deal!  Or is it?  A howl to match each mystery thrill!  Edmund Lowe, Elissa Landi, Zasu Pitts, Ted Healy and more.  BA

AA68 Scream in the Dark, A (43) A Private Detective looking into the infidelity of a wife finds a new client who claims that he is also married to the woman.  Then, the man ends up murdered.  The bodies pile up, the mystery thickens.  Murder comedy!  Robert Lowry, Marie MacDonald, Linda Brent and many more.  Not to be confused with 'A Scream in the NIght' from 1935.  BA

AA71 Search for Danger (49) The last of sixteen movies featuring  'The Falcon' in this one he's played by John Calvert.  The search for a client leads to murder and more murder.  John Calvert plays the role straight, lending credibility to the proceedings.  Also starring Albert Dekker and Myrna Dell.  John Calvert was the world's oldest performing magician.  He performed at the London Palladium in 2011 at age 100.  He died in 2013 at age 102.  BA

AA65 Tragedy at Midnight, A (42) Greg Sherman is a radio personality who also solves cases the cops fail solving.  He finds a dead woman in his bed.  His wife thinks he is cheating, at first.  But she trusts him, learns the truth, and now they go on the run to find the real killer.  Key Luke is 'Ah Foo' their houseboy!  In the early days of television, Republic would edit it's movies down to 53 minutes so they could fit into an hour time slot.  This is the 53 minute version, without commercials.   BA

AA77 Two Minutes Late (52) aka: To minutter for sent  Two sisters vie for the attention of a former playboy who is married to one of them.  He is having an affair with a beautiful woman, who is murdered.  Is the killer the unreliable husband?  The hunchbacked clock maker?  Or is it perhaps a jealous wife?  Fascinating murder mystery from Denmark.  English subtitles  BA

AA72 Up Front (51) G.I.'s Willie (Tom Ewell) and Joe (David Wayne) were a famed lowbrow military cartoon duo on the Italian front in WWII.  On a three day pass in Naples, Joe's thirst for wine and women needs quenching, and both Joe and Willie enter into tangled comedic adventures with a moonshiner and his daughter (the saucy Marina Berti)  as they try to evade M.P.'s who are after them.  Ends in a big chase.  The cartoon strip was created by Bill Mauldin, an illustrator in the army.  Patton was pissed off at the cartoons.   This is not a cartoon, but a film version of the characters.   BA

AA78 We're on the Jury (37) A befuddled real estate developer (Victor Moore) and a chatty fast-talking socialite busybody (Helen Broderick) find themselves seated as jurors in a murder trial.  Similar to 'Ladies of the Jury' from 1932.   BA

AA93 Who Killed Santa Claus? (41) aka: The Killing of Santa Claus  aka: L'assassinat du Père Noël     A maker of globes, living in a remote Alpine village, is murdered on Christmas Eve while dressed as Father Christmas.  Who will give gifts to the children? There is a list of suspects and also a diamond, worth the whole village, stolen from the church.  This movie is drenched in dark atmosphere, and the first film that the Nazis allowed to be made in occupied France, so no wonder.  But if you watch, the director actually made a film of good and evil.  The Nazis didn't get the message.  The lead star of this film Harry Bauer, the famous Yiddish actor, was tortured to death by the Gestapo in 1943 Paris, France.    In French with English subtitles  BA



L184 Cabiria (1914) Produced in the period just before WWI, in celebration of Italy's victory over the Libyan army in 1912.  A visually spectacular film that inspired Cecil B. De Mille to go big or go home.  The young girl Cabiria, is separated from her parents in war and begins her journey through the world of ancient Rome.  She experiences the eruption of Mt. Etna, is captured by pirates, is witness to the barbaric splendor of Carthage, Hannibal crossing the Alps, and horrifyingly, human sacrifice.  Cabiria is one tough cookie!  An amazing production that would cost 800 million or more to make this 'practical' way today.  With English title cards.  BA

AA118 Decameron Nights (53) Three tales from 'The Decameron' sanitized for 1953, but still displaying a lavish spectacle.  A glimpse into Renaissance Italy featuring tales of infidelity.  The conflict and passion, amidst sorcery and breathtaking backdrops, sets the stage for the days when knights were bold.  They try to dare, but production codes would only go so far.  Still, worth a look, and featuring a great cast that includes Joan Collins, Louis Jourdan, Joan Fontaine and Binnie Barnes, each of these actors in all three of the tales playing different characters.  BA

AA52 Devil's Eye, The (60) aka: Djävulens öga   A young woman's chastity is a sty in the Devil's Eye!  Don Juan is on a mission from Hell to seduce the vicar's daughter and make sure she is no longer a virgin on her wedding day.  Don Juan and his companion, make their way into the vicar's home.  Don Juan is out to get the daughter, while his companion goes after the hypochondriac wife of the vicar.  Things get complicated when Don Juan falls in love.  Satan "Our Hell is loaded with weapons that we can fire at this young woman's loins." Light-hearted Swedish fantasy with English subtitles. 

AA38 Forbidden Island (59) aka: Il tesoro dell'isola proibita  When a man hires a team of divers to retrieve an item from a sunken ship, the object turns out to be a priceless jewel.  When one of the divers makes a startlingly grisly surprise discovery, all hell breaks loose (in a strictly low-budget 1959 sort of way).  Nice underwater photography.   Magnificent Color Upgrade!  BA

AA39 Friend of a Jolly Devil (87) aka: Przyjaciel wesolego diabla   Janek must leave the safety of his home on a journey to conquer the lord of darkness in order to save his father from blindness.  On his path he meets a hairy ape-like man with magical powers who calls himself 'Pipe'.  Pipe becomes his 'jolly' traveling companion.  Two evil hunters are also on the trail, dressed in leather.  The Lord of Darkness is a surprise.....  Fantasy from Poland with English subtitles  BA

AA60 Machine to Kill Bad People, The (52) aka: La macchina ammazzacattivi   A spirit visits a photographer in a small seaside village and bestows upon him a murderous super power.  What happens when a random everyman is given the power over life and death?  The village is typical in the workings of political confusions, religious processions, secret deals and the like.  There are many opportunities to improve the place if the right people are deleted.  In Italian with English subtitles  BA

U996 On the Comet (70) aka: Na komete   Special effects genius Karl Zeman directs his version of the Jules Verne classic, again tampering with the tale leaving in the basic concept.  Russia invaded Czechoslovakia during the filming, making this his last full length feature.  In America our version was 'Valley of the Dragons' 1961 (#D288, get it!).  When the dinosaurs appear, they come in herds, This is Karl Zeman, so the special effects techniques are varied.  We get stop-motion and amazing visuals.  Visuals that made me adjust my brain into the world of the surreal because much of the film is shot in monochrome tints of various colors.  Read the book.  Watch the movie.   English dubbed   BA 

AA62 Picture of a Nymph (87) aka: Hua zhong xian   While in battle with a demon, a disciple of a Taoist monk burns down the house of a scholar, who he then takes in to the house with his master, in order to protect him from the evil forces out to claim his soul.  A female ghost is persistent, and the scholar falls in love with her, painting her picture so she can use it as a cloak to hide from the King Ghost's grasp.  Spectacular martial arts action and special effects.  Widescreen  Cantonese with English subtitles  BA

6492 Pinchcliffe Grand Prix, The (82) aka: Flåklypa Grand Prix  Stop-motion animated from Norway!  In the sleepy little village of Pinchcliffe, the inventor Theodore Rimstoke watches as Rudolph Gore-Slimey challenges all to an automobile race on a newscast.  Goaded on by his two assistants, Lambert the Hedgehog and Sonny Duckworth the bird, Theodore decides to build a superior vehicle so he can put Rudolph Gore-Slimy in his place!  But there is sabotage!  Will they make it to the finish line?   English dubbed

L473 Pra Apai-Manee (02) aka: The Price, the Witch and the Mermaid  We enter into a world where sea witches reign!  One of two princes is kidnapped by a sex witch who has fallen in love with him.  His brother collects warriors for a rescue attempt.  A fantasy film from Thailand with some pretty cool monsters inspired by Greek mythology and Ray Harryhausen.  Thai with English subs

Q621 Robinson Crusoe (88)  Animated running under an hour adaptation of the classic tale by Daniel Defoe.  Nice color, fairly decent animation and some of the actors providing voices include Alistair Duncan and John Llewellyn. 

Y534 Robinson Crusoe and the Tiger (70) aka: Le avventure di Robinson Crusoe  Hugo Stiglitz is Robinson Crusoe in this version of the tale, with additions and changes.  Also on the island is a hungry tiger which chases him around some, until he traps and then tames the tiger.  Much of the film of course is Crusoe putting together his living conditions.  Cannibals arrive with a boy they plan on devouring.  Crusoe saves him and they run on the beach.  Put some pants on son!  The boy is Friday.  This film met with acclaim for Hugo Stiglitz and director Rene Cardona Jr. back in the day.  BA

T590 Saul and David (64) aka: Saul e David  No film with the biblical David is complete without showing his triumph over Goliath when he was young as we see here.  The bulk of the film is made up of the conflicts between the two first kings of Israel.  Highlights of the movie are the bloody execution of stubborn priests and the final battles shot in Almeria, a location at that time full of spaghetti western productions.  Gianni Garko is David.  BA 

AA116 Sigfrido (58) aka: Le Chevalier blanc  The dragon sequence featuring a monster created by Carlo Rambaldi (who created E.T. later) happens somewhat early on in this version of the mighty Siegfried.  It was his first film monster, and quite a spectacle.  The blood is bright red.  The entire world created in this film is like stepping into another dimension.  The sets are colorful and luscious.  Overall a simplification of the saga of Siegfried, with all of the main parts, and a rushed part in the last sequence of the Queen's revenge.  Medieval fantasy with a nice score.  Enter the world of Sigfrido!  Now in Italian with English subtitles!  BA

M36 Spartaco (53) aka: Sins of Rome  aka: Espartaco  1st century B.C. slave revolt led by the Thracian slave Spartacus (or 'Spartaco', whichever you prefer) played by Massimo Girotti.  With not one but two leading ladies.  Gianna Maria Canale as 'Sabina' and ballerina Ludmilla Tcherina as 'Amitis'.  Lace up your sandals and get ready for some hairy-chested gladiatorial combat.  This is a precursor for what was to follow so many of the protocols were still developing.  Visual effects by Mario Bava.  Directed by Riccardo Freda.  BA

AA41 Voice of Herbs (92) aka: Golos Travy    Two men with wings, one of them a dwarf, observe the doings of an ugly old witch and her abused apprentice.  The apprentice is obviously not feeling it, especially when she realizes the price she must pay.  But is it too late?  And can these weird winged men be of any help to her plight?  Ukrainian with English subtitles

AA44 Watari, Ninja Boy (66) aka: Daininjutsu eiga Watari   Watari is a young ninja boy who fights with a battle axe on a rope he uses like a grapnel.  Watari can create shadow illusions of himself, make himself a giant, even fly!  There are blue-skinned ninjas, red-skinned ninjas, a steel-skinned monk ninja who fights with his bare hands, a girl ninja lodges knives from her seemingly magic skirt.....  There's also a giant cat, blood, death, and several dead children.   Bring the whole family!   Widescreen   Japanese with English subtitles  BA




AA104 Dandy (70) Dandy (Cynthia Denny in her only credited film role) goes to Hollywood so she can become famous.  She starts to go on modeling assignments set up by her sleazy agent Larry.  Meanwhile, her boyfriend Jocko (David Roya) has come along, and when she comes home she catches him with another woman.  Dandy gives up her morals and finds herself in one degrading situation after another.  This may mirror real life because after this one film, Cynthia Denny was never seen again.  Soft-core

U877 Danger!  Femmes Liberees...  (87) Two women stop for directions and they finally arrive at their campsite destination.  Time for some awkward dancing at the Go-Go apparently near where they are staying.  Two gals get down in bed.  A black chick bones a rich man.  Back at the campsite, they smoke a huge joint.  Later at the boat docks the girls party.  Sex in a swimming pool.  The black chick does another guy.  Another girl has sex in the wooded area behind the pool, and later against a tree while her friend gets it on a cold short stone wall.  Femmes, plenty with Soft-core Sex throughout.  Danger?  Zero.  Cathy Menard, Pascale Vital and more.  In French

U896 Danish & Blue (70) aka: Sex på sängkanten  Johnny (William Howard) strips down with a doctor in the uninhibited land of legal porn, Copenhagen, the capitol of Denmark.  Johnny narrates his adventures, which soon turn sexual.  This is why Johnny is here.  Live sex shows, prostitution, moaning and grinding, and here's Johnny!  Boning everything in sight.  Johnny has a nightmare where Devil Cultists have him bound, and all of the girls he has had sex with come at him with large scissors to potentially castrate him.  Lucky for Johnny, he wakes up!  Followed by sexy trailers of similar fare.  

U908 Girls Serve Their Apprenticeship (72) aka: Lehrmadchen-Report   aka: Love Apprentices  Seven sexy high school girl episodes as we see them either exploited, coerced into prostitution, raped or driven to suicide.  What the heck, it's all a part of growing up!  It's campy, it's ridiculous, and this film is also an indictment of the German apprenticeship system.  This film is a spin-off of the 'Schoolgirls' films.  One young blonde girl is gang-raped in the first 10 minutes.  All girls are 18 or older.  In German with English subtitles  BA

U905 Golden Box, The (70) Marsha Jordan and Ann Perry are busty blonde spies on a mission in a 'Man from U.N.C.L.E.' exploitation style with awkward flashbacks and scrap-heap extra footage assembled like patchwork to hold what little plot there is together.  Their mission is to find a not so secret box which is supposed to be full of gold, and a book full of coded financial records of the mafia and the government.  They end up everywhere and nowhere in endless shots of ineptitude.  But the cars and the era are still great to see, as well as some nudity from the girls, always welcome.  BA

AA12 Hideout in the Sun (60) Color Boobs Galore!  Bank robbers hide out in a Florida nudist camp along with hostage Dorothy.  Combining 'Dragnet' melodramatics and naked frolics in one entertaining cheaply constructed package that also manages to be an advertisement endorsement of the nudist lifestyle.  The 'showdown' includes alligators, snakes, big lizards, and one of the bad guys is killed by a King Cobra!   BA

U893 I, a Woman (65) aka: Jeg - en kvinde   Siv (Essy Persson) masturbates while her father plays the violin in the next room.  He dies and Siv spurns her boyfriend, embarking instead on a series of casual affairs with various men, including a patient in the hospital where she works, and even a merchant sea captain.  They all want to marry her, bed her down for themselves, but Siv cannot be tamed, nor contained.  An ironic ending of laughter.  Filmed in black and white from Denmark.  English dubbed   BA

U894 I, a Woman ll (68) aka: Jeg - en kvinde 2  The character of 'Siv' returns as a different actress, Gio Petre.  Color this time, as Siv finds herself married and living in luxury, but still unhappy.  Her husband photographs her naked, covered in priceless jewels.  A man comes to dinner and starts to fondle Siv under the table.  Her husband watches while she rides him on the couch to some weird flute music.  Later she humps a guy in his car on the beach, starting a torrid affair.  Her husband gets jealous.  She finds her husband's shrine to the Nazis.  He goes on a rant about the Jews.  Siv packs her bags.   English dubbed  BA

U910 Indecent Beast (94) A wife hires a private investigator to watch her husband, who is having an affair with a nubile young wench, and catches him red-handed with the girl.  'You bitch!  It's really not your day.' the wife says to the younger woman.  'Darling don't be mad!" the husband pleads.  The men helping the wife beat the girl, bruise her, and slash her with a blade, disfiguring her face.  Later, she slashes her wrist in the bath and bleeds out.  Her female friend is very angry.  She seduces the bad men and surprises them with a blade of her own when they are near sexual climax.  Finally, she meets the pig of a wife in an elevator, and gives her the razor treatment as well.  Next, the husband, who discarded her friend like a sack of spoiled meat.  The sex begins, she reaches for the blade under the pillow......  Partially inspired by 'Basic Instinct' with 10 times the sex and nudity.  Cantonese with English subtitles

U899 Lady Emanuelle (89) Nothing to do with any of the other 'Emanuelle' movies.  Emanuelle (Malu) is rich, married and unfulfilled.  Her husband is a pig and treats her like a piece of meat.  She's had enough of men...  at least for now.  Emanuelle dumps her husband and engages in a sexual affair with the novelist Leona (Micaela).  Trash masquerading as art, very colorful!  Lots of bumping and grinding, the men do it dressed it seems.  Directed by Pasquale Fanetti.  Italian with English subtitles

AA42 Legend of the Big Penis (83) aka: Beautiful Mystery  aka: Kyokon densetsu: Utsukushiki nazo    A militant right-wing group is organizing terrorist attacks that will result in mass hari-kari (suicide)!   Mitani, their leader, is known to have a big penis.  I'm sorry, there is no other way to say it.  After weeks of training, the militants gather for 'the last supper' which turns into an orgy.  Two new members have so much fun they sleep through the following days apocalyptic events.  Then they decide to...  Japanese with English subtitles

U891 Lesbians in Uniforms (83) aka: Sailor Uniform: Lily White  aka: Sêrâ-fuku: Yurizoku    Beginning in a swimming pool, two young women discover each others bodies and have a go again and again.  Leave them alone.  They are young, wild and free.  Everything is going swimmingly but they both have lust and sex with men as well.  What will become of their love?  Japanese with English subtitles

U887 Little Girl...  Big Tease (76) aka: Snatched  Young Virginia's father is wealthy.  She is kidnapped by two men (and a woman) for ransom.  Virginia is raped by one of her captors, the biggest idiot of the bunch who can't keep it in his pants.  The bad girl of the bunch is played by Mary Mendum, channeling her 'Candy Snatcher' Tiffany Bolling.  Virginia ends up in bed with each one!  The ending of a tied up innocent Virginia being .....  Just erased a line, can't ruin the ending!  A nice piece.  The Taking of Christina meets The Candy Snatchers.  BA

U906 Nude Scrapbook (65) While going through his photo albums a photographer has memories of each sexy participant.  So essentially we get multiple women, one, sometimes two at a time, undressing before our very all seeing eyes.  Another Barry Mahon quickie.  The ending is a menagerie of beauties in a pasties festivity of posing.  BA

U870 One Night Only (84) Sexy exploitation comedy from Canada about a plucky young lady hosting a party for some hockey players with a bunch of hookers thrown into the mix, to raise cash for ...  something.  Things get so sleazy this film makes 'Porky's' seem innocent by comparison.  Delicious cheese teetering on taboo and what-the-hell moments and sexual situations.  Yes, they went there!  You'll be glad they did.  Also with musical montages galore!  Watch out for the Christian cop and also, the pissed off pimp!  Porky's meets Bachelor Party meets Risky Business. 

U871 Ready, Willing and Able (71) aka: Sonne, Sylt und kesse Krabben  aka: Ups and Downs of Girls on Holiday   Married and bored Hugo needs some strange.  In the open, topless chicks compete on stage.  The prize to whoever shakes their boobies best and answers some really easy questions to the satisfaction of the audience?  A trip to an island vacation beach!  Hugo is on the beach, middle-aged, very rich, and wanting to score.  A lot of the film was shot on a nude beach.  Early 1970's summertime in Germany looked to have been a good time.  Christine Schuberth is just one of the many beauties sprinkled throughout.

U852 Sex Festival in Denmark (71) 'The Golden Banana' is the coveted award at the 13th Danish Festival of Adult Pictures.  A man who wants to win, sneaks about and watches what other producers are up to.  In his dream he clutches a huge banana.  Yes, he must produce the best to claim his prize!  Ingrid Steeger topless being shot at with rubber projectiles from toy guns at a 'fun' fair is a highlight.  Can we get some festivals of this quality going?  Loads of nudity, sexual situations (including well...  sex!), a drag nun man (disguise?), voyeurism and much more.  What happens to 'The Golden Banana' award at the end will have you in stitches.  It involves an orgasm for a clue.  In German language only. 

U911 She Should Have Stayed in Bed (63) More nudie fun from director Barry Mahon.  A New York-based shutterbug has convinced tenants of an apartment building to disrobe so he can photograph their ample bosoms.  Barry only selects the juiciest melons.  Fresh.  Ripe.  Glamour models all, born before their time.  The non-stop barrage of varied bare breasts is nothing short of titillating.  He narrates, and stays off camera.  That is fine, it is the girls that we are here to see.  BA

U991 Sinful Bed, The (73) aka: Das sündige Bett   A bed relates to us, the viewer, highlights of one hundred years in the service of love.  We see how a sweet young virgin was deflowered, how a sneaky prostitute helps a woman get revenge on her cheating husband, a German soldier getting a little love leave, and finally, a modern couple in the wild times of youth.  A West German sex film, dubbed into English, loaded with nudity and sexually amusing situations.  Heidrun Hankammer just one of the many beauties featured here.  BA

AA57 Sod Sisters (69) aka: Moonshine Love   After heading for the hills, Tom is taken in by a hillbilly family.  Tom has lost his memory and has no idea that he double-crossed Chico and Moose after a robbery.  Tom falls for one of the hillbilly girls.  Meanwhile Chico and Moose are about to find him.  Topless go-go dancing and soft-core sex, attempted rape.

U878 Super Boobs (various) Older mostly, gals who enjoy whipping out their hooters for the camera.  Careful, you'll put an eye out.  They are still relevant, and have a lot to offer.  An ample serving of awesome bosomy goodness.  No hardcore, just mammary heaven.

U879 Super Boobs 2 (various) Two more hours of self-centered boob handling, from some very lonely and beautiful women.  Go ahead, take a peek.  They are counting on your complete validation.  Time to get out the scorecards and make your bets.  Line up the shots and have a vote. 

U907 Sweet Bird of Aquarius (70) Steve has to rape his new wife Lori to get any action.  They go to a doctor, but really, what can that solve? Steve suggests a nudist camp for a sort of 'shock treatment' for Lori.  Oh she loosens up alright.  They become swingers.  Hot and Heavy soft-core ensues with an ironic finale.  BA

U909 Teacher Deer (78) aka: Kyoshi Mejika   Three young men pull up at forest edge, a young schoolgirl runs from the car.  They catch  her and gang rape her.  A woman is watching.  She is the new teacher.  She kicks their asses and takes their I.D.'s.  Teacher Deer arrives to teach biology.  The rape is forgotten, like this sexual assault was normal or something.  Teacher Deer employs unorthodox and inappropriate techniques of learning.  In her spare time she is very sexually active, as you will see, in very erotic sequences of lust.  The principle has been killed!  The last scene of Teacher Deer will teach/show us just what her attitude is toward sex, casual or forced.  Widescreen   Japanese with English subtitles

U999 Three for One (90) aka: Tre pesci, una gatta nel letto che scotta   Three hunky complete 'jackass' men are in for a shock.  A woman they all made fun of in high school is now a beautiful woman (through surgery) that none of them recognize.  She will seduce each and make them fall in love with her, and then dump them!  This is kind of like that Stockard Channing film 'The Girl Most Likely To' from way back when, but instead of death, sex and dismissal is punishment enough, but there is a twist!  Sex and Nudity of course in this story by Claudia Fragrasso (and uncredited Rosella Drudi).  Directed by Bruno Mattei! 

AA58 Venus in Furs (94) The third movie with this title.  'Fifty Shades' series took notes.  Themes explored every decade, in different ways, with sometimes mainstream stars, to fit the times.  It is basically an exploration of masochism, love, sadism...  who is in control and who is not.  Dominance.  Submission.  Where is the bond?  Who is to be trusted in such an arrangement?  Soft-core sex filmed in crisp black and white. 

AA105 Young Girls in Ecstasy (74) aka: Les petites saintes y touchent  aka: Giochi d'amore alla francese   A class reunion at an all-girl college dedicated to the Saint Joan of Arc prompts a series of comedic erotic confessions which we see in flashback.  Sexy stories poke fun at supposed differences between the morals of French and English, the latter laughingly coming out on top as the most liberated!  The numerous women starring in this film all look incredible.  But we know who had the most fun.  Writer/Director/Actor Michel Lemoine!  BA




AA113 Brain Blast (87) Australia.  In Sydney, a brand new drug is taking the city by storm.  Jacking intensity with the 'stinger', a device which blasts hyper-heroin straight into the jugular vein.  Subliminal audio and video is inserted into a super computer, triggering into a tape that can stimulate opioid peptides in the brain producing the ultimate high.  But the side effects of the drug are yet unknown......

U889 Craving Desire (93) aka: Graffiante desiderio  Sergio Martino directed this erotic thriller about a man named Luigi and how his life is turned upside down with the arrival of his beautiful cousin Sonia (Vittoria Belvedere).  She convinces Luigo there is no blood relationship, and manipulates him into an erotic affair, also involving him in 'for-thrills' criminal activity.  Apparently Sonia had problems in her last household because she is stark-raving mad, and jealous as hell.  Luigi's girlfriend, the daughter of his tycoon boss, is horrified.  Luigi finds himself with more female action than he can handle.  There's also black magic, incest, bondage, murder, cheating and bit of bloodsucking....  Off the rails with tons of sex and nudity.  Also with Serena Grandi.  English

AA89 Curiosity & the Cat (99) Crime thriller (horror?) from Germany.  A man is interviewed after a body is found and asked by the police to keep an eye out for anything unusual.  He becomes absorbed by the life of his neighbor.  He drills holes in the walls and watches sadistic happenings, and perhaps criminal activities.  The hard music blends with the developing violence.  He begins to put things together, alienating his English speaking girlfriend in the process.  A classic example of what curiosity can deliver you in the end, and it isn't pretty.   English subtitles when they speak German, although some of the film is in English language

AA111 Demon Is On the Island (83) aka: Le démon dans l'île   An Upgrade of this one with much better quality.  Previously listed in Consolidation 2020 #5464 Upgrade!  With English subtitles

U930 Die Sister, Die!  (78) Edward hires a nurse to care for, and then help him kill, his ailing sister Amanda.  Amanda inherited everything and lives in a gloomy desolate house left to her by father.  Asshole Edward received nothing.  Another sister went missing on the fateful night of her father's death.  The nurse meets his sister and changes her mind.  A dark gothic mansion, a tormented recluse gripped in the throes of insanity, strange psychosexual perversions, a macabre family, and a ghastly secret hidden deep in the basement combine in a chilling tale of greed, deceit and murder.   BA

AA110 Fatal Exposure 2 (88) aka: Intrigo d'amore  Married Janet (Milly D'Abbraccio) bangs the photographer, then recommends her to unhappily married Lauren (Valentine Demy), who also has sex with him.   I should have been a photographer.  This is the transition process of turning giallo into erotic thriller, with less emphasis on splatter, and more on soft-core sex.  The photographer has snapped additional pictures for the purpose of blackmail, with a female accomplice.  Compromising positions galore!  Both female leads entered hardcore films very soon after this soft-core picture.   In Italian with English subtitles

U936 Ghosts That Still Walk (77) aka: Ghost Killer  Archeologist Alice seeks the aid of Dr. Sills, an expert on ESP and parapsychology to determine and cast out the evil force that has possessed her grandson Mark.  Dr. Sills must ultimately risk her own life by attempting to intercede with the spirit of a hostile medicine man striking back from the psychic world.  Maybe Alice should not have taken the mummy out of the cave and brought it home to study it.  Rocks and boulders roll around by themselves and attack!  BA 

AA101 In Shadows in the Mountains (11) aka: Qaqqat Alanngui   Horror from Greenland!  An isolated cabin in the mountains of Greenland is the destination of a group of young friends needing a getaway to celebrate graduation.  The local urban legend enters the conversation when they realize they are not alone.  They discover signs of the territorial, avenging spirit of a hermit, discarded by society, known in Greenlandic folklore as a ''qivitoq'.  He wears a seal-skin coat (suck it PETA).  Beautiful shots of land and sea.  Blood flies, sometimes on the white snow.  A Greenland slasher!  Kalaallisut with English subtitles

AA102 Las Poquianchis (76)  Darkness from Mexico, based on the true story of two sisters who are protected by the authorities as they run their brothels in sadistic abuse.  A ring of women and children sex trafficked.   Politicians and local police bosses are in on it!  The sisters front is the church, as they proclaim their faith.  Meanwhile, their abuse of the women leads to murdering ones who misbehave.  Finally this web of horror is exposed to the public.  Sadly, this still a reality in Mexico, and now in America as well in some areas.  Shows what some people are willing to do to those less fortunate so they can gain wealth and power.   In Spanish with English subtitles

AA53 Legend of the Cat Monster (83) aka: Reibyo densetsu   On an isolated small island, there lives an actress, retired, forgotten and presumed dead.  But she is not entirely forgotten.  A screenwriter has arrived to bring her back into the limelight with ideas for a comeback.  What is script and what is reality as we enter this world of horror is anyone's guess.  Is she just a dream?  Hallucination?  In Japanese with English subtitles

AA106 Lost Tribe, The (83) The case of a Max Scarry, a white anthropologist in New Zealand, poking into Maori prohibited lands and history, looking for the graves of a lost tribe.  Max disappears.  His young daughter seems to have visions relating to him (she also provides narration).  Max's wife and estranged twin brother (who also lusts for the wife) go looking for him.  They are discouraged by the boatman and the local policeman who dumped Max off deep into the wilderness.  Shades of 'The Wicker Man' with the island setting and the hunter leading the hunter.  A feeling of dread.  BA

U994 Love Hunter (72) aka: Koi no karyûdo: Rabu hantâ   A young couple find themselves drawn into the sexual world of a possibly psychotic woman who is engaged to be married, and spends her time hanging out in nightclubs with drag queens.  The man is as if hypnotized with pleasures, and pleasures to come.  The wife sees danger ahead, and she's quite right.  This film is infamous because the director was charged with obscenity and arrested.  He was tried twice, acquitted both times.  Lots of hot Japanese chicks and sex.  A film of overheated sex maniacs!  Widescreen  Japanese with English subtitles

U945 Metamonstruos and the Mansion of Terror (87) aka: Los matamonstruos en la mansión del terror   Cops must face the monsters and ghosts that dwell inside a haunted mansion in this horror comedy spoof from Argentina.  Spanish language 

U947 Monstroid (80) aka: The Toxic Horror  aka: The Beast from Beyond   In a small village in Columbia, industrial pollution in a nearby lake has spawned a terrible water serpent dragon monster.  This really happened in June 1971, or so they claim.  It was probably a rogue Orinoco crocodile.  But this is one healthy robust monster.  And it's very hostile.  Corporate greed, superstition and a cool monster that takes forever to reveal itself.  This one is quite the mess.  But still worth a look.  John Carradine, James Mitchum, Anthony Eisley, Philip Carey and Aldo Sambrell star.  Filmed in New Mexico.  BA

AA112 No Thanks, Coffee Makes Me Nervous (82) aka: No grazie, il caffè mi rende nervoso  Calling himself 'Funicula', a murderer is on a killing spree during the 'New Naples First Festival' after the collapse of some scaffolding outside a theater.  Whoever the killer is, he has it out for a real life trombone player, and the scriptwriter, both playing themselves.  One of them, strangled, and then pizza jammed into his mouth!  Mama Mia!  The killer is stuck on the popular song 'Funicula, Funicula'.  The killer is against change and development, a nervous wreck, and don't offer him coffee!  A very unconventional giallo.  In Italian with English subtitles  BA

U885 Pleasure Campus, Secret Games (80) aka: Kairaku gakuen: Kinjirareta asobi   In school detention, a female student, thinking she is alone, masturbates.  She is caught by a teacher, who rapes her.  He goes out the window and another teacher does the same thing in sick ways of molestation.  Her abuse continues.....  More stories of violent rape and perversion follow.  This is supposed to be a sex comedy!  Everything about it is so wrong you won't believe what you are seeing.  Rape, Sex and Nudity.  Widescreen   Japanese with English subtitles

U956 Plunge Into Darkness (78) aka: Salto en la oscuridad  Two escaped convicts, two vacationing couples and an adolescent hitchhiker are all making their way through a desolate stretch of outback near the small town of Cavalry.  Cars breakdown, paths criss-cross, perceptions get skewed and deaths ensue.  The young boy, thought to be newly orphaned, is a hair-trigger psychotic who murdered two people who picked him up hitchhiking.  The escaped convicts are equally dangerous.  Plunge into Darkness!    BA

U902 Sexcapade in Mexico (73) A cute blonde and her boyfriend go south of the border on a trip for fun.  Meanwhile we see some guys partying and having sex with hookers.  The hookers rob the men when they pass out.  Meanwhile, the couple observes some dirt road racing featuring wild looking cars.  Then, they hitchhike!  In Mexico!  Very stupid move.  The bad hombres pick them up in their large red van and take them to a remote cabin where they rape the blonde girl while her boyfriend is tied up on the floor.  They manage to escape and are hunted through the woods.  Finally, they are ready to fight back!  They have no trouble with killing!  Soft-core sex throughout the film.  BA 

U965 Shadow of Chikara (77) aka: Wishbone Cutter  aka: Curse of Demon Mountain   aka: Diamond Mountain  What evil presence haunts this place?  Joe Don Baker and his faithful mystic half-breed Indian scout post-Civil War, search for a hidden cache of diamonds supposed to be hidden in a cave.  On the way they pick up Jesus Christ Superstar Ted Neeley, to act as their geology expert.  Then they rescue 'Drusilla' (Sondra Locke) from the same fate she almost suffered in 'Josey Wales' a few years earlier.  She seems to be stumbling and roaming about the west in search of willing anti-hero types to save her.  The film may seem slow at first, but the real words are 'slow burn'.  The ending is about as creepy and hard hitting as any I have seen.  Also starring Slim Pickens and Dennis Fimple.  Contains a controversially disturbing sequence of animal violence, so if that hits you hard, avoid at all costs.  BA

U970 Terror in the Jungle (68) A flight from Peru to Rio falls into the Amazon River.  Crocodiles and fire consume all, everybody dies horribly save for one golden-haired youngster, who may just end up a sacrifice of the deadly Jivaro Indians.  That's right.  Indians.  I said it.  Meanwhile his father is looking for him.  Quicksand, cannibals, headhunters, a toothsome jaguar, snakes and piranha!  And maybe, just maybe, a stuffed tiger that comes alive!  BA

AA114 Unknown, The (00) aka: Det Okäanda   A large forest fire has devastated an area in northern Sweden.  Investigators arrive to explore the effects this has had on fauna and flora, and they discover the remains of an unidentified creature of unknown origin.  With the nightmare that follows we enter into 'Blair Witch' inspired territory.  One of the girls falls ill and runs off into the night.  Is she alien possessed? Is something supernatural entering their minds?  Everybody starts to behave strangely.  True horror in the creepy atmosphere of a cold burned out wooded area.   In Swedish with English subtitles

AA115 Village of Eight Gravestones (77) aka: Yatsuhaka-mura   There is a curse from centuries ago placed on the family fortune by a group of samurai warriors.  This is now known by the sole heir of the fortune.   Will this curse manifest into the supernatural, or are their other dirty deeds afoot?  Features a nice gory flashback showing the massacre of the eight warriors whose spirits are in question.  Have they returned to deal revenge on the descendants of their betrayers in the 1970's?  The last of the line is drawn to the village and becomes embroiled in mysterious deaths and dark secrets.  Detective story meets sheer vicious violent action!  Chilling.  Graphic.  Brutal!  Japanese with English subtitles  Two and a half hours long!  BA

AA59 Violent Rape (73) aka: Island of Sin  aka: To nisi tis amartias  aka: Island of 1000 Rapes   There they are!  Hiding on the cliff side rocks.  The guards cannot see them.  These guys are on the lam!  One of the grimy scumbags spots a naked woman entering the ocean.  'Dear God, what a piece!' says he.  I am inclined to agree.  They spy on a guy who looks to have two hot women!  All the while they have flashbacks of their naked sexcapades in the past.  The pressure is building for these degenerates.  A home invasion is imminent!  Sexual Impotence?  We'll see about that!  A Greek shocker (sort of).   Greek with English subtitles  BA

U916 Will to Die (71) aka: Blood Legacy  aka: Legacy of Blood   Heirs to millions listen to their father's will.  A voice from the grave.  They must spend time together on the country estate for three days, terms for the inheritance distribution.  The deadly games begin.  The first loses his head.  Not to be confused with the Andy Milligan film which was made much later in 1978.  Of course, 'The Ghastly Ones', 'Dementia 13' and many others tread similar 'kill for the inheritance' ground.  The house used for the exterior shots is the same house used for 'Batman' as 'stately' Wayne Manor.  Jeff Morrow, John Carradine, Faith Domergue and more star.  BA





U915 Beast in the Cellar, The (71) In a rural English town, soldiers are being murdered by a mysterious creature.  Two old ladies talk a lot, and of course, they know exactly what is happening, and it's not a creature, something else entirely.  The rural setting is presented well.  Beryl Reid and Flora Robson are fine in their decidedly sinister roles.  Not as well known or well respected as most British horror fare of the era.  This ran on a double bill with 'Blood on Satan's Claw'.  Still, some nicely edited shock moments and a few memorable scenes of horror for the truly patient horror lover.  BA

AA18 Big Catch (71) Some young boys try to catch a wild horse, so they can sell it to get money to fix a boat.  + Peril for the Guy (56)  A gang of kids are out to foil the plans of a sinister oil baron and his goons, who have kidnapped the inventor of an oil-detector device.  A  manor house with secret doors and more.... 

AA24 Blow Your Own Trumpet (58)  Jim Fen (Michael Crawford) puts in the effort and wins a place in the local band through grit and determination.  + Calamity the Cow (67) Kids get a cow ready for the show, they work so hard!  At the last minute another farmer steals the cow!  Now what?

AA80 Detective, The (54) aka: Father Brown, God's Detective  Flambeau (Peter Finch) is a master thief and steals a cross from the church run by amateur detective Father Brown (Alec Guinness) who wants to save his soul.  More works of art go missing.  Flambeau does repent, and becomes a detective for Father Brown.  Also starring Joan Greenwood and Sidney James.  BA

U940 Hound of the Baskervilles (68) Part One & Part Two - Peter Cushing returns as Sherlock Holmes, taking another trip to Baskerville Manor in a two part remake, inferior in every way to the Hammer version.  It almost seems like a play of the story, and for fans of Peter Cushing, that is the real meat and potatoes of the thing, as he delivers a skillful interpretation, on a shoestring budget.  Despite budget limitations, the spirit of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's mystery remains intact, with eerie howls and growling off camera in the darkness.  Don't walk the moors at night.  Also with Gabriella Licudi and Nigel Stock as Dr.  Watson.  Gary Raymond as Sir Henry Baskerville.  Gary Raymond was in 'Jason and the Argonauts' and more recently 'House of the Dragon' in 2022.  

U979 I, Monster (71) This is another version of 'Jekyll and Hyde' with a very colorful set design and Hammer styled touch (although this is an Amicus Production, they still were ranked second in British Horror).  Christopher Lee in the dual role, which is also a duel role, as his two personalities clash.  Peter Cushing is his concerned friend, distressed when he learns of the loss of control through transformation.  Probably no two actors have ever made this tale so real, and as an added bonus, also starring the slightly obscure British Horror star Michael Raven.  That's a young Michael Des Barres that accosts Blake (Lee's Hyde) in the alley.  BA

AA20 Kid From Canada, The (57) A boy from Canada visiting Scotland rubs everyone the wrong way, that is until he comes to the aid of an injured shepherd making him a hero.  + Black Island (79) Young boys are lost and trapped on an island, then captured by armed men. 

U944 Mad Death, The (83) Somebody has smuggled an infected cat into the country.  Rabies!  Family pets become rabid killers and wild beasts attack.  Humans are mammals, also affected, going mad as one man is given the powers to become a dictator.  He unleashes an army on a countryside that is behaving like 'The Crazies' proving that once again the most dangerous animals are human.  A grimly realistic piece of social horror.  The awful stages of the disease..... 

U948 Mousey (74) aka: Cat and Mouse  Mousey (Kirk Douglas) has lost his son when his ex-wife (Jean Seberg) moves to Montreal.  He quits his job and goes hunting for her.  To hell with the court order, his son belongs with him.  Mousey has a scalpel.  He kills a private eye that is following him.  Mousey isn't so mousey after all.  A nice woman tends to Mousey's wound.  He slits her throat in return.  The movie is cold, dismal, downbeat.  Unpleasantly refreshing.  Kirk Douglas was falling down long before his son in 'Mousey'!  Also with John Vernon.  BA 

AA19 Murder Without Crime (50) Whoops.  Stephen (Derek Farr) has accidentally killed a woman named Jan (Patricia Plunkett) he had brought to his flat after picking her up at a nightclub, after his wife called announcing she was coming home.   Stephen stuffs her body into an ottoman.  His landlord Matthew (Dennis Price) heard the whole thing and blackmails Stephen.  Stephen reaches for the poison...... BA 

AA30 New Kenny Everett Naughty Video, The (82) A series of skits and snips made to offend and titillate that backfired badly for Kenny Everett.  Kenny plays various characters in a skit showcase and some of the material really works invoking guffaws and snickers, while others will leave you speechless.  Of course no show would get off the ground without supporting players doing their bits as various characters as well, which we see here.  Tell me how naughty you think it is! 

U954 Operation Julie (85) Operation Julie is based on a very real drug bust which took place in the UK in the late 1970's.  The criminals were producing LSD on a massive scale, right in the unlikely setting of rural Wales.  The operation took a few years before they had enough to make the arrests.  The female cops are topless to blend in with the hippies.  There are numerous stakeouts, and planning at the police station.  This is the 1 hour and 40 minute version, with the fat trimmed to quicken the pace.  Things edited out are just long conversations in small rooms, so you miss nothing.  Colin Blakely is Detective Inspector Dick Lee.  BA

U997 Quest for Love (71) Scientific experimentation lands a scientist (Tom Bell) into an alternate reality.  A parallel earth that went differently as far as world events go.  WWII?  Never happened.  In this world, he is a writer, not a scientist, and he is married and deeply in love with his wife (Joan Collins).  He tries to explain his dilemma to those who will listen, but a personal tragedy in this alternate world makes solid decisions for him, and the future of his quest for love.  Deep science fiction with Joan Collins in fine form as a good girl. 

U900 Rosie Dixon: Night Nurse (78) Rosie Dixon (Debbie Ash) is trying to dodge the handsy men at the hospital she is working at, not to mention the randy patients.  Sexual assault and sexual harassment all played for laughs.  Just about everything in medical dramas gets spoofed.  Very similar to the 'Carry On' features with bawdy British behavior and rampant nudity, nonsense, sexual conquests and a cheesy theme song.  This was supposed to be the start of a new franchise, but this film flat lined at the box office.  BA

AA51 Saint and the Brave Goose, The (79) This from the series, a good beginner if you want them all.  Two episodes cobbled together and released as a feature.  With Gayle Hunnicutt

AA51 Saint Steps in ...  to the 70s, The (07) Enter into the world of 'The Saint' with Ian Oglivy narrated by Roger Moore.  + An interview with Ian Oglivy (04)  A 10 minute interview

AA17 Seventy Deadly Pills (64) Thugs have taken over the clubhouse of a kid gang who call themselves 'The Rockets'.  The thugs have stolen a doctor's car, and it is loaded with drugs.  One of the kids thinks the drugs are sweets, and passes them out to the other youngsters.....  + Treasure at the Mill (57)  A poor boy hunts for the treasure that is supposed to be somewhere in or around an old mill so he can help the family out. 

U962 She Beast (66) aka: Revenge of the Blood Beast  aka: La Soeur de Satan  aka: Il lago di Satana   Classic European Horror, first film directed by Michael Reeves.   Transylvania: We are introduced to the back story of a witch execution in the 18th century.  Through an accident, the witch returns 200 years later to get revenge.  The witch takes over Barbara Steele, turning her into a gnarly looking 'She Beast'.  In some ways this follows 'The Mask of Satan' which also starred Steele.  Also starring Ian Oglivy, John Karlsen and Lucretia Love.  Widescreen  BA

U772 Turn of the Screw, The (74) From the Henry James novel 'The Turn of the Screw'.   Lynn Redgrave as the nervous nanny who comes to believe that there is something wrong with the children in this, yet another version of the classic supernatural gothic ghost story.  The spooky tale delivers chills almost every time it is told, and this continues the trend.  A feeling of unease throughout until the terrifying finale.  Also starring Kathryn Leigh Scott.  BA

AA21 U.K.  Bloody Well Right Collection Volume 1 (various): A Yank Comes Back (49) + Watch Out (53) That's An Order (55) + Stories from Toytown Featuring Larry the Lamb (72-74) Three episodes: The Tale of Captain Brass the Pirate, The Arkville Dragon and A Tale of a Magician

AA22 U.K.  Bloody Well Right Collection Volume 2 (various): Today and Everyday (48) + The Stately Ghosts of England (65) + Six Candles (60)  + Other shorts include: Post Haste (43) The Orpheum, Bob-In the Pound ... 

U973 Uninvited, The (97) The English take on 'The Invaders' and 'The X-Files' investigating the phenomena of alien abductions with a splash of 'V'.  A photographer is witness to the death of the head of British Nuclear Power by car crash, burned to a crisp, but the next day, the dead man turns up alive and well.  Survivors of a village that collapsed into the sea due to a chemical explosion have all gone on to obtain positions of power within the British Establishment.  They are Here!   Two Disc Set counts as two. 

AA29 Warm Ale: Weird Tales from England (various) Three shows here.  First: Comic Strip Presents Space Virgins from Planet X (93) + Inside No.  9: The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge (15) In the 17th century, witchfinders are summoned to try a woman.  With David Warner + Til Death Us Do Part (66) Pilot for what would become 'All in the Family' in the American version. 

U974 Warning to the Curious, A (71) Paxton (Peter Vaughn) travels to the coastal Norfolk town of Seaburgh to search for one of three lost fabled crowns.  His inquiries lead him to the grave of a local man.  His excavation will unearth a malevolent spirit.  He learns of the murders of former would be archeologists who were after the same thing.  Something is following Paxton.  A Warning to the Curious.  From the story by famed British Horror writer M.R. James.   (A bit less than an hour long)

AA79 You Must Be Joking!  (65) Esoteric items are sought by a misfit bunch of soldiers, set loose in swinging London to locate and collect them.  60's sauciness, sending up of upper classes, pop references, laugh out loud moments and a veritable who's who of recognizable players.  Michael Winner directs.  Apparently Helen Mirren auditioned with Michael Winner for this film at the start of her career and was outraged by how he treated her, later complaining to anyone who would listen.  In return and perfect Michael Winner style, he commented that 'her breasts were too saggy and not up to par, even though she was young.' Ouch.  I like that guy!   BA




U872 4 Clowns (70)  Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Buster Keaton and Charley Chase are profiled, including examples of Laurel and Hardy's individual work before they teamed up.  Some of the best scenes of their work in archive footage.  The film that welcomes back the belly laugh!  BA

K173 Amazing Masters of the Martial Arts (86) Introducing a showcase of fight sequences featuring many of the world's best-known experts of the martial arts, including Sonny Chiba, Brue Lei and Carter Wong.  Behind the scenes of some of the most famous scenes and rare archival clips. 

AA87 Dark Horse (85) aka: Headline - Das Todescamp  Nick Fox and his friend Mac the photographer are enlisted to locate a man (that has been recruited by a militaristic training camp in South America) by the man's mother.  Dangerous secrets are discovered as they infiltrate the survivalist camp and find crime and corruption.  Of course, they are in South America!  Getting in was the easy part.  There will be deadly consequences!  Fast Moving!  Wings Hauser, Bo Hopkins, Nicholas Campbell and more star.  BA

U925 Death Strikes Again (61) aka: O thanatos tha xanarthi   A murder mystery from Greece.  When a killer murders a military officer, there are a plethora of suspects to choose from.  The widow invites a young criminologist to stay in the family home, digging through the family skeletons, looking for someone with a motive.  There will be no stone left unturned.  Solid atmospheric whodunit with suspense and red herrings.   B&W   In Greek with English subtitles

AA97 Greatest Battle of Wolves, The (89) aka: Devil Hunters  aka: Lie mo qun ying   Shing wants to take over the operation and he has an aging gangster boss on the run.  Battle of the mobsters with Moon Lee as a gangster's daughter and Sibelle Hu as a cop.  Off the rails action and gun fighting, stunts and fast-paced ass-kicking and a doomed rescue attempt.  The finale is breath-taking and over-the-top insane as three actors almost die for the sake of entertainment.  They get badly injured in an explosion when they jump out of a building and engulfed in the flames.  They all landed in the hospital with severe burns.  Cantonese with English subtitles

U876 Hollywood Uncensored (87) Hosted by Peter Fonda and Douglas Fairbanks Jr..  Sex and Exploitation versus censorship from the 1930's Hay's Motion Picture Production Code to the present.  Candid comments with Hal Roach, Sheree North, Carroll Baker, Mamie Van Doren and more!  Covers Pre-Code all the way up to 'Carnal Knowledge' and even 'Silent Night Deadly Night' with loads of 'controversial for their time' clips.  A wonderful clip from 1937's 'Love Life of a Gorilla' is just one of the many clips. 

AA85 Mother (70) aka: Up Your Teddy Bear   What a sleazy movie!  Julie Newmar runs a toy company, and wants to hire toy genius Wally Cox, who has a perversion in his mind as he likes to follow woman around and stare at their asses!  Her son (Victor Buono) is enlisted to recruit Cox.  He gets women to seduce Cox.  Victor Buono in drag, Victor Buono raping Julie Newmar in a truly horrifying scene (she'll suffocate!) played for laughs.  Wow!  And Cox, stalking women to funny music.  Oh it's so light-hearted in 1970.  Was that, wrong?  Also with Angelique Pettyjohn and Thordis Brandt.  This is an Upgrade, better quality.  The title card 'Mother' is rough, then bam, Upgrade! 

AA63 Murder Czech Style (67) aka: Vrazda po nasem  A dumpy loser of a clerk has a beautiful wife he cannot seem to satisfy.  He learns she has taken a lover and he starts to plan a double murder and his own suicide.  Things don't go exactly to plan in this dark comedy from Czechoslovakia.  Mainly because the usual ideas are not employed, and we see unconventional filmmaking that throws us for a loop with reverse footage, color scenes surrounding the mostly black and white, and a surprise ending straight out of a zany science fiction film.  Czech with English subtitles

T831 Nin x Nin: Ninja (04) A very silly ninja comedy.  The story of a lonely kid who is befriended by an oddball with super powers.  Manga updating of the ninja lifestyle, keeping the code in modern society.  Some laugh out loud moments, very light-hearted.  Contemporary Tokyo.  Hazily echoed flashback scenes.  Thank-You Nin Nin!   Widescreen   Japanese with English subtitles

7347 Ninja vs. Shaolin (83) aka: Shao Lin tong zi gong   Ruthless ninjas scheme to take control of a Shaolin temple by any means necessary in Japanese occupied China.  The Shaolin monks at first act meek until they come to the realization they must fight or die!  The peaceful hero spurred into action is a standout!   Martial arts battles with and without weapons.  BA

U869 Pursuit (91) aka: Deadly Hunter  Action adventure filmed in South Africa starring James Ryan.  Small groups of battle hardened men stalking each other in a jungle setting with a tribe of cannibals thrown into the mix.  The mission is the recovery of a large quantity of gold stolen by another mercenary from the usual struggling African nation.  The obligatory female journalist ensures a woman is in the cast, showing her skill by looking pretty through jungle treks, physical assault, attempted rape, a walk through mud, all the while her white leggings remain free from grime or stain.  The cannibals start to pick them off one by one.  A bit of karate as well, remember, James Ryan is in this. 

U912 Rock is Sex (82) aka: So Long, My Partner  aka: Saraba aibô   Rachi is a punk rocker.  The band sounds like a Japanese 'Sex Pistols'.  Rachi is easily distracted by members of the opposite sex, sidelining his productivity, putting the band in a holding pattern in which they struggle to move forward to bigger things.  There is always a pretty young thing just dying to spread her legs for Rachi.  Rachi is always ready to get his share, and then some.  Gang Rape and Bloody Violence in the final act.   About an hour long    Widescreen  In Japanese with English subtitles

U863 Rock n' Roll Cowboys (88) Made for Australian television comes this rock film with a pretty decent original soundtrack.  Starring a pre-'Baywatch' Peter Phelps, David Franklin and Nikki Coghill as Teena Tungsteen, the singer of the band.  A sound that gives an early Lee Aaron vibe.  Yes, she's faking it, part of the charm.  Will the roadie with his dreams of being in the spotlight (instead of carrying them) be realized?  Will he score with sexy Teena?  Will we all rock our socks off and hop around like kangaroos?

AA92 Scorpions and Miniskirts (67) aka: Death on a Rainy Day  aka: Der Sarg bleibt heute zu   aka:  Chinos y minifaldas   Using advanced manipulative ribonucleic acid liquid medicine, the Chinese plan to control the American Secretary of Defense in order to start World War III!  This will begin at the NATO meeting in Paris.  State-of-the-art gadgets, strange artifacts, international conspiracy, hot explosive women, plot twists, bare-fisted brawling, mini-skirts.....  Borrowing from Bond and making their own thing.   Spanish with English subtitles  BA

AA98 Secret Agent 777 (65) aka: Agente segreto 777 - Operazione Mistero   Set in Middle East, Lebanon.  A scientist uses nuclear power to bring the dead back to life, making him a target of many who want to profit from his work.   A spy (Mark Damon) sees a chance for some money when he goes in pursuit of the formula.  Unfortunately for him, so do other espionage minded individuals.  A mixture of science fiction with a dab of horror elements.   In Italian language with English subtitles  BA

AA83 Shades of Love: Sincerely Violet (87) A woman finds romance by taking on the persona of a criminal.  The writing is appalling.  The lead actress has the charisma of a tree stump.  Mark (Simon MacCorkindale) falls hard for this wretched hag.  I am not sure how.  He could do better.  I can't see a reason to recommend this piece of dogshit.  But if you want to be slowly tortured by a half-assed Harlequin romance have at it.  This is the film you put on for your wife and then sit back and pretend you think it is great, then ask her what she thinks.  If she tells you it's shit and asks what is wrong with you, she's a keeper! 

AA84 Shades of Love: The Rose Cafe (87) Courtney (Linda E.  Smith) is head chef at a special restaurant, about to marry her fiancé Mike, who is going to help her open her own place and call it 'The Rose Cafe'.  Mike has sacrificed all for Courtney.  Or has he? Then she meets her old flame Josh (Parker Stevenson) and hops into bed with him, no hesitation.  Is she still walking down the aisle with Mike?

U968 Summer Camp Nightmare (86) aka: The Butterfly Revolution   Mr. Warren (Chuck Conners) is a strict camp director.  So strict in fact, the kids revolt, and lock him up with the other camp counselors.  Chaos ensues as 'Meatballs' meets 'Lord of the Flies'.  The psychotic Franklin (Charlie Stratton) has taken over.  Their revolution is a party that results in violence, rape, and death.  They raid the girls camp and lock up their counselors as well.  The cheese, the mullets, the headbands, the ragged jeans, the music!  This is the eighties!  BA

4596 That Man is Pregnant!  (72) aka: What Do I Tell the Boys at the Station?  aka: The Broad Coalition   When Barry Bates.  NYPD detective, gets the incredible news from his doctor, he's stunned and dumbfounded.  He is indeed pregnant.  He gonna' have a baby Barry.  Imagine his shock.  But wait until you see his fiancé's reaction.  This film gives birth to a bundle of laughter!   BA

U886 Wet Lips (72) aka: Nureta kuchibiru   A jaded hooker has sex with a man who then becomes infatuated with her.  She toys with him, and again takes him into her bed.  They fall in love.  Later he spies on her as she has sex with an American.  Time for a bubble bath and, ...more sex.  A scuffle.  The pimp is dead.  The lovers go on the run.  They have sex on a train.  Through their travels, their relationship gets stranger, with sex and thieving a constant.  The masturbation song is hilarious.  Busted!  Widescreen  Japanese with English subtitles




U917 Cold Night's Death, A (73) aka: The Chill Factor  aka: Una fría noche de muerte  Vibes of 'The Thing' and 'The Shining' in this eerie tale of horror that takes place at an isolated polar research center.  Two men (Robert Culp and Eli Wallach) are confronted with paranoia, claustrophobia, and an unseen threat that wants to destroy them.  Do not ruin the ending!  If you have not seen it, have a look.  The shock at the end is worth it.  BA

A990 Cradle Will Fall, The (83) A sinister doctor kills a patient with his rejuvenation formula, and covers it up.  The investigating District Attorney (Lauren Hutton) is also a patient of his,  and even sees the doctor load the body in the trunk of his car.  The problem for her, he sees her too!  Danger is coming and also subplots galore in the convoluted plot.  Filmed in the world of the soap opera 'The Guiding Light' with apparently some of their players.  Starring Lauren Hutton, Ben Murphy, James Farentino, Carolyn Ann Clark and William H. Macy as Ben Duffy.   BA

U919 Curse of the Black Widow (77) aka: Love Trap  This is a monster movie.  Something is killing people and draining out all of their bodily fluids.  Women in a family, affected by a curse, turn into giant spiders during the full moon (and while under stress), like 'were-spiders'.  It's creepy, it's absurd, it's fun!  This movie is a box of crackerjack and a box of popcorn.   No matter how ridiculous this plot seemed, the actors made it real, playing it straight, and scaring us all senseless in 1977 when we were kids.  Patty Duke, Donna Mills, Anthony Franciosa, June Lockhart, Sid Caesar, Vic Morrow and more.  BA

U921 Darker Side of Terror, The (79) Paul Corwin (Robert Forster) lets Professor Meredith (Ray Milland) clone him.  Now there are two of Paul.  The new Paul makes love to Paul's wife Margaret (Adrienne Barbeau).  Clone perks.  Margaret sees this as an improvement, and thinks her marriage is getting better.  The new Paul can play the game, but unable to process feelings, goes on a murderous rampage.  Demented and effective made for television thriller with a satisfying and chilling ending.  Also with Denise DuBarry.  Denise Dubarry was killed by a deadly fungus in Los Angeles in 2019.  She was 63.  BA 

U920 Death at Love House (76) aka: El sepulcro de Lorna Love  aka: The Shrine of Lorna Love  Screen legend Dorothy Lamour costars with Robert Wagner and Kate Jackson in this haunting thriller.  The spirit of a long-dead Hollywood film queen possesses a screenwriter when he gains access to her old mansion, very soon after his arrival.  Also with John Carradine, Joan Blondell, Bill Macy and Marianna Hill.  BA

U923 Death Squad, The (74) Renegade Cops Become Judges and Executioners!  Cops have a little club where they murder the criminals, gangland-style, who have gotten off easy because of our faulty justice system.  This aired on television the same year as Charles Bronson was cleaning up the streets in 'Death Wish', but may have more similarities with my favorite Clint Eastwood movie, 'Magnum Force'.  An incredible cast makes it all work.  Kind of makes you misty.  Nothing like this is made today.  Robert Forster, Michelle Phillips, Claude Akins, Mark Goddard, Melvyn Douglas, Kenneth Tobey, Jesse Vint and more.  Should have been a series.  Could you imagine?  BA

U918 Demon Murder Case, The (83) aka: Brian - Die Höllenfahrt eines Besessenen  Little kid gets possessed and starts talking mean.  He screams 'It burns!' when doused with holy water.  This is supposed to be a true story.  If you believed 'The Amityville Horror' was real, you'll believe this one too.  Kevin Bacon takes on the Jason Miller role, demanding the demon take him instead.  Then he murders his girlfriend's employer and claims the devil made him do it.  As far as made for television possession films go, this is a winner.  Also with Joyce Van Patton, Cloris Leachman, Richard Masur and more.  BA

U926 Devil and Miss Sarah, The (71) Rankin (Gene Barry) is an outlaw in the old west, that strikes supernatural fear in the Indian population.  Miss Sarah (Janice Rule) is the wife of Gil, both of them homesteaders.  Sarah may be psychic and easily swayed.  Gil and Sarah are forced to travel with the prisoner Rankin, and to deliver him to justice.  Is he the devil?  Will he take over Sarah?  Will Sarah dump Gil and go to Satan?  Gene Barry is excellent as the evil and manipulative Rankin. 

U929 Devil's Daughter, The (73) Diane Shaw (Belinda Montgomery) returns home after the funeral of her mother and is adopted by Lilith Malone (Shelley Winters) a friend of her mother, who also happens to worship the Devil.  Diane has been sold out by her dead mother, who traded Diane's soul for wealth.  Diane is destined to marry the son of Satan.  But there is a classic made for television devil movie twist coming!  Also starring Jonathan Frid, Joseph Cotton, Diane Ladd, Abe Vigoda and more.  A spooky treat. 

AA122 Express to Terror (79) aka: Supertrain   A 'Supertrain' on it's inaugural run from New York to Los Angeles is an atomic-powered, 200 miles an hour miracle of the future.  It's a big sloppy mess of a pilot, loaded with special guest stars.  The special effects are actually quite excellent, Eugene Lourie out of retirement to help.  The disco music will put you smack dab into 1979.  The mob are aboard and have a hit out on compulsive gambler Steve Lawrence.  Also starring Don Stroud, Stella Stevens, Keenan Wyn, Nita Talbot, George Hamilton, Fred Williamson and more.  This is the feature length pilot to the series that lasted eight episodes before it was cancelled. 

U934 Force of Evil (77) aka: Tales of the Unexpected  Dr. Yale Carrington (Lloyd Bridges) is an honest surgeon who's testimony led to the past conviction of the now paroled rapist/killer Teddy Jakes (William Watson).  Jakes, now an ex-con has learned all the skills of a convict and methodically terrorizes the doctor and his family in the best 'Cape Fear' tradition.  Jakes schemes become more sadistic.  Carrington's wife receives a severed arm in the mail.  Is the doctor's daughter Cindy (Eve Plumb) safe? No, she's not.  Jakes plans on raping her.  The ultimate revenge.  A twisted made for television remake of 'Cape Fear'.  William Watson plays a good villain, a scary dude here.  BA

U935 Frankenstein (73) Bo Svenson is the monster in another classic adaptation of the classic, this one shot on videotape.  Robert Foxworth is Victor Frankenstein.  Like just about all of the versions, the book is ditched for the cinema.  We get the story told once again as we would expect.  Bo Svenson is the best thing about this cheap production, managing to build sympathy in the hearts of viewers as he displays humanity and pain as the monster.  The year 1973 was the year of 'Frankenstein' as everybody raced to outdo everybody else, resulting in many good films to enjoy.  The Wide World of Mystery 

U937 Frankenstein (84) This tale of the classic story of one man's obsession with the creation of human life stars Robert Powell as Dr. Victor Frankenstein.  He ignores the protests of his beautiful fiancé Elizabeth (Carrie Fisher) relatives and friends.  Through the stitching together of corpses the monster will live, and escape into the surrounding countryside.  John Gielgud is the blind hermit.  Edward Judd turns up as a procurer of Frankenstein's (ahem) specimens.  David Warner does a great job playing the Frankenstein monster.  A short and well crafted adaptation inspired by the immortal novel by Mary Shelly in 1818.  She was 21 when she wrote it. 

K534 Ghost of Yotsuya (59) aka: Tôkaidô Yotsuya kaidan   A traditional Japanese Horror film set in the Edo era full of betrayal, murder and then ghostly revenge.  A lowly samurai (Lemon) wishes to marry the daughter of a wealthy man.  The father refuses, so Lemon kills him...   He marries the daughter, but quickly tires of her and wants to marry the daughter of a wealthy neighbor...  He hires a man to seduce and kill his wife, but it goes horribly wrong...   Pretty violent and gory for 1959.  Japanese with English subtitles

U938 Haunting of Harrington House, The (81) Polly (Dominique Dunn) is out of school early and visits the family-owned hotel.  Strange things are happening in the place, and her camera is picking up images of ghosts.  Carol Ann is that you?  Also starring Roscoe Lee Browne, Edie Adams and Phil Leeds.  Of course we all know that Dominique Dunn was strangled to death by her boyfriend in November 1982 when she was just 22.  Did you know her killer only served two and a half years for killing her?

U939 Haunting of Sarah Hardy, The (89) When Sarah Hardy (Sela Ward) was a child, she watched her mother commit suicide.  Now as a young bride, she has moved back to her mother's estate.  She can hear the voice of her mother, and other strange things are happening around the house, things that she cannot explain.  Is someone trying to drive her to the point of suicide so they can steal her seaside mansion?  Or is her mother back with a message from beyond the grave?  Also starring Michael Woods and Morgan Fairchild.   BA

U941 Home for the Holidays (72) Four sisters return to the mansion of their father for the holidays.  Once there he tells them that he believes his wife (their stepmother) is trying to poison him.  This wife of his was also suspected of killing her first husband, but was never charged.  The atmosphere is drenched in rain, and there is someone outside in a yellow raincoat and a pitchfork, killing.....  Written by Joseph Stefano this early made for television giallo/slasher type cannot go where we want to go because of broadcast limitations.  But it still works on a cold night of wind and rain, and there is a swell twist in the end.  The cast is interesting and includes Sally Field, Julie Harris, Eleanor Parker, Jessica Walter, Jill Haworth and Walter Brennan.  BA

U943 Manhunt: Hunt for the Night Stalker (89) Two police detectives track Richard Ramirez 'The Night Stalker', a Satanist and a vicious killer who terrorized California in 1985.  A no-nonsense approach to the material results in a couple of voyeuristic crime reconstructions, providing some grotesque details establishing the savagery of this man's unreasonable, unfathomable, gruesome rampage.  Gregory Cruz is an effectively scary Ramirez, recently, he worked with Kevin Costner on that 'Horizon' film in 2024.  Night Prowler.  Fairly accurate for a change.  Scumbag Richard Ramirez died in prison in 2013 at age 53.  They should have let the crowd have him.   BA

AA96 Marilyn: The Untold Story (80)  Since we know what we know now (Marilyn Monroe was murdered of course) this 'Untold Story' is whatever you want it to be, although mostly somewhat accurate, except the debatable (ad infinitum) ending.  Open the files!  Yea, that ain't gonna' happen, not now anyway.   Badly miscast Catherine Hicks looks nothing like Marilyn Monroe, but the film tries to recreate some interesting scenes, such as the filming of 'The Misfits' with Larry Pennel as Clark Gable and Bill Vint as Montgomery Clift and other actors playing actors.  I am still enjoying the film overall, the cast is so good with Richard Basehart, Frank Converse, Jason Miller, Sheree North and Tracey Gold as young Norma Jean.  Two Hours!  BA

U950 Night Slaves (70) In many ways, 'Night Slaves' resembles 'It Came from Outer Space'.  James Franciscus and Lee Grant play a couple vacationing in a small California town, and realize the people are acting very strange.  An alien spaceship has crashed close by and the population has been hypnotized to help rebuild the ship.  Dutifully, the wife falls in line and goes off to help rebuild the ship.  Franciscus finds himself  attracted to Tisha Sterling, not knowing she is an alien.  He has a plate in his head which blocks him from being affected by the hypnotism of the aliens.  Also starring Andrew Prine, Leslie Nielson and Scott Marlowe.  

U955 People, The (72) Melodye (Kim Darby) takes a teaching job in a remote area populated by a strange Amish-like sect.  The kids are weird, and very secretive.  With the help of the equally perplexed town physician Dr.  Curtis (William Shatner), Melodye attempts to penetrate the mysteries of the 'People'.  Finally, the sect leaders reveal their secret!  The People, are not of this earth!  This is another one of those classic made for television films that surprised those lucky enough to tune in January 22nd 1972.  BA

U957 Rope Around the Neck (65) aka: La corde au cou   When a woman is murdered, her misfit husband mans up, determined to locate and punish her killer.  Can he do it?  Or is he the next victim of the killer?  English dubbed print

U964 Savages (74) Ben Campbell (Timothy Bottoms) strapped for cash, agrees to be a guide for the hunter Horton Madec in the desert.  When Madec accidentally shoots a prospector, Ben, the only witness, becomes his prey.  Will Ben make it through the desert in harsh conditions back to the town alive? Or be shot and killed by the vicious Madec.  Griffith shows us another side of himself, a cold-blooded killer.  This made for television movie was remade in 2014 and titled 'Beyond the Reach'.   BA


A952/D378 Sixth Sense, The: Seasons One and Seasons Two (72)  In 1972, everything occult was hip and cool.  Occult book sales were selling big, ESP was en vogue, and supernatural thrillers were hitting their stride.  The Sixth Sense is a show that starred Gary Collins as Dr. Michael Rhodes, a psychic investigator.  In each episode he encounters the supernatural.  Guest stars included William Shatner, John Saxon, Carol Lynley, Lee Majors, Ann Archer, Tiffany Bolling, Henry Silva and many more in various episodes.   Get the entire run on 14 discs for $100 + postage


U959 Something is Out There (88)  An alien has escaped from an interstellar prison ship and landed on earth.  Now the creature is on a bloody rampage, removing the organs from it's human victims.  Detectives are investigating, The creature special effects are particularly satisfying with Rick Baker, Gabriel Bartalos and others calling the shots.  Maryam d'Abo, Joe Cortese, George Dzundza, Gregory Sierra, Robert Webber and Kim Delaney star.  Above average made for television, one of a kind.  Over THREE hours!   BA

U966 Strange and Deadly Occurrence, The (74) Robert Stack must defend his family from what seems like dark forces menacing them at their new rural estate.  Thumping in the night.  Howling sounds.  Something (or somebody) wants them gone.  This plot has been done many times since but this tidy version moves along at a fast suspense-filled pace with an eerie soundtrack that makes you imagine more than what is eventually coming.  L.Q. Jones is the sheriff.  Also with Vera Miles and Bill (Deliverance) McKinney. 

U958 Sweet, Sweet Rachel (71) A psychic is using extra sensory perception (ESP) to kill from a distance in this pilot of sorts that was followed by the short lived series 'The Sixth Sense'.  Thank God there was an ESP centre or they all would have been in trouble.  Others are experiencing the hallucinations. 

F552 Terror on the 40th Floor (74) Made for television rip-off of 'The Towering Inferno'.  They really should not have had the Christmas office party on the 40th floor.  A fire has started below and is rising.  Higher and higher.  The script follows obligatory romantic entanglements involving three pairs of ill-matched employees.  Who will live, and who will burn (or fall to their death)?  Real New York City firemen battle the blaze, manfully I must add.  Flashbacks reveal the back stories of the main characters.  John Forsythe, Joseph Campanella, Lynn Carlin, Anjanette Comer and a twelve year old Tracie Savage of 'Friday the 13th Part 3'.  BA

U865 Threesome (84) Peter (Stephen Collins) and Dan (Joel Higgins) meets up in New York and beat the hell out of each other in the grass by the side of the road.  We are shown in flashback what caused the rift.  Peter's squeeze is Barbara (Deborah Raffin) and he plans on dumping her, while Joel has left his wife Laura (Dana Delany).  Dan meets Barbara and falls for her.  Something complex develops between this threesome. 

U971 Trapped Beneath the Sea (74) The story of four men trapped on a submarine due to a malfunction in the ocean depths.  A pseudo-documentary treatment of a true incident that happened off the Florida coast a year earlier.  Much of it is narrated by a TV anchorman, trying to put us in the seat of breaking news or something to that effect.  Lee J. Cobb, Martin Balsam, Paul Michael Glaser and more. 

U931 Vincent Price Spectacular Part 2 (86/79)  Vincent Price's Dracula the Great Undead (86)  Vincent Price is your host guiding us through the legend, the myth and the real truth about the very real Prince of Blood from the Medieval Ages to present day (uh...  1986 to be exact).  It's good to spend more time with Vincent as his narrative abilities were second to none.  + Once Upon a Midnight Scary (79) Vincent Price takes us on a journey as he tells three famous tales of the supernatural.  The Ghost Belonged to Me, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and The House with a Clock In It's Walls.  See the video, then read the book.  Vincent Price's haunting voice encourages a further exploration of these stories that will unlock a whole new world of reading adventure.  Theoretically in 2025 at least, reality in 1979. 

U974 W (74) aka: W is the Mark of Death  Katie (Twiggy) and Ben (Michael Witney) are the victims of various sabotage events.  The weirdo responsible leaves a 'W' at each occurrence.  Katie is not really Katie.  She is a woman who changed her name and started a new life after her violent abusive husband Billy (Dirk Benedict) was finally put in prison where he belonged.  But now, the mentally unstable Billy is out, driven by jealousy and rage.  BA

U975 Werewolf of Woodstock, The (75) While cleaning up the stage at the site of the 1969 Woodstock Festival, an electrical charge turns a farmer into a werewolf.  He begins to terrorize the locals as he turns into a werewolf most every night.  Filmed on Video Tape!  The werewolf mask looks like they picked it up at K-Mart for a $1.99.  The replica of the Woodstock stage is so small that this must have been where the Hamster Woodstock was held.  We do get a dune buggy chase with a werewolf at the wheel.  There is that.  How Andrew Stevens, Michael Parks, Meredith MacRae and Belinda Balaski got mixed up in this mess I can only guess.  But I'm glad they did.  BA

U976 Woman Hunter, The (72) Barbara Eden stars as Dina Hunter, a woman being stalked by a killer while on vacation in Mexico with her husband Jerry (Robert Vaughn) after receiving a large inheritance, and being responsible for the death of a man in an accident.  But it looks like a mysterious stranger (Stuart Whitman) may be hunting her.  Dina changes her clothes a lot and plays her role of the distressed woman well.  But is there a twist?





U998 Santa Claus (59) aka: Santa Claus vs the Devil   The devil sends his demon 'Pitch' who in turn recruits three naughty boys to sabotage Christmas, laying traps for Santa, using toys (like an evil talking doll) to try to turn the good children bad so they don't get toys....  Santa feels pain when his mechanical manifestations are hit with rocks.  Santa is from the Fifth Dimension and can be everywhere at once.  Made with the intention of decimating your sanity.  Nightmare inducing for children, like a reindeer with rabies, an underlying menace permeates the satanic celluloid, frame by frame.  A laugh riot.  Satan.  Sorcery.  Santa.  Perfect for Christmas viewing for the holidays.  Upgrade!  BA




Q787 Barrett (90) Obscure western filmed in South Africa.  Gunman Barrett (Mark Mulder) guns down an innocent bystander in a shootout.  Barrett turns in his badge and leaves town to start a new life.  Fate brings Barrett to Silver Creek, a small mining town that is being savaged by a group of ruthless killers bent on taking over the entire town.  Redemption opportunity for Barrett as he battles a dirty sheriff and a wealthy land baron, picking up his guns again in the name of justice! 

8346 Beyond the Law (68) aka: Al di là della legge  aka: Más allá de la ley   Cudlip (Lee Van Cleef) and his companions rob a stagecoach carrying the pay for the miners of Silver Canyon.  The stagecoach is then attacked by bandits, and after helping defeat the attack, Cudlip is nominated sheriff.  The bandits return.  Cudlip and his friends again win the day.  But this time, the outlaw turned sheriff is forced to choose between his friends and the silver, or his new life as the law.  Also with Antonio Sabato, Lionel Stander, Graziella Granata and a clean shaven Bud Spencer.  Oh, and Gordon Mitchell as 'Burton'.  BA

AA121 Chance: Trail of the Apache (77) Obscure western about a renegade Englishman known as 'The White Apache' tangles with homicidal scalp hunters.  Nice wilderness photography and grimy tough talking characters.  This is so sparse, it seems like real life.  No faked up Hollywood here.  Real tough men, real tough times. 

Y438 Chingachgook: The Great Snake (67) aka: Chingachgook, die grosse Schlange  Chingachgook's (Gojko Mitic) woman is kidnapped by the Huron tribe.  Joined by his trusted huntsman 'Deerslayer' the two set out, and run into some hostile pioneers, brutal British soldiers, and other obstacles on their quest.  Uber-German looking Indians fighting German speaking redcoats may be a little disconcerting to some.  Heavy on the bronzer my dear German Redskins.  An amazing landscape backdrop adds to the charm.   Widescreen   German with English subtitles  BA

Y410 Coffin Full of Previews, A (various) An entire disc devoted to spaghetti western trailers.  Now you can watch and take notes, seeing which films you need to complete your collection, though this is just a starter since their are so many of them. 

6253/3238 Cry, Onion (75) aka: Cipolla Colt   A large oil company run by Lamb (Martin Balsam) has taken over a town.  Those who refuse to sell are victims of 'accidents'.  Lamb's henchmen beat Onion (Franco Nero) senseless, and steal his deed.  Pulitzer (Sterling Hayden) publishes suspicions about a farmer's death, and obtain a killer's confession.  Lamb's men kill the witness.  There will be a showdown between the dirty sheriff and Lamb, against Onion.  The oil fields are next.  BA

Y53 Dead Aim (71) aka: Arde baby, arde  aka: Lucky Johnny  aka: Serpente a sonagli   Mexi Taco!  During an unspecified war, a traveling gravedigger adopts an orphan after the mother dies in the desert.  A rattlesnake is the catalyst for the orphan's demeanor.  The rattle around the neck.  The war ends, business is slow, the orphan is now a man.  To generate business, the orphan kills people.  The orphan wants to rob a bank, so they can build a funeral parlor and cemetery.  The gravedigger resists.  The orphan becomes obsessed with a prostitute, and sets out to find her.  This film from Mexico, sometimes drifts into the world of the surreal.  BA

10026 Deadwood ‘76 (65) Billy May (Arch Hall Jr., the creepy guy who played 'The Sadist" in 1963) is mistaken for Billy the Kid.  He can't hit the broad side of a barn so I don't know why.  He's no hero either, the Sioux chief's daughter finds that out the hard way.  She is raped.  Billy to the rescue? No.  He almost gets lynched later.  The film has great scenery of course, but Billy's usefulness remains unknown.  His ambition is never achieved.  Scenes drift and meander, searching for some semblance of meaning and failing miserably.  The preacher scene is hilarious.  'Over my Dead Body!' Okay.  Liz Renay is 'Poker Kate'.  BA

A751 Desperate Mission, The (69) aka: Joaquin Murieta  aka: La mano della vendetta  Joaquin Murieta (Ricardo Montalban) was once wealthy, but lost everything.  He hooks up with a band of outlaws led by Shad Clay (Earl Holliman).  The others, Three Finger Jack (Slim Pickens) and Morgan (Roosevelt Grier) are no angels.  They are hired by a rich man to transport his wife Otilia (Ina Balin), and, a mysterious treasure, to San Francisco.  A desperate mission.  Payment on delivery.  Miriam Colon plays a spiritual senorita named Claudina, who's along for the ride.  Treachery and greed are also on the journey.   BA

Y54 Four Rode Out (69) aka: I quattro sul sentiero di sparo   U.S.  Marshall Rose (Pernell Roberts) sets out to bring in a Mexican thief/murderer named Frenando (Julian Mateos) accused of murdering his girlfriend's (Sue Lyon) father.  They start their journey, entering dangerous territory under a scorching sun.  Water is running low.  Joining along the way, Frenando's girl, and Pinkerton employee Mr.  Brown (Leslie Nielson), a man with secrets, adding some wily flavor.  Treachery is afoot.  Also starring Janis Ian the singer as 'The Singer'.  Remember her song 'At Seventeen'  the song where she cheats herself at solitaire?  This movie was written by the famous character actor Dick Miller.  BA

K553 Ugly Ones, The (66) aka: El precio de un hombre: The Bounty Killer  aka: Price of a Man   Escaped psychotic outlaw Jose Gomez (Tomas Milian) along with his unwashed grubby comrades take over a village.  The bounty hunter Luke Chilson (Richard Stapley) is on the way.  Gomez flees to his home town with the hunter on his trail.  The townsfolk protect him, at first, until they realize what he has been up to.  Meanwhile his henchmen are terrorizing countrymen.  Widescreen  BA

AA35 Wanted Sabata (70) aka: Sabata vivo ou morto  In-Name-Only Sabata western spin-off.  The name put butts in seats.  Jim Sparrow the bounty hunter frames Sabata (Brad Harris) when he kills his own brother, blaming it on Sabata.  Jim Sparrow is on a killing spree, posing under the name Sabata, making it known to all that Sabata is the killer.  But Sabata is not the killer.  Sabata is very angry.  Director Roberto Mauri channels Sergio Leone with some obvious camera shots.  Surprise ending.  Widescreen  Italian with English subtitles  BA