AMUCK! 1978
3806 3 Sisters
at Parasite Museum
(90’s) LBX F.L. Japanese
1988-8667 555 (88) sick gore !
L895 (99) More Horror with subs
K77 A.R. 15 - Commando Implacable (88) Crazed forest dwelling rapist / killers splat - attack and kill a man's family. He survives, and man is he pissed ! Incredibly bloody violence, and brutal acts that will leave you gasping! Check out this sadistic shocker! In Spanish but easy to follow.
88 Abby (74) blaxploitation “Exorcist“ ripoff BA
6258 Abomination, The (88) BA
Q231 Abraxas : Black Magic from the Darkness (01) Renato Polselli homage ! Beautiful lush landscapes, Sleazy, Bloody, Gothic Atmosphere , Nudity - more - Great stuff LBX - F.L.
L409 Acacia (03) South Korean horror - Subs
410 Accion Mutante aka: Mutant Action (92) subs BA
Q646 AD Project EP 1 (06) Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Marco Bonini - A girl is involved in affairs of a mysterious society that supervises the activities of aliens on the earth. LBX - Subs
882 Adult Version of Jekyll and Hyde (72) Sleazy re-telling of the classic
9872 Adventures of Electric Rod Boy (87) A boy with an electric rod attached to his back teams up with a vampire creature to battle a gang. Subs !
883 Alabama’s Ghost (72) vampires, motorcycle and weirdo’s
2364 Albino (76) Chris Lee , Sybil Danning
427-L846 Alchemist, The (83)
4239 Alex’s Apartment (92) OBSCURE horror thriller BA
4199 Alien 2 : On the Earth (86) In English !
T986 Alien Abduction : Incident in Lake County (98) Yet another alien scare flick that takes it's style of story telling from "Blair Witch". A camcorder captures a physical and metaphysical attack from space and hell. Put together to make you believe the family under attack by alien forces is actually experiencing this ! Fool a gullible family member or friend and watch them wet their pants.
T985 Alien Attack (99) Fake Alien Attack flick similar in style to "Blair Witch" actually fooled some... well... fools. The lights go out as a family celebrates a birthday. The two sons go to check on the fuse box and find a UFO crashed in the woods, complete with buggy eyed attacking aliens. Will anyone survive ?
1190 Alien Dead aka: It Fell From the Sky (80) zombies ! BA
2976-L634 Alien From the Deep (89) monsters from beneath – directed by Antonio Margheriti !!
572 Alien Predators (85)
247 Alien Prey (83) Lesbians encounter flesh eating alien ! BA
6478 Alien Terminator (89) Franco Nero, George Kennedy- story manages to incorporate the KGB, CIA, aliens, Indiana Jones and The Terminator - not to mention a worldwide conspiracy plot, treasure and plenty of action and special effects! BA
1938 Alien Terror aka: Sinister Invasion (68) Karloff !
8376 Alien Warrior (86) BA
7079 Alienators aka: Shocking Dark (89) Bruno Mattei's "Aliens" rip-off
416-8303 Alison’s Birthday (79) Aussie supernatural flick
6395 Alligator (81) uncut import print BA
L244 Almohadon de Plumas (88) (From the director of Plenilunio) - Supernatural demonic low - budget thriller from Uruguay - F.L.
L462-9862 Almost Blue (01) Inspired by Michael Mann's Manhunter - In Italian stylish horror with Subs BA
1325 Alpha Incident, The (76)
884 Alucarda aka: Sisters of Satan aka: Innocents From Hell (75)
L472 Amazon Ghost (03) Thai made tale with gold and cool monsters in the jungle - F.L. - B.A.
4578 American Nightmare (83) After the disappearance of a young girl (played by a young Alexandra Paul), the girl's brother (Day) comes to town looking for her, only to find out she was a dancer and hooker at a strip club. With the aid of his sister's roommate and co-worker (Staley), they begin the search for his sister. BA
8306 American Scream, The (89) It's holy hell and no one has a prayer !
8310 Amuck ! (78) Farley Granger, Barbara Bouchet, Rosalba Neri
8377 Anatomy of a Psycho (61) Directed by Brooke (The Unearthly) Peters
742 And Now the Screaming Starts (73) UNCUT
3651 And Soon the Darkness (70) Robert (Abominable Dr. Phibes) Fuest directed British horror concerning a slasher stalking young women – with Pamela Franklin.
2658 Anemia (86) Italian vampire movie with English subs
8809-5055 Anthropophagous aka: The Grim Reaper (81) Gorgeous LBX in English! Uncut! One of D'Amatos best! BA
4641 Anthropophagous 2000 (99) German language widescreen- gore galore ! In this remake of the D’Amato classic
1443-9188 AntiChrist ,The aka: The Temptor (74) uncut ! This print runs about 20 min. longer and contains more demonic madness! English! BA
M4 Antop Drive 88 (03) Thriller with Subs
Q559 Apocalypse Mercenaries (86) Vassily Karis - Violent fun from director Leandro Lucchetti (here under alias John J. Dawson!)
L299 Appetite (98) Strangers play cards in a hotel. Loser must stay in a haunted room where you dream the dreams of the person who slept there before you....
L840 Appointment with Fear (87) Trapped in a world where death is not the end ! - BA
Q944 Arang (06) Korean horror is the latest variation of the long-haired-ghost girl genre - LBX - Subs
2721 Arcana (72) Ultra RARE “Exorcist“ style film by director of “Death Laid an Egg“ F.L. Fair Quality
3652 Arcane Enchanter, The (96) Pupi Avati directed horror with subs.
1962 Are You in the House Alone (78)
138 Arousers, The (70) aka: Sweet Kill Tab Hunter BA
L439 Asian Trailers (various) Over 50 trailers of wild and wacky Asian films - A great trailer tape !
6351 Assault aka: The Creeper (70) Suzy Kendall BA
6160 Assault! Jack the Ripper (76) Nikkatsu twisted, bloody sick fun F.L.
K63 Assaulted Female Teacher (83) Subs - LBX - B.A.
L977 Astonishing (04) Thriller - Subs
809 Asylum of Satan (71)
7353 Asylum, The (00) British horror, Ingrid Pitt!
1701 Attack of the Beast Creatures aka: Hell Island (85) BA
Q959 Attack of the Killer Hog (00) Argentina lets loose a real strange one here. A mixed bag of Elvis, Aliens, Extreme Gore, Star Wars light sabers, Nazi's, a mean Killer Teddy-Bear wielding a razor, or is it a Malevolent Stuffed Hog, or both? vehicular mayhem, a decent crucial acting gig for a frigging' Wiener Dog (!), a soundtrack that goes everywhere (is that Polka at the end credits I hear?) and more. I guess they didn't want to leave anyone out? The killer teddy bear is the coolest. It gets a hold of an electric knife, cuts a guy's guts out, then while the dude is still alive, the Teddy dumps salt in the wounds! (No, I'm not making this up !!!) You may want to put your Teddy out on the curb after this one. (C'mon, you know you still have one !). Epic at over 1 hour and 40 minutes, this may be Argentina's version of a Peter Jackson styled "Bad Taste" type of film. F.L.
Q952 Attack of the Serial Killers from Outer Space (93) A super-hero fights against the dastardly plans of a mad doctor, who aims at invading northern France with an army of SERIAL KILLERS FROM OUTER SPACE !!!!! Obscure film from France and in French Language - F.L.
784 Attic, The (80) Woman librarian devotes life to caring for wheelchair-bound tyrannical father after being stood up at altar. She fantasizes his death and finds joy only with her pet monkey. Monkey disappears and a shocking past is revealed. BA
Q684 Aunt Tiger (05) Every 60 years a legendary demoness "Aunt Tiger" comes down from the mountains to eat children. Well, it's time. And the Aunt is hungry!!! Or is it just someone with a disturbed past seeking validity to their existence? LBX -Subs
1937 Autospy aka: Tarot aka: The Victim (74) Mimsy Farmer
7294 Avenging Fist (02) HK version of "Tekken "-Violent Sci-Fi with Subs
Q654 Avere Vent'anni (78) aka: To Be Twenty - Gloria Guida and Lilli Carati star as two beautiful (but disturbed) young women hitching, stealing and screwing their way across the land and ultimately meeting a grisly fate. A modern day parable (for the 70's) that works still today. LBX with Subs - Don't miss this one!
853 Awakening, The (80) Remake of "Blood from the Mummy's Tomb " with Charlton Heston
250 Axe aka: California Axe Massacre (74) BA
3252 B.O.R.N. (89) A speeding ambulance abducts three beautiful young women to a sinister medical center where someone is making a killing selling healthy human organs on the black market. William Smith ,Russ Tamblyn, Clint Howard, P.J. Soles
L125-4871 Baby Blood (90) aka: The Evil Within A devilish beast crawls inside a woman's uterus and forces her to kill for blood - Uncut! - BA
6077-481 Baby, The (72) grim gem
7080 Back From the Dead (2001) More gore action!
Q9-3004 Backwoods (87) aka: Geek Hicksploitation with Jack O'Hara - Hillbilly father and his Geek son terrorize and murder campers - BA
4436 Bad Blood (89) Hard to find Linda Blair is the daughter-in-law of a psycho mom that can’t let go of her son. Import fair quality
T224 Bad Blood: A Time For a Change (90's) Gory Low - Budget vampire flick from who knows where? Can't find any information on this one. Obscure for sure. No information online or in any reference books on this one.
6073 Bad Boy Bubby (93) 35 year old retarded man has sex with his mom, kills his parents, and sets out into the world (first time ever leaving his tiny one room flat). He carries around a dead cat and becomes a singer in a punk rock band. Hilarious, demented, poignant and totally screwed up !!
3272 Bad Karma (90’s) S.O.V. gorefest with shapeshifting monsters! + The Incredibly Strange Film Show with Tsui Hark and Stuart Gordon!
3658 Bakterion (82) Italian language. UNCUT print of “ Panic “ with David Warbeck BA
3078 Balawis (96) Filipino rubber monster movie ! F.L.
8946 Banana Spirit (92) LBX -Subs
Q188 Baptism of Blood (96) Hints of Cronenberg , "New Flesh", "Alternate Realities", brain transplant machine. An evil woman with a skin disease has her brain transplanted into her very own daughter ! Then begins her new evil life, seducing the piano teacher, and trying to get a hold of her mother's/her assets - Subs
3676 Barracuda (86) aka: The Lucifer Project BA
M75 Basic Autopsy Procedures + Mortuary of the Dead - That's right. We continue our Righteous Crusade for Cremation. Why anyone would want their shell subjected to such depravity is beyond me (unless they were murdered and there is a need to establish cause of death). Mortuary of the Dead (also on this disc) has two guys abusing their station at a clinic with invasive corpse abuse. Showing body pieces and the like as they giggle and laugh like degenerates...Ahem. Cremation. A Better Way of Death. Amen.
Q647 Battle Heater (90) Mix up "Repo Man" with "Hardware" and "The Mangler" and you get one pissed off possessed heater seeking victims - Absurd and crazy Gore/Comedy Horror hybrid - LBX - Subs
P150 Beast in the Lake (99) aka: Monster of Costanza Lake German made monster movie LBX and with Subs
4146-8810 Beast, The aka: La Bete (75) Uncut. LBX in English! Walerian Borowczyk's trashy sleaze epic! BA
8076 Beasties (91) low budget monsters
L676 Beasts 2003 (03) Slasher on an island! Lots of gore , nudity and Sex! With Subs
574 Beauties and the Beast (85)
L806 Beautiful Sisters: Flesh Slaves - Lesbian sex and brutal situations in this Nikkatsu - LBX Subs BA
8674 Beauty's Evil Rose, The (94) subs from disc. Sexy S&M thriller ! Nudity, witchcraft, torture, monsters, guns ! Lots of women in various stages of aggression, domination, and nakedness. A friggin classic !
5135 Because of the Cats (75) Devil Cults and Sylvia Kristel
9396 Beheaded, The (03) Thai horror- Subs
3991-8312 Behind Locked Doors (76) another RARITY! Sick scientist/rapist, his sister, and his necrophiliac servant!
T768 Behind the Cellar Door (71) aka: After Jenny Died - Joan Collins - British Thriller involves a family who take the law into their own hands by capturing their "now freed" daughter's killer - BA
3058 Bell From Hell, A (73) UNCUT LBX Print
886 Bellamy: Massage Girl Murders (80)
4731 Bells (82) Uncut “Murder By Phone“ with more footage!
8877 Belphegor: Phantom of the Louvre (00) LBX and in English with trailer comes this big-budget mummy horror with Sophie Marceau - BA
L164 Belva Col Mitra (77) aka: Street Killers aka: Mad Dog Killer - LBX version of this quite excellent Helmet Berger flick and in F.L. (also available in English) One of Tarantino's favorites - BA
4690 Bermuda Triangle, The (76) John Huston stars in this Rene Cardona Jr. epic based on the infamous death trap
8067 Berserker (87) bloodthirsty Viking warrior kills teenagers BA
L245 Besame Mortalmente (90) Sex, nudity, lesbians, and a man who really enjoys strangling women as he has sex with them. Argentina film is in Spanish with some nice "naked strangling" scenes
4960 Best of Sex and Violence (81) John Carradine narrates.
2920 Bestia Nello Spazio (78) Alfonso Brescia tries to clone Borowcyk’s “La Bete“ in outer space. In Italian F.L.
4915 Betty Blue (86) Directors uncut edition – letterboxed with subs – sex and violence epic $20 VHS/ $17 DVD
3217 Beyond Evil (83) John Saxon
2718 Beyond Love and Evil (80’s) OBSCURE horror fair quality
4177 Beyond the Darkness (81) Necrophilia, cannibalism, and more in this clas"sick" Joe D'Amato directed gorefest!
L163 Biblia Negra, La (03) More horror, and with Subs! - BA
6444 Big Breast Hunter aka: Konyu Hunter aka: Female MetalBlast (90's) subs- amazing! Wait til you see the breast molds!
3399 Big Meat Eater (82) musical horror spoof
1409 Birds of Prey aka: Beaks: The Movie (87)
N35 Bits and Pieces (85) Maniac with a mother fixation stalks nubile women like a good serial killer should
4251 Bitter Chamber (94) similar to Pupi Avati’s “House With Windows That Laugh“ - a man goes to the small town of his birth– where some murders occurred and he was institutionalized. The people he befriends turn up missing and there is talk of a relative who has had various body parts amputated at various times! Subs
3580 Black Angel (89) cool , glitzy, gory, sexy Giallo
Q200 Black Belly of the Tarantula (71) Killer paralyzes victims so they can be conscious as they are viciously killed in this classic Giallo with Barbara Bach and Claudin Auger and Ennio Morricone- in English language or in Italian language with English Subs (specify).
9256-2835 Black Candles (81) X-Rated horror with orgies, drugs and a satanic slant directed by Jose Larraz - BA
2549-2456 Black Cat, The (90) Luigi Cozzi directs Caroline Munro (who had to sue to get paid!) in this demon/horror tale.
P93 Black Cobra Woman (76) Jack Palance and Laura Gemser star in this Uncut and LBX version of "Black Cobra". Lesbian snake dancer (Gemser) plots revenge on her male lover (Palance) for killing her female lover in this extra sleazy snaky smut-fest!
2437 Black Demons (89) Umberto Lenzi -Subs
9409 Black Gloves and Razors - See description on page 121
L236 Black House (99) aka: Kuroi ie - Wimpy insurance agent gets involved with a family who seem to be experiencing a string of accidents
T169 Black Magic (75) Shaw Brothers Horror LBX with Subs
5075 Black Magic aka: Baba Yaga (73) Carrol Baker
P20 Black Magic Terror (78) aka: Queen of Black Magic - BA
7342 Black Master, The (74) RARE Italian sleaze starring Karin Schubert. Voodoo and Interracial sex at a tropical resort F.L.
Q533 Black Moon (75) Futuristic and mind boggling exercise in trippy allegories with a house in the country, a talking unicorn, weird children, and an old lady in a bed that talks to rats and acts crazy. Enter a woman pursued by men to this isolated rural abode and you have just entered the dementia of this film makers world with him! Obscurity.
3288 Black Panther, The (77) British serial killer Donald Neilson (who’s been compared to Manson) is the subject of this story
3441 Black Past (90) Olaf Ittenbach’s first film is a gory S.O.V. wonder F.L.!
K15 Black Ribbon for Deborah, A (74) Bradford Dillman, Gig Young - Influenced by "Rosemary's Baby". A barren woman obsesses that she is pregnant - LBX - In English language with Foreign Subs
K170-85 Black Room, The (81) Brother and sister team rent a room to couples, watch them having sex, and kill them for blood.
8655 Black Souls (99) In German . A young student sympathizes with a killer.
1221 Black Torment aka: Estate of Insanity (64)
L934 Black Veil for Lisa, A (69) A woman has an affair with her assassin that has been hired by her husband to kill her. More plot twists in this Giallo.
29 Blackenstein (73)
6156 Blackout (78) Four killers terrorize an office building during a blackout.
B3 Blackout (88) Joseph (Psycho) Stefano scripted this shocker with Carol Lynley, Gail O'Grady and Joanna Miles - BA
7350 Blackout (85) Aging cop suspects a disfigured amnesiac is responsible for past murders
T763 Blade (72) Violent Cop action with John Marley and Morgan Freeman (small role) as our hero, Blade, hunts a serial killer - BA
4420-4207 Blade in the Dark, A (83) Lamberto Bava Uncut letterboxed gore classic! BA
L623 Blood / A Knife for the Lady - The first is an Andy Milligan film, the second is a rare horror western with Ruth Roman and Jack Elam! A ripper killer is on the loose, hacking hookers in the old west! Both 70's
117-8105 Blood and Lace (71) UNCUT !
T108 Blood Bath (76) From the director of Bloodsucking Freaks comes this satanic gore / horror trilogy of tales, done up in an over the top sadistic fashion. Entertaining low - budget 70's fun !
128 Blood Bath aka: Track of the Vampire (66)
831 Blood Beach (80)
3464 Blood Bride (72) alternate F.L. print – English language print also available SPECIFY BA
1964 Blood Ceremony (72) uncut version of “Female Butcher“ English !
6333 Blood Clan (91) 1910 set horror stars Michelle Little as the sole survivor of Scotland's mass murdering, cannibalistic Bane clan BA
1783 Blood Couple aka: Ganja and Hess (73) alternate cut version
222 Blood Cult (85) early S.O.V. gore !
Q104 Blood Delirium (88) Finally a longer version of this gem! In the opening two minutes alone there is a long running topless scene that was cut from last print we had. Sergio Bergonzilli directs. John Philip Law is a painter who is mentally unbalanced and uses blood from victims acquired by his butler (Gordon Mitchell). Later the bodies are disposed of in sulfuric acid. Also with hot porn star Olinka in a straight role (kind 'a). Great stuff!
1593 Blood Freak (72)
3485 Blood Frenzy (87) Lisa Loring (Wednesday on “The Adams Family“ 60’s show) in her only notable film appearance. (not that that means anything) Bloody graphic murders!!
4540 Blood Harvest (86) Tiny Tim.
1662 Blood Mania (71)
2784 Blood Nasty (88) unreleased campy horror with Linnea Quigley BA
1448 Blood of Dracula’s Castle (67)
7112 Blood of the Iron Maiden aka: Is This Trip Really Necessary? (69) John Carradine is a psycho film director who gives his actresses LSD and tortures them in his private dungeon
K182 Blood of the Shaman (02) Gory Horror with Subs
1963-9182 Blood of the Virgins (63) nudity and gore in this Argentina vampire flick! Subs!.
8243-1706 Blood on Satan's Claw: Collector's Edition (71) Beautiful widescreen print of this classic British period piece devil worship horror + trailers of the film + featurette with Linda Hayden entitled "An Angel for Satan" BA
3950 Blood Queen (72) Another hard to find title from Denmark master
L460 Blood Sabbath (72) Dyanne Thorne, Uschi Digart and "Luke" from General Hospital star in this nudity filled satanic witch classic - BA
8075-3657 Blood Screams (87) Russ Tamblyn BA
5178 Blood Shack aka: The Chooper (71)
4651 Blood Shed (82) not to be confused with “Blood Shack“ RARE gore film with Laszlo Papas and Beverly Ross Dir. Richard Cassidy
2347 Blood Song (82) Cool gory axe attack as Frankie (beach bum, teen idol) goes bonkers!
4614-399 Blood Spattered Bride, The (72) BA
1851 Blood Stalkers (76) Two tourists in Florida who is attacked by a chilling group of backwoods psychopaths.
28 Blood Suckers (71) Peter Cushing
1328 Blood Sucking Freaks (77)
8366 Blood Symbol (92) Evil cultist seeks to slay an athletic college girl so he can become immortal when he drinks her blood. BA
1644 Blood Tide (81) James Earl Jones. Sea beast terrorizes costal village.
869 Blood Voyage (77) One of the first " killer on board" small boat flicks delivers
7556-L717 Bloodbath (79) Dennis Hopper, Carrol Baker - Drugs, sex, terrorism, cults, sacrifices and other such behavior! BA
5069 Bloodbath in Psychotown (89) You wouldn’t want to live there– but it’s a nice place to die ! Gore on a budget BA
846-5340 Bloodbath in the House of Death (85)
9384 Bloodbath of Dr. Jekyll, The (81) Finally the full version of the Walerian Borowczyk classic ! We had offered this before as " Bloodlust" (not the Aussie Vampire flick). Now see the film American censors butchered. Udo Kier stars in this sex and violence classic.
K172-T767 Bloodbeat (85) Funny 80's horror about a possessed woman in rural Wisconsin running around thinking she's a Japanese Samurai. BA
3159 BloodLake (87) Obscure gore/ slasher
8107 BloodLink (83) BA Michael Moriarty
2781 BloodLust (92) UNCUT Aussie vampire flick- ULTRA SEXY & GORY! +The Making Of.. and outtakes, etc. 2 tapes $20.00 or 1 DVD $20.00
16 BloodLust aka: Dr. Jekyll and Miss Osbourne (81) Udo Kier
4364 BloodRage aka: Never Pick Up a Stranger (79) another obscure 70’s bloodbath! BA (no relation to BloodRage aka: Nightmare at Shadow Woods)
3358 BloodSpell (88) aka: The Boy from Hell A teenage boy is hidden at an orphanage by his mother to protect him against his father, who wants to use the boys body to be reborn…..
Q993 Blood-Stained Butterfly (74) Helmet Berger- Great Giallo with a mad killer slaughtering women in the park. When they arrest a suspect the murders continue. Nice LBX print in English. Don't miss this one! - BA
2963 Bloodstained Shadow, The (78) letterboxed Giallo thriller
3243 BloodSuckers From Outer Space (84) Farmers in Texas become brainwashed bloodsuckers
2822 BloodSuckers: Those Who Feed On Blood (80’s) Russian horror - Subs
2882 BloodTracks (86) "Hills Have Eyes" style horror BA
N28 Bloody Beast, The (94) Brutal shocking film with a necrophilia rapist killer in jail recounting his dirty deeds of violence against women with small children. Genuinely repulsive. Quality only Fair LBX - Subs
9471 Bloody Buns (00) Disgruntled food service employee kills employer and employer's kin then serves 'em up meatloaf style to new patrons who just love the new meat so more murders and mayhem occur to satiate the hunger of the masses. Subs
2497 Bloody Fragments on White Walls (89) subs
5233 Bloody Friday (96) letterboxed subs – violent motor psycho killer with Simon Yam BA
K85 Bloody Friday (72) Ultra violent crime action bank robbery classic released here under the title "Violent Offender". This is the UNCUT version with all the gore and violence cut from U.S prints BA
7081 Bloody Friday aka: The Single Girls (72) Claudia Jennings and other nubile wenches deal with a maniac who likes to kill! BA
T234B Bloody Hands of the Law, The (73) Obscure Ultra - Violent Crime Thriller with Klaus Kinski - F.L
24 Bloody Moon (81) Jess Franco slasher
8056 Bloody New Year (87)
70 Bloody Pit of Horror (65) aka: A Tale of Torture
4905 Bloody Pom-Poms (88) uncut import print of “Cheerleader Camp“
3443 Bloody Show () 50's Horror Trailers from the 60's and 70's
8095 Bloody Wednesday (87) Madman goes on a shooting spree BA
8210 Blue Blood (73) Oliver Reed- BA
Q279 Blue Movie (78) Directed by Alberto Cavallone - A woman escapes from being assaultd only to find herself trapped by a sado- masochistic photographer who, among other deviant behavior, gets off on consuming fresh human excrement. EEEEWWWW. Pretty sick stuff. - F.L.
9769 Blue Murder (85) Somebody is killing the stars of porno movies - BA
4884 Blue Nude (77) Classic sex and violence Italian language flick from Luigi Seattini BA Letterboxed
8940 Blue Vengeance (92) Violent killer escapes from psycho ward to go on a grisly murder spree. Can he be stopped? - BA
4710 Bluebeard (63) French version (in English) of Henri-Desire Landru who seduced and murdered 11 women and was beheaded for the crimes
2964 BlueBeard (72) Richard Burton plays a killer rogue with a who’s who gallery of unsuspecting beautiful starlets . LBX UNCUT !
3414-8073 Boarding House aka: Housegeist (82) BA
8960 Bobaka Baskerville (98) Campy Russian "Hound of Baskervilles" sleaze, action, gore - F.L. - BA
2435 Bodies Bear Traces of Carnal Violence aka: Torso (73) Someone is strangling coeds in Rome. The only clue is that the killer owns a red and black scarf, and police are stumped. Suzy Kendall
2434 Body Bags (93) UNCUT import version !!
77 Body Beneath, The (70) Andy Milligan vampire movie.
9767 Body Count (86) aka: The 11th Commandment - Dick (Bewitched) Sargent and others in this cheap slasher - BA
1967 Body Melt (93) Residents of peaceful Pebbles Court, Homesville, are being used unknowingly as test experiments for a new 'Body Drug' that causes rapid body decomposition (melting skin etc.) and painful death….
Q20 Body Parts (94) D : Michael Paul Girard - Teri Lee, Dick Monda
4584 Body Puzzle (91) A police officer makes a terrible discovery during the investigation of a series of murders: Each victim has a transplanted organ from the same man…. Lamberto Bava gore
Q254 Body, The (74) Carrol Baker stars in this Erotic Thriller of Love, Betrayal and Death - Directed by Luigi Scattini
T225 Bodycount (80's) Another obscure film. A cab driver is accused of a series of grisly killings. As he tries to prove his innocence, the real killer continues his reign of terror.
K189-796 Bodycount (87) aka: Camping Del Terrore - Ruggero Deodato directed slasher that stars David Hess and Mimsy Farmer
3985 BodySwitch (95) Denmark / Sweden co-production directed by Jorn Faurchou! Ulf Pilgaard (NightWatch) is the evil old scientist who tries to steal the body of a teenager. F.L.
4793 Bog (78) A 2000 year old beast awakened to kill ! Kill ! Kill ! Hilarious low-budget swamp monster stuff with Aldo Ray BA
891 Boogens, The (79)
228 BoogeyMan , The (80) Ulli Lommel!
6112 Born of Fire (83) A musician searches for the Master Flautist, a supernatural creature who is planning to blow up the world.
Q181 Boy from Hell, The (05) Japanese Horror - Subs
359 Boy Who Cried WereWolf, The (73) Little Richie Bridgestone (whose parents are divorced) goes to spend the weekend with his father at his secluded mountain cabin, and witnesses his father being attacked by 'a creature' that the boy recognizes as a werewolf.
Q982 Brain Fix (81) Extremely obscure Gore Horror film that for some reason never got released. Father and son work at their clinic and perform bizarre experiments. After living enzymes are transplanted into the brains of his patients, a parasite develops that turns them into crazed maniacs. What are you waiting for ? - BA
6465-1625 Brain Machine, The aka: Grey Matter aka: MindWarp (72) Gerald McRaney BA
1188 Brain of Blood (71) Dir: Al Adamson
1777 Brain Waves (82) Dir: Ulli Lommel
5047 BrainWash (84) Yvette Mimieux runs a ruthless psychological brainwash training program that humiliates and degrades it’s subjects- (Damn! Sounds like a church I was forced to go to as a child !) BA
2510 Breakfast With Dracula aka: Vampire in Miami ()- Italian language BA
576 Breeders (86)
689 Brides Wore Blood, The (72)
8208 Bridge to Nowhere (86) Street smart punks are hunted down for interfering with the locals in the rugged outdoors. BA
892 Brood, The (79) Uncut Canadian print w/ MORE GORE !
R32 Brutal River (05) Latest Killer Crocodile film! Subs
L821 Brutti, Sporchi, e Cattiva (76) aka: Down and Dirty - Twisted black comedy from Italy which deals with a man whose family is trying to get his fortune. Social degradation and more...Subs
L204 Buio Intorno A Monica, Il (76) aka: Muerte rondo a Monica La - Obscure thriller with Karin Schubert
4766 Burned at the Stake aka: The Coming (80)
248 Burning Moon, The (92) subs- ULTRA GORY!
4745 Burning, The (81) UNCUT with all the extra gore !!! BA
T934 Burning: The Wicker Man Extravaganza - 3 documentaries on the film! - First EX S BBC ONE Scotland: In this, Edward Woodward returns to the island this great film was shot, it looks exactly the same, frozen in time. We also get Cast and Crew interviews + Burnt Offerings : The Cult of the Wicker Man which digs even deeper into the mythos/reality of all things related to the film. And- for an additional $11 you also get the official "Music of the Wicker Man" on CD-R which has all of the songs in the film- complete + more. Come Now....You Have an Appointment With The Wicker Man ! - $25 DVD-R or VHS - Both formats $25 includes CD-R and B.A.
4997 Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker (82) aka: Night Warning
4625-2183 Butcher, The (69) D. Claude Chabrolis best known thriller- letterboxed subs
T209 Butcher, The (88) Talia Shire and Vic Tayback - B.A.
8684 Butterfly Murders, The (79) A journalist attempting to solve a mystery in "Martial World" enlists the aid of a master fighter and a woman named Green Breeze. They go to a mysterious castle where they come across poisonous butterflies and a black-leather-clad killer. F.L. Tsui Hark fantasy film BA
T931 Buyu (04) When this creepy film debuted in Istanbul on 14th December 2004, the theatre caught fire, (due to some misplaced candles) the place was evacuated, and many were sent to the hospital. Just one ominous piece of publicity that adds to the surreal ambiance of "Buyu". Gory Spiritual Horror with an awesome prologue- which leads to present day- archeologists being set upon by demonic forces is only part of the story. Probably the scariest Turkish film ever made. F.L.
9576 Bye Bye Monkey (78) Gerard Depardieu and lots of cameos... Lafayette (Depardieu) finds a giant dead ape on the banks of the Hudson river (the actual King Kong prop from the (76) Kong) cradling a chimp which he adopts. He becomes less human each day as his attachment to the chimp grows. Meanwhile a wax museum owner tries to organize an apocalypse of his own. Black comedy with an off center look at life.. love... 40 foot apes and melting wax! In English - BA
L202 Byleth (il Demone Dell'incesto) (71) Medieval tale with undertones of demonic possession. A killer stalks women in an old castle . Nudity and gore - Mark Damon -F.L. - Poor quality only on this rare title.
4783 Caged Terror (72)
7105 Call Girl Murders, The (2000) German language with English subs
T315 Camara Oscura (03) aka: Deadly Cargo - Terror on the High Seas ! - Subs
8209-582 Campus Corpse, The (77) BA
2802 Candle For the Devil, A aka: It Happened at Nightmare Inn (70)
747 Cannibal Apocalypse (82) UNCUT !
578 Cannibal Girls (72) A young couple spend the night in a restaurant, only to find out that it is haunted by three dead women who hunger for human flesh…. Comedy/Horror
767 Cannibal Holocaust (78) UNCUT LBX BA
745 Cannibal Man aka: Apartment on the 17th Floor (72)
L216 Cannibali, I (70) Artsy film - Corpses everywhere in the streets but no one seems to notice - Britt Eklund stars in this LBX Italian language oddity reminiscent of apocalyptic Fahrenheit 451 societal breakdown - Quality a bit soft
R40 Captain Cosmotic (98) German made low budget insanity with cheap cool FX (Space Ships), lots of wild battles, gore FX (some work, some don't) and a lunatic fringe underground feel, done obviously by fans who love these genres. - F.L. - BA
T584 Capture of Bigfoot, The (79) Bill (Giant Spider Invasion) Rebane directs this fun filled Bigfoot flick
N7 Captured for Sex 2 (87) A couple driving through the country meet a sadist. He abducts them and recruits the male to help him abuse and molest the lady of the group. Shocking? Savage? Offensive? You Betcha'! Subs!
3054 Cardiac Arrest (74) BA
T201-3259 Carnation Killer (73) Brian Clemens wrote this British Horror about a serial killer who has escaped from the Asylum. - BA
2999 Carnival of Blood (71) Burt Young
1646 Carnival of Fools aka: Death Wish Club (83)
LD1 Carpenter, The (87) gory unrated print - Wings Hauser
L973 Casa De Brujas (03) aka: The Witch Affair - Subs
9921 Casanova (77) Fellini directed Euro-print never released here. Casanova romances a succession of women, including a nun, a hunch-backed nymphomaniac, and an aging necromancer. Donald Sutherland stars -BA
667 Castle of Unholy Desires (68) In an ancient castle, a mad scientist is trying to revive his dead daughter by an operation, but there are certain body parts he needs that he can't get. His problem is solved when a group of drunken party-goers stumble into his castle.
1581 Cat in a Cage (68) Sybil Danning
Q420 Catherine Miles Story, The (85) aka: Amazonia Eluire Audray - Gory Headhunter Jungle Trash with loads of nudity! - BA
2908 Cathy’s Curse (76) Canadian “Carrie“ ripoff has it’s moments. BA
6471 Cat's Victims, The aka: Watch Me When I Kill (77) uncut version of this "Argento-esque" giallo BA
1561 Cauldron of Blood (69) Karloff !
Q398 Cauldron of Blood (69) Boris Karloff - Spanish Language LBX version of one of Karloff's last films -
N30 Celia : Child of Terror (88)
2961 Champagne Murders, The (67) A champagne tycoon's partner suspects his partner's gigolo husband (Anthony Perkins) of murders he's been framed for. OBSCURE French horror quality only fair on this title
8576 Changeling 2: The Revenge (89) aka: Until Death Lamberto Bava directs this shape-shifting horror tale BA
3210 Channeler, The (90) A group of college students trek to an abandoned mine on a remote, forested mountain. The group experiences a number of misfortunes and mysteries before arriving in the area of the mine. They soon encounter a hermit (Dan Haggerty) living alone in a cabin and he seems to know quite a bit about the sinister nature of the region.
8382 Charles Manson: The Man Who Killed the Sixties () DOCU BA
1978 Chicken Park (94) “Jurassic Park“ spoof F.L.
581 Child, The aka: Kill and Go Hide (77)
4860 Childhood Friend (94) creepy tale of a talk-show host stalked by a madman from his childhood. Written and directed by Pupi (House with Windows That Laugh) Avati
2924 Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things (72)
1756 Children, The (80)
L306 Children's Play (01) aka: Un Jeu D'enfants - Bizarre understated but effective horror where 2 children become possessed and people around them start to die... F.L.
2536 Chillers (89)
3301 Chilling, The (89) Linda Blair, Dan Haggerty
L644 Chinese Room, The (66) Trippy horror with Cathy Lee Crosby and German (Mexican vampire man actor!) Robles! H. G. L. styled gore and insanity from director Albert Zugsmith! Based on some popular book of the time. Pretty rare.
9412 Christ: The Movie - 3 films by Mick Duffield: Autopsy (79) 11 minutes, Choosing Death (81) 25 minutes and Yes Sir, I Will (84) 45 minutes. Try finding this trilogy in your reference books! Despairingly bleak and oft-times brutal metaphorical attacks on Thatcher's Post Falklands Britain - BA
6468 Christina (74) Barbara Parkins BA
2638 Christina the Devil Nun (73) aka: Loves of a Nymphomaniac
6437 Chronicles of Horror (97) Gory sexy horror tales with the one and only Coffin Joe! F.L.
K32 Ciak si Muore (74) Obscure Giallo/Sleaze involves a murderer slaying actresses in a Horror Film shoot. In Italian and LBX
4013 Cicatrice Interierure, La (72) aka: The Inner Scar LBX in English – maybe someone can tell us what this one’s about !? Fair quality.
N70 Circle (0?) Korean, no Subs
K193 Circle of Fear (92) aka: Alibi Perfetto - F.L. - BA
8952 City Horror: Evil Spirit (02) Horror -Subs
8951-9001 City Horror: Stage of the Evil Spirit (02) Horror - Subs LBX
8780 City Horror: Scream (01) creepy horror. LBX Subs.
9000 City Horror: The Evil Spirit (01) Subs. LBX
8781 City Horror: The Song of the Dead (01) Another cool horror episode. Subs. LBX
7352 City in Panic (86) Murderer kills homosexuals in this violent grim 80's gem BA
7154 Class Reunion Massacre aka: The Redeemer (77) uncut version with original title! BA
1968 Claws (77) Killer bear
6489 Claws (82) Killer cats on a farm BA
8071 Click: Calendar Girl Killer (89)
K224A Clive Barker's A - Z of Horror Part 1 (97) Clive Barker presents this cool documentary that accompanied his book of the same title, and aired on British T.V. - A is for American Psycho (which literally means various Psychos)... B is for Beelzebub (Exorcist)....C is for Chaos (Lovecraft) more... a fantastic education into the macabre for the uninitiated and the well - informed alike. Great Stuff!
K224B Clive Barker's A - Z of Horror Part 2 (97) Clive Barker presents...more of this great docu.
8369-2661 Clones, The (73) BA
580 Clown Murders, The (75) John Candy !
9911 Cobra Verde (87) Klaus Kinski stars in this Warner Herzog classic - Not really horror - But a Kinski classic - BA
5184 Cold Comfort (89) BA
6100 Collector aka: Neito Perho (97) F.L. w/ Eng Subs girl kills and collects people- grim fun
L895 Com.990714 (99) aka: - More horror with Subs
1207 Comeback (78) Dir: Pete Walker
Q235 Comet Strikes, The (71) Samo Hung - Obscure period piece martial arts horror - Subs
7363 Comfort Women (92) Organized brothels on the Japanese front lines in WWII. When venereal disease runs rampant the whores are transferred to Camp 731 where they are used as human guinea pigs. BA Disturbing and vicious ! Subs
T973 Coming of Sin, The (77) Patrice Grant, Lydia Stern - Sex and Nightmares at a country chateau with two beautiful girls, and then a visitor arrives.... Great sleaze from director Jose Ramon Larraz
T761 Commando Game (84) aka: Dreary Pursuit - Early S.O.V. Canadian made rarity - "Friendly Fire" Disaster at war time leaves one embittered and vengeful survivor with a goal to kill, one by one, the platoon responsible (once he's recovered). A paint ball game in the woods gives him his chance only he ain't packin' paint ! He wants everyone dead including the wives and girlfriends of the platoon as well. Minimal blood (the film maker's idea of a head shot is a little red dot and squiggly line on the victim that looks like water color paint). Awful acting and funny as hell (in a bad way)! BA
L687 Concert For a Solo Gun (70) aka: Weekend Murders - In Italian rare Giallo/Mystery/Comedy - F.L. BA
P25 Confessional, The (76) aka: House of Mortal Sin Pete Walker's slam on organized religion concerns a mad Priest. Blasphemies abound with some murders by rosary and even and incense burner. - More dark Walker horror - With Susan Penhaligon and Stephanie Beachum - BA
2381 ConFest ’94 (94) Euro Horror Convention footage. Includes interviews with Paul Naschy, Lucio Fulci, and lots of gory letterboxed clips of Euro flicks ! Lots of fun for the Euro-Horror Fan !
8662 Conquerer Worm (68) Vincent Price- American Version
2381 Contagion (87) A man becomes infected by ghosts who influence him to commit murder! BA
9191 Contamination (80) UNCUT “ Alien Contamination “
2821-5312 Contamination Point #7 aka: Creepers (90) killer vines attack! BA
2615 Conton / BioTherapy (90’s) double dose of gore in Japanese F.L. Fair Quality
L182 Contronatura (68) aka: The Unnaturals - Antonio Margheriti directs this horror in which a business man and his companions take refuge in a castle after their car breaks down - A decent entry. In Italian
2441 Convent of Sinners (86) Convent of Sinners is the story of Susanna (Eva Grimaldi), a young girl who is assaultd by her own father and sent to a convent for her sins...
4035 Copperhead: The Snake Movie (82) early S.O.V. horror involving a deranged family and killer snakes
L631 Corpse Eaters, The (74) + Garden of the Dead (72) It's a friggin' double dose of walking dead mayhem!!! Incredibly obscure Canadian Zombie gut-cruncher with nudity and the obligatory gore! (+ at no extra charge a second zombie feature on the same tape/disc at the same low price!!!)
Q195 Corpse Mania (81) Necrophiliac Serial Murderer Courtesan Corpse! From the director of "Killer Snakes" ! - LBX - Subs
2350 Corruption Chris Miller, The (72) A serial killer uses a scythe to slash his murder victims--or maybe it's *her* murder victims? LBX
1466 Count Dracula (70) Lee !
X18 Cover Girl Murders, The (93) Lee Majors, Jennifer O'Neill
1182 CrawlSpace (86) A man who runs an apartment house for women is the demented son of a Nazi surgeon who has the house equipped with secret passageways, hidden rooms and torture and murder devices. Klaus Kinski
1614 Craze (73) Jack Palance sacrifices humans to his idol.
786 Crazed aka: Slipping Into Darkness (82)
L935 Crazy Desires of a Murderer (74) Eyeball gouging killer runs amok in this Giallo - Subs
1577 Creature With the Blue Hand (71) Klaus Kinski
4739 CreepShow (82) uncut w/ extra scenes – Fair quality with some glitches BA
221 Cremators, The (72)
7364 Crime of the Beast (99) serial rapist LBX subs
L193 Crimes of the Black Cat (72) Giallo masterpiece with a nice "bloody razor" murder shower scene
3086 Crimes of the Future (70) early Cronenberg
1392 Crocodile (86)
P9 Cross Club: The Legend of the Living Dead (99) Gory action packed Zombie Gut-Muncher from Germany. This is a few notches up from the usual, and is very well made. Great stuff ! - F.L. - BA
Q11 Cross Country (83) Hitch Hiking, Murder, Plot Twists - BA
K28 Cross Current (71) aka: Homicidio al Limite de la ley - Spanish / Italian co-production Giallo with Ivan Rassimov and Rossana Yanni
2658 Cross of the Seven Jewels (87) full screen. Satanism, werewolves, nudity !
8703 CrossFire aka: Pyrokiness (2000) Japanese "Firestarter" Subs
1929 Crucible of Horror (71) Michael Gough
7472-1969 Crucible of Terror (72) Michael Raven.
8064-2794 Cruel Jaws aka: The Beast (92) Hungry shark flick - English! BA
3278 Cry Blue Sky (84) aka: Eyes of Fire -Western pioneers stumble onto Witchcraft and demons
2983 Cry of the Prostitute: Love Kills (72) D. Andrea Bianchi - with Barbara Bouchet
Q208 Crying Tree, The (05) Thai Horror - LBX - Subs
4224 Crypt of the Living Dead aka: Hannah: Queen of the Vampires (72) UNCUT print LBX
K155 Crystal Eyes (04) Excellent horror thriller! An inspector hunts a well educated maniac - In Italian
L649 Cupid : Love and Death (99) Our maniac shoots arrows of love in this German made Serial Killer Thriller. He ties one woman to a bed frame adorning her with a halo of thorns and she is found positioned like a Christ with an arrow through her chest. - F.L.
8539 Curious Female, The (70) 2177 A.D. Lotsa' sleazy situations in this bizarre rare sci-fi softcore flick BA
3454 Curse of the Blue Lights (88)
895 Curse of Frankenstein, The (73) aka: The Erotic Rites of Frankenstein UNCUT LBX Jess Franco directs
Q177 Curse of Lola (05) A dance troupe is the target of horrific murders - LBX - Subs
2810 Curse of the Alpha Stone (85)
K140 Curse of the Crimson Altar (68) Alternate version of "The Crimson Cult". This has different footage and the original soundtrack. Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee and Barbara Steele star - BA
3137 Curse of the Headless Horseman (72) BA
3875 Curse of the Mummy Village (80’s) more RARE foreign horror- LBX F.L.
3135 Curse of the QueerWolf (87) After being bitten by what he thinks is a transvestite, Larry starts having nightmares about hillbillies, ominous visits from an old gypsy woman, and having the strangest reactions to the full moon...
T957 Curse of the Sun (04) This Thai Action / Horror throws in everything but the kitchen sink ! Terminator styled imagery, voodoo reanimation, total eclipse of the sun, "Ghost" inspired Moments, Gory knife - kill, Cheesy CGI shots, high body count etc...What more do you need? LBX - Subs
5175-1277 Curse of the Vampires (71) BA
2395 Curse of Ursula, The (78) Beware the “Dildo” killer!!!! Italian giallo F.L.
4276 Cursed Mountain Mystery, The (89) OBSCURE horror thriller ! BA
Q889 Custodes Bestiae (04) Old photos and paintings with cryptic messages lead a man to investigate a 16th century sect of evil priests that actually harnessed a Satan beast to assault females to breed the Devil's progeny (told in flashback, assault and all). All this based on fact (sure sure) as the mysteries remain why some art from this era has goat footed women!?! With Subs !
9875 Cy Warrior (88) Robo-cop, Terminator inspired , Gianetto De Rossi directed action Sci-Fi with Frank Zagrino and Henry Silva
7095 Cycle Psycho (72) Biker scum abduct girls to sell to a rich pervert who has sex with manikins and corpses. Sleazy stuff.
2911 Daddy’s Deadly Darling aka: Pigs (72)
7185 Daddy's Gone a Hunting (69) Happily married and pregnant, a woman is horrified when her ex-lover turns up demanding she kill her baby to atone for having aborted his child. Suspense filled.
3180-T85 Damned in Venice (78) A blind boy receives a vision that warn him of the birth of the anti-christ. Italian “Omen“ styled
258 Dance of Death (68) Karloff !
3688 Dance of the Dwarfs (83) Peter Fonda (as a drunken helicopter pilot) searches for reptile men (designed by fx man Craig Reardon) - Hey –it’s better than “Ulee’s Gold“!
8519 Dandy Dust (78) undescribable "Eraserhead" like bizarre, out of this world, nudity filled, mindscrew!
256 Dark Age (88) giant crocodile !
8650 Dark Area, The (2000) German language "Blair Witch" rip-off
3478 Dark Dreams (71) devil cults, covens, sex, and death !
7098 Dark Echoes (77) aka: Deep Echo Similar to John Carpenter’s "The Fog"
L936 Dark Friday (93) Two men and their female friend lure two young women to a house by the sea and proceed to terrorize them... Sound is kind of weak so this is only FAIR quality...
2625 Dark is Death’s Friend, The (75) Luigi Cozzi directs
9297 Dark Minstrel (01) Violent slasher from Spain that delivers the goods in grand fashion - Subs - BA
586 Dark of the Night (84) Haunted car!
3044 Dark Powers, The (85) Evil Indian Spirits
3142 Dark Ride, The (77) First un-official ’Ted Bundy’ movie !
9465 Dark Side of my Mind, The (00) Catching a killer is not all that easy in this one - Subs - BA
T634 Dark Side of Sex, The (85) When A business man goes on a trip and leaves his three luscious daughters behind, some horny men visit their abode with sordid intentions - With Olinka! Hardcore Sex Version - Subs
Q349 Dark Tower (87) Michael Moriarty, Jenny Agutter, Carol Lynley, Kevin McCarthy and Anne Lockhart - Obscure horror directed by Freddie Francis and Ken Weiderhorn about a haunted skyscassaultr - With the people involved, you would think it would be an instant classic. Sorry to say, it entertains purely on an incompetent wasted opportunity level. Still, it works as a 'bad-movie' that many can appreciate, and Jenny Agutter is still sexy as hell...
9291-7084 Darklands (96) British horror travels the path of "The Wicker Man " with Pagan rituals, devil worshippers and human sacrifice.- BA
4597 Darkroom The (84)
P10 Dating Death (04) Strange things happen to a group of friend's who like to play "Truth or Dare" - Subs - BA
788 Daughter of Death (83) aka: Julie Darling A teenage girl whose inaction caused her mother's death arranges a similarly gruesome fate for her stepmother and brother. Sybil Danning
896 Daughters of Satan (72) A secret cult of lust-craved witches torturing with fire and desire! Tom Selleck BA
476 Dawn of the Mummy (81) Gory munching mummies stalk models in this "shot in Egypt" undead thriller BA
2222 Day It Came to Earth, The (79) George Gobel. Alien force from meteor possesses a criminal's corpse.
6243-T84 Day Killer (74) aka: 5 Women for the Killer Giallo F.L.
1714 Day of Judgement, A (81)
2745 Day of the Beast (95) Subs BA
591 Day of the Maniac (86) American version
6227 Day of the Nightmare (65) sicko artist has flashbacks of his whore mom, pays lesbians to watch them have sex and also has a penchant for killing women. John Ireland stars- also Elena (House of Frankenstein) Verdugo!
9413 De Nacht Van De Wansmaak: The Very Best of... : This is quite simply an incredible trailer collection of many rare flicks you may never see a trailer for, most in English. Naked Fist is a stand-out trailer as a naked blonde does the kung-fu bop. Angel Above .. Devil Below and Katherine the Great are some XXX trailers in the collection. Lots more sleaze and explicit gore trailers (Alien 2.... more). That's right... a trailer attack that doesn't suck! Brief narration in between clips is in foreign language. The " Shocking Africa" trailer may make you loose your lunch. Naschy! Amazons! Sex! Turkish! Astounding and recommended. - BA
L918 Dead a Go Go (99) 4 suicides talk about why and how they killed themselves in the world beyond life - F.L.
7115-1360 Dead and Buried (81) LBX
B142 Dead Beat 3, The (93) + Tom Savini and David Letterman: Part 3 : John Vulich of Optic Nerve talks about computer technology being the wave of the future as we check out scenes from various horror projects that utilize these FX, preview of Lovecraft inspired "Unnamable 2", Frank Darabont talks about his work on "The Fly 2" and more, Tribute to Hellraiser series - then check out Savini's Letterman appearances BA
B141 Dead Beat, The (90) + The Dead Beat 2 (91) Once upon a time, we lived in a world of independent features that didn't suck, and an interest in craftsmanship regarding horror movie FX, that has just about been stamped out with the advent of CGI in the vast majority of features done today. First part features : Phantasm tribute with original cast members and FX guru Mark Shostrom, Christopher Biggs and his nightmares with the MPAA over Nightmare on Elm Street 5, preview of S.P. Somtow's "The Laughing Dead", Forry Ackerman Interview, and actor V.C.Dupree talking about his stint in a Friday the 13th film. Part 2 : KNB EFX GROUP and their fun jobs, David Schow talks horror, preview of "The Guyver", stop-motion animator Randy Cook speaks about his work in "Madman" and "The Gate" and a tribute to "Reanimator" with cast and crew -Shew. -
L239 Dead Flowers (92) Austrian film . Exterminator picks up a woman and begins a relationship with her. It ends up being more than he bargained for as she is on the run from some mysterious organization and then disappears. Will he find her alive? Or will he die trying? - LBX - Subs
8771 Dead Innocent (96) Genevieve Bujold stars in this German language thriller. BA
4010 Dead Meat (93) Gory low budget horror with a crazed killer known as " The Senses Taker" who enjoys murdering his victims by removing their 5 senses. Nice use of piranhas as loving pets, but first and foremost meateaters. Lots of the red stuff in this one.
8991-5278 Dead Mother, The (93) aka: La Madre Muerte Ismael Lopez (Elejaldo), a petty criminal, shoots and kills a painting restorer during a bungled burglary, and shoots her daughter as well. Twenty years later….. Subs LBX
687 DeadLine (80) classic 80's horror/gore
3130 Deadly Blessing (81)
5133 Deadly Eyes (82) killer rats!
L938 Deadly Inheritance (68) aka: The Killer has Dirty Hands - Family battles over inheritance and starts getting gorily killed one by one in this Giallo.
2378 Deadly Intruder, The (84)
3355 Deadly Love (87) Biker zombie from Hell wreaks bloody mayhem.
3228 Deadly Nightmares (80’s)
6074 Deadly Obsession (89) A psycho college janitor threatens to start killing female students if he isn't given a million dollars. More 80's slasher fun!
3496 Deadly Possession (87) Australian slasher BA
6484 Deadly Rivals (72) Scott (Bad Ronald) Jacoby was even MORE disturbed when he was 10. He tries to have sex with his babysitter and fails. Alone and aimless- he plans revenge on his mother. BA
3482 Deadly Strangers (82)
4225 Deadmate (90) necrophiliac gets married
T581 Deadtime Stories (86) Horror trilogy - A werewolf Red Riding Hood styled tale, horror take on The Three Bears and more...
903 Dear Dead Delilah (72) The stern matriarch of a family that lives in a creepy mansion finds that a killer is hiding in the house, searching for a $500,000 fortune rumored to be hidden there and chopping off the heads of anyone who gets in the way…..
5343 Death Blow (87) assault and revenge
4989 Death By Dialogue (88) Movie script leaps off the pages with monsters and mayhem
858 Death By Invitation (71)
M19-9401 Death by Magic (00) Magician seeks a successor to continue his fight against evil - With Charlie O'Connell - (In English language with Foreign subtitles) - BA
4967 Death Carries a Cane (72) aka: Maniac at Large Another RARE giallo !
N60 Death Comes Down Slowly (72) aka: La Morte Scende Leggare - Rare Giallo LBX and in Italian language
7250 Death File Black (90's) disgusting Japanese "Faces of Death" (in Japanese) that's a close contender for sickest chunk blower spew on the barfometer. You want gross? BA
3612 Death Game (77) a pre-Eastwood Sandra Locke plays a bisexual psycho! Together with her lover Colleen Camp– they invade a man’s home and proceed to torture him to death. Entertaining offbeat and creepy!! BA
3256 Death Games (82)
T156 Death Haunts Monica (76) aka: Il Buio Intorno A Monica aka: La Muerte Ronda a Monica - Ultra obscure Spanish Horror with Karin Schubert and Jean Sorel. - F.L.
3032 Death in the Shadows (70’s) made in Holland thriller
L937 Death Knocks Twice (69) Murders near a posh hotel resort - Giallo
R8 Death Laid an Egg (67) aka: Plucked - Bizarre Giallo involves a chicken farmer who breeds wingless and headless chickens and gets involved in murder and scandal.
7086 Death Machine (95) uncut 1H 53M version with more gore! Stars Brad Dourif.
3373 Death Magic (92)
268 Death Master (72) hippie vampires !
K190 Death Merchant (90) Joe Spinell horror, his last film. Also known as "The Undertaker" this version is totally different than "The Undertaker" version with different music and lots of girls in work-out gear . Specify which version of this Joe Spinell classic you want.
2605 Death Occurred Last Night (70) Raf Ballone, Frank Wolff, and Gabriele Tinti . A man hunts the killers of his mentally retarded daughter in this Duccio Tessari directed Giallo. LBX Subs
3643 Death Powder (86) nightmarish gore from Japan subs
6340 Death Row Diner (88) BA
3150 Death Scenes () graphic gore from the police files of the 30’s and 40’s. Narrated by Anton Lavey!
4369-2450 Death Smiles at Murder (74) Letterboxed - also available full screen or in a foreign language version (PLEASE SPECIFY)
6493 Death Steps in the Dark (76) more giallo fun in this nudity/gore 70's death trip BA
6314 Death Train (89) aka: Beyond the Door 3 Satan, black magic, witches, fun! With Mary Konhnert and Bo Svenson Not to be confused with "The Death Train" (#T175)
T175 Death Train, The (78) Australian Thriller / Horror / Mystery
3559 Death Valley (81) It's the little kid from "The Christmas Story" in his own slasher flick!!
P51 Death Walks at Midnight (72) Female victims are mashed with a spiked metal glove in this classic gory Giallo which also has a Featurette on the film and the genre. - Great stuff! - BA
8447 Death Walks in High Heels (71) giallo and crime - In Italian
2392 Death Warmed Up (83) UNCUT LBX !
6485-588 Death Weekend aka: The House By The Lake (76) Classic assault and revenge saga from William Fruet BA
7091 DeathFile: The End + DeathWomen (90's) More deathfile sickness. Smell the rot. - Second flick is all dead chicks. This is really gross sick obscene stuff. Both on one tape. You've been warned ! Don't blame us when you can't sleep and feel sick all the time after viewing. A real room clearer!
8252-4775 Deathhead Virgin (73) BA
2707 DeathKiss (77)
6475 Deathmask (84) Farley Granger- mystery chiller BA
8673 (98) Letterboxed w/ subs
P116 Deathrow Gameshow (87)
1203 DeathShip (80) George Kennedy
3531 Deep Blood (89)Italian language . Original UNCUT Joe D’Amato shark flick in excellent quality! Also available in an English language good quality print (specify)
T15 Deep Echo (77) aka: Dark Echo Murderous Skull - Faced Zombie monsters rise from the Ocean Depths to terrorize a fishing village - Obscure horror
L194 Degenerazione (94) Asia Argento - Well made decent stories (10 different ones) dealing with vampirism, snuff films, S n M, and more. Subs
2804 Delerio Caldo (74) known as “Delerium“ here in the States– Renato Polselli’s MORE COMPLETE twisted violent perverted version. Mickey Hargitay stars. Subs. Almost 20 min longer than the cut U.S. print!
719 Delerium (74) Mickey Hargitay BA Alternate version of " Delerio Caldo "
1623 Delerium aka: Psycho Puppet (78) Turk Gekovsky. Maniac stalks and kills women
1980 Delitti (86) Disturbing female victim slasher flick with plenty of blood and nudity! F.L. Italian
8589 Delitto Carnale (81) Moana Pozzi - uncut hardcore version in Italian
P62-33 Dellamorte Dellamore (93) It's the best cleanest print ever + The making of.. (although the later is in Italian) Rupert Everett stars as a cemetery caretaker where the dead keep rising from the grave. His job is to shoot them in the head when they come back. There is a brilliant sex scene atop a grave with a large breasted widow (wow) played by the ravishing Anna Falchi. Directed by Michael Soavi this is the last word on this classic. Brilliant print and of course it is in English! BA
LD2 Delusion (81) aka: The House Where Death Lives - Patricia Pearcy BA
2885 Demented (80) “repulsion“ style freak-out!
4727 Demon is on the Island (83) Gory French made horror with subs
9414 Demon Lover, The aka: The Devil Master (76) BA
4476 Demon Lust aka: Savage Encounter (80)
4790 Demon of Paradise (87) Ancient fish-demon monster terrorizes fishermen and the locals.
3995-5066 Demon Rage (80) Lana Wood (sister of Natalie) exposes her breasts a plenty in this hard to find horror! John Carradine
0000 Demon Warrior (86) demon shaman seeks his revenge on the white man for stealing his land! BA
478 Demon Witch Child aka: The Possessed (76) Dir: Amando DeOssorio
1199 Demon, The (81) Cameron Mitchell
2174 Demon’s of Ludlow, The (75) BA
7366 Demoness From the 1000 Years (89) LBX subs
T956 Demoniac Flash (05) Horror - LBX - Subs
8807 Demonium (01) From the director of the "Violent Shit" flicks! Guests come together for a dinner in a remote castle. They are gorily dispatched one by one. BA
2191 Demonoid: Messenger of Death (82)
5109-590 Demons 3: The Ogre (87) BA
3879 DemonWarp (87) George Kennedy – alien bigfoot and fx by John (Troll, Ghoulies) Buechler
Q943 Den Osynlige (02) aka: The Invisible - After being brutally murdered, a recently high school graduated young man comes back as a spectre, following the investigation of his own death. Brutally violent at times and considerably intense- LBX- Subs
245 Der Todesking (89) subs
49 Deranged (74) early Savini! Uncut version with all the gore missing from released version!
Q128 Deranged (87) Chuck Vincent directed this horror about an unhinged murderess - With a cast full of porn stars like Veronica Hart, Jerry Butler and Jamie Gillis - BA
3332 Desade (69) UNCUT
6244 Designated Victim (71) giallo F.L.
2851 Desolation Angels (82) aka: Fair Game Kim Trengove, Kerry Mack- Three beautiful girls take off from their snobby private school for a weekend to a small resort town which has been taken over by sadistic psychopaths who stalk the girls one by one. Obscure Aussie horror thriller!
B140 Destricted (06) A compilation of erotic films intended to illuminate the points where art meets sexuality as interpreted by various controversial directors. ** All 7 short films on 1 DVD or VHS
9352 Deviation (71) Jose Larraz creates a film similar in style to "Vampyres". A couple in an accident are invited to a manor where sex, drugs , death and lesbians await. - BA
8682 Devil Curse (90) subs
8942 Devil Curse (88) LBX - Subs
8935 Devil Eye (02) Ghostly Horror - Subs
6512-8670 Devil Fetus (83) spatter opus - kid gets possessed, splits in half, demon emerges . creepy bloodbath - subs
471 Devil Fish (84) U.S. version of Monster Shark BA
M20 Devil Flesh (99) aka: 千禧金瓶梅之風騷孽后趙春梅 Lots of sex and nudity. A dwarf watches his wife service the local stud. He agrees to let it continue as long as she does not leave him. Her lover is captured by a large breasted whip wielding seductress who gets aroused as she flagellates - Stunning women adorn this decent sex comedy - Subs
9861 Devil Lover (72) Rosalba (Lady Frankenstein) Neri and her friends go back in time and are hunted down as witches by a determined Witch-finder. In Italian
3315 Devil Rider aka: The Masters Revenge (71)
L978 Devil Species (04) If you get bitten by this snake, you become a killer walking snake monster!!! Subs
3006 Devil Story (85) blood flies in this foreign splatterfest. Fair quality
7406B Devil Touch (01) More serial killer death F.L. w/ subs
2423 Devil With the Seven Faces (71) Carroll Baker and George Hilton star in this Giallo.
1140-T29 Devil Within Her, The (75) UNCUT “Beyond the Door“
2332 Devil, The (81) Extreme gory Chinese flick with worm vomiting, and more!
3597 Devil’s Between Us, The (72) RARE F.L. Canadian horror by Jean Beardin dealing with black magic rites and sleaze.
1981 Devil’s Exorcist, The (78) Jack Taylor
898 Devil’s Female, The aka: Magdalena: Possessed by the Devil (74)
4273 Devil’s Sword, The (87) Indonesian fantasy classic. Crocodile people ruled by an evil witch queen !
841 Devil’s Undead, The aka: Nothing But the Night (72) Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee star in this horror with killer kids! BA
897 Devil’s Veil, The (91) Lamberto Bava semi –remake of his father’s “Mask of Satan“ F.L.
4490 Devil’s Wedding Night, The (73)
4049 Devil’s Widow, The aka: Tam Lin (71) Roddy McDowall directs Ava Gardner who plays a witch.
5361 Devil’s Woman (95) sadistic horror– letterboxed subs BA
5138 DevilMaster (76) Also available in " Demon Lover " version.
3944 DevilRider (89) not to be confused with “Master’s Revenge“ - Psycho redneck cowboy stalks and kills everyone he rides across.
Q35 Devil's Express (76) Martial Arts master battles demon.
Q986 Devil's Men, The (75) Very good quality! The blood is bright red! Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasence star in this Devil Cult Horror classic. Beware the cut version "Land of the Minotaur". This is the Uncut version, LBX and with a short interview with Christopher Lee about his friend Peter Cushing. - BA
Q202 Devil's Obsession, The (74) aka: The Sexorcist aka: The Eerie Midnight Horror Show - LBX version, in English - With beautiful Stella Carnacina
3110 Devonsville Terror, The (83) Ulli Lommel !
Q895 Devot (03) Guy picks up a girl from a bridge where he thinks she is trying to commit suicide. What follows is an inscrutable game of sex and violence / dominance and submission after the guy takes her with him. LBX and in German language so F.L.
9518 Diabolically Yours (67) Does he really have amnesia or is it all a game? Alain Delon, Senta Berger
Q709 Diabolicamente Tuya (67) aka: Diabolically Yours - Alain Delon, Senta Berger Available in English or F.L. - BA
T450 Diabolicamente...Letizia (75) Married couple are unable to conceive so they adopt their niece, Letizia. She seduces the entire household causing suicides that get her closer to the wealthy inheritance her evil mind seeks... Creepy, trippy and atmospheric, but only in Fair quality due to some glitches near the end and a somewhat soft print. Still- very watchable- and somewhat rare - In Italian Language
8770 Diagnosis (01) Gory British horror in a psychiatric hospital. LBX
4039 Dial Help (89) Ruggero Deodato directed thriller BA
3372 Diary of an Erotic Murderess (75)
1457 Diary of the Dead (80) An unemployed man who lives with his wife and overbearing mother-in-law sees an opportunity to relieve himself of the old bat, which tangles him in a maze of deception. Thriller
5130 Die Screaming Marianne (70) Susan George
6461-2769 Disciple of Death (72) BA
3538 Disconnected (83) Twin sisters are implicated in a series of slasher murders. The question is, did one of them do it, did both of them do it, or did neither of them do it?
9902 Disgusting Space Worms Eat Everyone (88) Made after (Terror of Disgusting...) comes another killer space worm movie. This one in English set in the U.S.A. with goofy characters and cheesy spaceships
4088 Distant Lights (87) based on the novel “They Came From the Stars“ produced by Claudia Argento - UNCUT eerie horror
8928 Distinctive (01) More Spooky Asian Horror - Subs
6213 Disturbance, The (89) schizo gets involved in a series of murders BA
1871 Doctor Gore aka: Body Shop (71)
1720 Doctor Jekyll’s Dungeon of Death (79) The great grandson of the original Dr. Jekyll kidnaps people and experments on them with the aggression serum created by his great grand dad…..
1887 Doctor Tarr’s Torture Dungeon (72)
1977 Doctor Vampire (91) aka: Bac Si Dracula
L673 Document of a Sex Crime - Japanese language "Pink" film
3393 Dogs of Hell (82)
9825 Dogs, The (78) Gang control comes in the form of trained dogs to repel the thugs. But the dogs go mad and attack everyone! In French
Q237 Doll Cemetery, The (04) Horror ! Subs
N66 Doll Master, The (04) Korean horror with killer mannequins ! - Subs
2858 Don’t Answer the Phone (82) grim fun !
377 Don’t Go In the House (80)
1342 Don’t Open ’Til Christmas (84) t'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring...they were all dead!
585 Don’t Open the Door (79)
2809 Don’t Panic aka: Satan's Blood (80’s) supernatural horror BA
3232 Don’t Turn out the Light (87) aka: Skull: A Night of Terror A gang of escaped convicts take over a farmhouse and hold the woman living there hostage. It turns out that her husband is a cop...
3146 Don't Deliver Us From Evil (71) Two young girls choose the path of evil with dark and grim results LBX Subs
8653 Don't Look in the Basement (73) BA
6473 Don't Play With Fire (80) English dubbed uncut HK classic. Three students hook up with Pearl (a sadistic criminal) and go on a crime spree. Disturbing movie that never lets up until the credits roll. BA
3689 Door (90’s) LBX Japanese language home invasion horror F.L.
8202 Double Exposure (83) slasher
1595 Double Garden, The (70) aka: Revenge of Dr. X aka: Venus Fly Trap - Ed Wood scripted horror which involves a mad scientist's creation : A walking Venus Fly Trap Monster Man that kills! Hilarious! - BA
9402 Double Vision (02) Taiwanese horror - Subs
691 DoubleFace (69) A millionaire is unwittingly led into murder by his lesbian wife…… Klaus Kinski
904 Dr. Black and Mr. Hyde (76)
905 Dr. BreedLove aka: Kiss Me Quick (63) Monster nudie classic
T222 Dr. Butcher M.D. (80) Yes, we have the "Zombie Holocaust" version as well as this version which has a different opening. - BA
3286 Dr. Death: Seeker of Souls (73)
667 Dr. Dracula (77) Al Adamson- Fair Quality
T411 Dr. Frankenstein on Campus (70) aka: Flick - Campy Naked Fun with the Dr. , Brain Control, Karate, and soft - core sex....
2109 Dr. Frankenstein’s Castle of Freaks (73) BA
1871 Dr. Gore (72)
8094 Dr. Hackenstein (88)
587 Dr. Hekyll and Mr. Hype (80)
2736 Dr. Jekyll Likes ‘Em Hot (79) Edwige Fenech
4620 Dr. Strain: The BodySnatcher (91) RARE horror that deals with reanimation of corpses and a mad scientist- (some glitches)
T137 Dr. Terrible's House of Horrible (03) 2 Disc Set - What Fun! A British Horror Comedy Series that pays direct homage to the glory days of British Horror Cinema! With Gore, High Camp, and venomously hilarious dark dialogue! Revisit the days when Hammer, Amicus and Tigon reigned supreme- with a twist. All of the following are on the 2 disc set. (Each episode runs a little under a half hour) There are 6 episodes (the whole run of the series). They are:
1. And Now the Fearing... : London 1972 , when a property developer, an architect and a feminist art critic are trapped in high rise lift, their dreams turn to nightmares ! (Think Tales from The Crypt meets Dr. Terror's House of Horrors / Vault of Horror)
2. Frenzy of the Tongs : Limehouse 1911. Gentleman adventurer Nathan Blaze locks horns with Hang Man Chang, the sinister bony fingered menace from the East... (Think Terror of the Tongs or any Fu Manchu)
3. Curse of the Blood of the Lizard of Doom : Edinburg 1880 . Dr. Baxter's search for a cure for the common burn sets him on a collision course with his troubled past... (Think Jekyll / Hyde, Blood Beast Terror or Hideous Sun Demon)
4. Lesbian Vampire Lovers of Lust : Carpathia 1877. A newly wed couple find themselves at the mercy of luscious undead ladies... (Think Vampire Lovers, Lust for a Vampire or Twins of Evil)
5. Voodoo Feet of Death : London 1930. A ballroom dancer loses his feet in a freak accident with giant scissors, only to find that his replacement feet are hell-bent on murder... (Think Hands of Orlac etc...)
6. Scream Satan Scream : Blackburn 1645. Captain Tobias Slater delights in witch - burning and wench - bedding - until he comes across a genuine coven of evil... (Think Witch finder General or Blood on Satan's Claw)
Q981 Dracula : Sovereign of the Damned (75) Based on the great 70's Marvel comic "Tomb of Dracula" ! The Japanese are responsible for this Animated adaptation. This is a pretty violent cartoon with very dark themes, and in English! BA
8309-1198 Dracula Blows His Cool (79) BA
8390-589 Dracula Saga, The (72)
3241 Dracula Sucks (79) tamer version of the XXX saga “Dracula Exotica“
1197-N52 Dracula’s Last Rites (80)
8108 Dracula's Widow (88) Owner of a waxworks in Hollywood receives five instead of six ordered chests with Romanian antiques. He does not know that Vanessa, widow of Count Dracula, sleeps in the sixth chest. She rises in the night and walks around craving for blood……. Sylvia Kristel
8260-9755 Dragon Against Vampire (85) Live-action cartoon-fu! BA
8549 Dream a Little Evil (80's) Obscure witch/monster flick
3592 Dream Demon (88) British “ Elm Street “ish horror
5279 Dream Evil (80’s) Japanese language horror
2944-L847 Dream No Evil (70) Edmond O’Brien BA
480 Driller Killer, The (79) An artist slowly goes insane which leads him taking to the streets of New York after dark and randomly killing derelicts with a power drill…..
5058 Drive-in Madness Greatest Hits- () more cool trailers
1645 Drive-In Massacre (76)
T681 Dust Devil (92) Incredible 107 minute uncut widescreen version - Haunting, great horror - BA
3700-8664 Eaten Alive (76) Tobe Hooper directs killer croc flick with Neville Brand. BA
264 Echoes (83) Gale (SpiderWoman) Sondergaard plays a psychic in this supernatural thriller.
4223 Eden and After (71) Alain Robbe–Grillet’s bizarre art horror with shocks such as impalings and torture. In French F.L.
249 Eerie Midnight Horror Show aka: The Sexorcist (78)
4003 Eight Tombstone Village (96) Japanese village haunted by ghosts of samurai warriors – LBX Subs
9300 Ekstase : Horrortrip der Satanssekte (78) Mondo satanic smorgasbord with Anton Lavey, black mass rituals, bloody voodoo and more from the genius who brought us the Shocking Asia series. Creepy crazy stuff. Put this on in the background and freak out your friends! In German language. Doesn't matter. Put on some of the heaviest music you have (death or black metal works great) and let it rip. - BA
Q894 El Asesino Del Parking (05) aka: Jugar a Mater 2:El Pulso- Murderer stalks his victims in the parking garage - In Spanish so F.L.
Q216 El Asesino Esta Entre La Trece (73) Slasher on the loose type with some vicious murders - Paul Naschy has a supporting role !!!! - F.L.
Q220 El Bosque Del Lobo (71) Obscure would be werewolf flick, about a guy that may or may not be infected with lycanthropy, as murders in the woods escalate - F.L.
741 El Topo (70) uncut !
8205 Eliza's Horoscope (70) bizarre flick with Tommy Lee Jones BA
7104 Embalming Training Film (80's) You are going to puke! After watching this- you may wish to be cremated when the time comes ! More disgusting extras follow the embalming. This is the real stuff folks. Not for the weak - a great argument against burial! Burn me baby!
4135 Embryo (76) Barbara carrera needs fresh fetus flesh to sustain her artificial life BA
3554 Emma Puertas Oscuras (73) RARE Joseph “ Vampyres “ Larraz film that has a murderous female and lots of elements preceding and similar to “ Vampyres “ F.L. Fair Quality
K181 En La Lista 16 (98) In Spanish
7367 Encounters of the Spooky Kind (81) Classic. First important martial arts horror film. Real monsters are conjured up during a séance. Cool battle between 2 wizards etc. Subs
2562 End of the World (77) Chris Lee
8102 Endless Descent (89) Sea monsters eat a rescue team five miles beneath the sea.
9766 EndPlay (75) Aussie killer thriller- as brothers stalk blondes
7155-8072 Enemy Unseen (91) Girl is kidnapped by crocodile worshipping natives- the crocodiles munch down
L450 Enigma Rosso (78) aka: Red Rings of Fear aka: Trauma aka: Virgin Terror - The third in the "What have they Done to your Daughters" cycle with Fabio Testi. Decent giallo
2804 Enter the Devil aka: The Sexorcist aka: The Eerie Midnight Horror Show (78) This is the UNCUT F.L. version
9623-2553 Enter the Devil (72) Texas Lensed low-budget satanic cult shocker is loaded with atmosphere - BA
2966 Epitaph (87) axe murderess
9930 Equinox (70) Original version! This version is different then the release version full of different FX ! Great stuff! For the stop-motion completist and fans of this film which was the inspiration for the "Evil Dead ' films. BA
6377 Erotic China Dolls (95) sexy babes battle the Yinsan monster (a nasty dude who craves their essence). To fight - they must collect the essence of virgin males. BA
3510 Erotic Liaisons (92) LBX With subs – sexy thriller shot in Paris by Koji Wakamatsu
8744 Erotic Nightmare (98) aka: Ang wan nyn mung LBX
L882 Erotic Nights of the Living Dead (79) XXX version with all the HARD - CORE SEX RESTORED! Almost 2 hours. Quality is great! Subs.
T960 Erotic Passion (81) aka: Blue Passion - Ajita Wilson, Monica Nickel - Love, Sex, Betrayal and Murder highlight this Euro - Trash - Sexy Thriller. Very nice print too and in English
L928 Erotic Slaughter (03) Detective starts investigating a serial murder case in which middle - age men are killed. The killer (a sexy woman) seduces them and then kills them in bed. Her father is ordering her to kill the men. - F.L.
Q219 Escalofrio Diabolico (71) aka: Diabolical Shudder - George Martin - Some heads are gonna' roll (and do) as Satanist's with red masks conduct rituals in an old castle, run by a diabolical cretin that runs it as an asylum. - F.L.
1983 Escape (79) WIP
B107 Eternal Evil (85) Winston Rekert
2171 Etoile (89) Jennifer Connely gets possessed !
8378-2812 Etruscan Kills Again aka: The Dead Are Alive (72) LBX
5268 Eurotika! () 12 episodes – don’t want to read “ Mondo Macabro” but want to know more about foreign horror? 1. Jean Rollins 2. Jess Franco 3. Italian horror 4. Jose Larraz (the director of “Symptoms“ “Vampyres” etc) + Lots more – 12 episodes on 3 VHS / DVD – tons of interviews and clips from films throughout with tons of nudity sleaze and gore! $33 VHS $36 DVD
8371 Evil Below, The (87) BA
Q967-L939 Evil Eye, The (72) Jorge Rivero plays a man with amnesia . When he wakes up he is surrounded by dead bodies or covered in blood, which begs the question, is he some type of Schizo killer ? Or is the Evil Devil Cult responsible? Violent Death and Nudity dominate this atmospheric horror film from director Mario Siciliano and also starring Richard Conte, Anthony Steffen and more, finally LBX with Subs !!
4360 Evil in the Deep (75) sharks eat people with Cheryl Ladd !
9382 Evil Instinct (98) "Basic Instinct" with sexier women and far more style. Both stunning girls wear an assortment of SnM outfits. Category 3 , LBX with subs
6339-4378 Evil Judgement (84) BA
4354 Evil Mysteries (78) Rutger Hauer and Sylvia Kristel
2006 Evil Town (87) Passing through a small town, a stranger discovers that a crazed scientist is creating an army of zombies. James Keach
45 Evil Within, The aka: Baby Blood (90)
2902 Evil, The (78)
431-L845 Evils of the Night (83)
L974 Evilspeak (81) No , not the cut recently released version that only runs 92 minutes. This is the fully uncut version that runs about 100 minutes. All gore is here + more ! - BA
K29 Excite Me (72) aka: Your Vice is a Locked Door and I have the Key aka: Eye of the Black Cat - Edwige Fenech gets naked a lot in this Edgar Allen Poe's "The Black Cat" influenced Giallo injected with sadism, racism and horror. Also with Anita Strindberg and Ivan Rassimov. Directed by Sergio (Torso) Martino - Great fun - LBX
3002 Exorcist : Italian Style (75) Mimmo Baldi plays Luigi, the overweight son of a town mayor (Lino Banfi), who finds a strange amulet and takes it home. The demons inside the amulet begin possessing the entire family. A conman, who pretends to be an exorcist tries to help, but ends up possessed as well. Italian language “Exorcist“ variation. F.L.
4119 Exorcist 3: Cries and Shadows (73) aka: Un urlo dalle tenebre UNCUT import version BA
2739 Expose aka: House on Straw Hill (84) Udo Kier BA
3972 Expulsion of the Devil (86) French version of “The Amityville Horror“ F.L. With subs
8586 Eye in the Labyrinth, The (71) D: Mario Caiano Brutal stabbing in this hard to find giallo LBX
2985 Eye of Satan, The (92) Is he man, beast or both? Kane is the solider of Satan...
T228 Eye of the Cat (69) This is the Uncut version of this rarity. Michael Sarrazin and Gayle (nice mini - skirts!) Hunnicutt star. The plan is to rob his Aunt. She has lots of cats. He has a cat phobia. Lensed in San Francisco with great photography, a supernatural feel- and some jolts with an eerie soundtrack. - B.A.
X17 Eye of the Devil (66) Elements of "The Innocents" as well as the later "The Wicker Man " turn up in this bizarre horror film with David Niven, Deborah Kerr, David Hemmings and Sharon Tate (in her first role). Tate is lovely as a witchy woman. The head of a wine-growing family must die in ritual sacrifice when the vineyards fail. Now LBX
K146 Eyes of a Stranger (80) Lauren Tewes, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tom (albeit brief) Savini FX - BA
4862 Eyes Without a Face (92) Bruno Mattei directs this gory splatter– kill the babysitter fun
L465 Eyes, The (02) The hunt has begun! Ghost in a haunted cabin! - F.L. - BA
2539 Faces of Death 5 (95) In German - fair quality F.L.
3499 Family Reunion (89) Devil worshippers screw up this family reunion – it’s a demonic frightfest! BA
8063 Fan, The (81) Before hitting the bigtime with "Terminator", Michael Biehn stars as a psycho-slasher fanatic who stalks an aging actress played by Lauren Bacall. BA
6101 Fando and Liz (68) Fando and his partially paralyzed lover Lis search for the mythical city of Tar. Based on Jodorowsky's memories of a play by surrealist Fernando Arrabal. uncut with subs
7160 Fanex 9 (95) Highlights Robert Quarry, Elena Verdugo, Jane Adams, William Marshall and more.
593 Fangs aka: Holy Wednesday (78) Killer snakes
2641 Fangs of the Living Dead aka: Malenka the Vampire (68) U.S. version BA
8686 Fatal Encounter (94) aka: Duo ming jie chu A man has sex with AIDS infected hooker. Cops beat hookers with infects his child by dripping blood and screws up his whole world in this creepy AIDS horror. (You'll never go out whoring again!) Letterboxed subs BA
1985 Fatal Images (82)
9311 Fatal Passion aka: Dark Red: Passion Omicide (95) Cynthia Rothrock, Lawrence Tierney- Sex, violence and bloodshed as a murderess kills for her art. Lots of breasts and blood! - BA
2558 Fatal Pulse (88) sorority chicks get butchered !
L268 Fatal Training Course (04) Asian horror with Subs ! - BA
Q689 Fatherland (94) Rutger Hauer - Fictional account of what might have happened if Hitler had won the war. Set in the 1960's, Germany's war crimes have been kept a secret. Hitler wants to talk peace with America as the Nazi's plot to destroy all evidence of the Genocide.
9260 Fear (83) aka: Angst aka: Schizophrenia (83) Disturbed young man murders, assaults, stalks and even engages in a little bit of the old necro. Vile, unpleasant, and a must for jaded die-hard horror addicts- BA
265 Fear aka: Murder Obsession (80) this is the U.S. version BA
3705 Fear No Evil (81) BA
3904 Fear aka: Angst aka: Schizophrenia (83) A man is released from prison after serving four years for murdering an elderly woman. He quickly begins to feel the compulsion to kill again... German with subs
6220 Feast (95) Sharon Mitchell, William Smith BA
P55-798 Feast of Satan (71) aka: The Devil’s Lovers aka: Las Amantes del diablo - Spanish made horror about a women searching for her missing sister in a small coastal village. Soon she finds herself in similar circumstances as she stumbles upon the terror of a devil - cult. A classic ! BA-
1663 Feet Foremost (83) BA
594 Female Butcher (72) Uncut "Legend of Blood Castle" in Italian. Also available as English language version entitled "Blood Ceremony"
9721 Female Cats (83) One lesbian leaves another lesbian which leaves, oh no bro! A lesbian scorned ! So now we have a pissed lesbo stalking her ex who is with a man ! - F.L.
3401 Female Inquisitor (87) she rips out toenails, teeth and tortures whoever she captures – You’re next!
9228 Femme Carnivore (70) Italian Language - Psychedelic trash with Feminist cannibals! A guy gets sliced in half by a table saw, groovy groovin' 60's soundtrack and more! It all begins when a woman joins a health spa and finds its run by man eating crazed bitches from Hell! A must! BA
T933-3708 Fifth Cord, The (75) aka: Giomata Nera Per L'Ariete - Franco Nero, Pamera Tiffin - Remastered, Widescreen and in English!
1986 FilmGore (83) a young Elvira hosts!
B4 Final Cut (88) A boy is witness to a brutal 'snuff' murder being filmed, thereafter he is a target - BA
9680 Final Destinations (88) Short films of horror shot on film
3092 Final Exam (81) Psycho killer shows up on collage campus to slash up pretty co-eds and dumb jocks.
2603 Final Terror, The (83) gore in the woods with Daryl Hannah and Rachel Ward before they became famous!
8591-4749 Finishing School (69) aka: House that Screamed Lilli Palmer owns and runs a school for wayward girls in France. Her absolute discipline has fostered a social order among the girls with rampant sex, lesbianism and torture the norm. Palmer also has an adolescent son (Moulder Brown) she tries to keep isolated from the young women lest he be tainted by sexual relations; She explains that he must wait for a girl "just like his mother". Meanwhile, girls are "running away" (being murdered) one by one, with their corpses and any evidence of their outcome not to be found….. 99 min. LBX
L167 Fishmen and Their Queen, The (95) Apocalyptic? Not sure. This film seems distant from "Island of the Fishmen" it's supposed predecessor. What we get is apocalyptic action which turns into a Jules Verne / H.G. Wells styled world with a beautiful sexy Queen and her Fish-Minions - Still great stuff for the fantasy lover and again directed by Sergio Martino.
4541 Flaming Creatures / Normal Love (63) Jack Smith directed both. Flaming Creatures created quite a stir in 1963 with his masterpiece of sexual perversion and Dionysian art. Basically a look at New York Underground. Even in 1963 things were not as they seemed to “Mayberry America”.
8787 Flashback (02) German made slasher reminds of the good old days of Fri 13th !
T430-P21 Flesh and Blood Show, The (72) aka: Asylum of the Insane - delivers the goods with bloody murders, (decapitation, drownings,...) ample nudity and suspense. A dark grim classic. - Uncut version - BA
2595 Flesh Feast (70) Veronica Lake’s last film finds her playing with maggots, Nazis, and an aging Adolph Hitler!! BA
3250 Flicks (85) parody – skits of horror/sci-fi scene circa 80’s
L652 Flight to Hell (03) Creepy monsters on a plane from the guy who brought us "Plankton" , Al Passeri ! Pretty bloody and colorful with imaginative monsters - F.L. Subs.
7344 Flower with Petals of Steel (73) Scarce giallo with Carroll Baker F.L.
9809 Flowers of Blood (81) Gordon Mitchell plays a mad scientist that is trying to bring his dead wife back ! This is very obscure and never translated so it's in Spanish - LBX
4615 For Love or Murder (83) David Hedison Mary Woronov
9935 Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion (70) Italian Spanish co-production. Erotic thriller with blackmail and fetishistic violence. A woman is forced into sex to protect her husband from murder charges—LBX- BA
Q957 Forbidden Siren (06) Based on a video game. A writer and his son and daughter move to a mysterious island. The locals are strange and unfriendly, and a warning is given to stay indoors at night when the "Siren" starts wailing. Sound advice, no ? Of course the writer's offspring get's mixed up into whatever is really happening.... Great photography, LBX but too new to have Subs so F.L.
5360 Forbidden Sun (89) After a assault at a girl's gymnastics school, questions arise and bring to light ancient Cretan rituals….. Lauren Hutton assault and revenge
9734 Formula for a Murder (85) David Warbeck thriller/giallo
N15 Fortress in the Sun (78) Gory action with Nancy Kwan and Eddie Garcia. Peasants are enslaved, tortured, beaten and generally mistreated. Until finally they get the old "We're not Gonna' Take It Anymore" stance and pull out a can of "Whup Ass" in a violent gory show-down. assaults... burnings... shootings... nudity ...more !
T314 Fracchia contro Dracula (85) Hilarious Horror Spoof from Italy with the inimitable Paolo Villaggio - F.L.
8494 Fragment of Fear (70) David Hemmings- brutal murder hallucinations and madness BA
1795 Frankenstein (81) Fun Gory Japanese Anime version of Frankenstein
2659 Frankenstein 2000 aka: Return from Death (95) D’Amato
3431 Frankenstein 80 (72) fx by Carlo Rambaldi BA
9893 Frankenstein 90 (85) French made Frankenstein variation with Subs
3511 Frankenstein General Hospital (88) Mark “Jekyll and Hyde Together Again“ Blankfield stars in this spoof - BA
9682 Fraulein Devil (77) To improve the morale of the German officers, a train with beautiful girls is arranged to entertain them when on leave…. More trashy Nazi sleaze
7370 Freaky Spicy Killer (2001) Psycho slasher! Hilarious "Charlie Brown / Peanuts" opening soundtrack! LBX subs
4498 Freeway Maniac, The (87) There’s no exit - from terror!
457 Frenchman’s Farm (87) An Australian woman's car breaks down in the country, and when she goes to get help, she's whisked back in time to 1944 and witnesses a murder…..
5182 Freshly Severed Head (80’s) Japanese language horror- Letterboxed
488 Friday the 13th. (80) UNCUT Japanese version !
4109 Fright (71) Susan George is trapped in a creepy house with a sexually psychotic asylum escapee
8934 Frightful School Horror (02) Subs
1415 Frightmare aka: The Horror Star (81) BA
3028 Funeral Home (82) BA
8374 Funny Games (98) Wicked young men terrorize and kill vacationers
Q184 Futago (05) Tenants of a seedy rooming house think they are seeing a ghost when a strange girl arrives claiming to be the sister of a missing occupant. People begin to die one by one - LBX - Subs
8593 G.K. #7 () No this is not a Guinea Pig flick This is another Death tape Footage not for the faint hearted.
8799 G413 (99) Set-ups, murder and hookers! Subs
Q251 Game of Crime, A (65) aka: Crimine A Due - John Drew Barrymore, Lisa Gastoni - Obscure Giallo type, only Fair quality -
4395 Game of Survival aka: Tenement (85) Uncut BA
7543 Game, The (89) A game is devised for the guilty which results in death
5265 Games (67) A young couple who are into kinky "mind games" get more than they bargained for when a mysterious woman comes into their lives….. Simone Signoret
L243 Games of Countess Dolingen, The (80) Carol Kane - LBX - Subs
6081-1801 Ganja and Hess (73) uncut
3177 Ganjasaurus Rex (87) 400 ft tall monster dinosaur terrorizes dope dealers! Fair quality.
165-1954 Garden of the Dead (74) Convicts on a chain gang sniff experimental formaldehyde fumes to get high. They attempt a prison break and are shot down by the guards...
Q954 Gay Niggers from Outer Space (92) + Vibroboy (94) First off, take note, we did not make or title the first feature, so if it offends you, it's not our fault. Okay, now for a brief description. Capt. B. Dick and his crew of gay crusaders (from the planet Anus!) stumble across the planet earth, whose surface is inexplicably populated by "bad smelling" and "dangerous" "female creatures". For the sake of Earth's men, the Gayniggers decide to dispose of the female creatures, and show the planet the error of it's ways. Talk about HORROR ! Let's hope to God they do not succeed!!! This is not a gay sex movie, but a 25 minute short/spoof that will leave you speechless. Next Vibroboy! Another short running about a half hour. A Mexican artifact turns out to be some type of vibrator! Vibroboy is a depraved Aztec God that enjoys pleasuring people to death! Sick, Twisted, Frenetic! Recommended ! Well, we padded the thing out to a 2 hour running time with XXX sex scenes. If you want to try something different, here it is !
L464 Gecko (03) Thai horror - A man trains Geckos...TO KILL ! - No insurance against that.... - F.L. - BA
9308 Geistertunde (02) 4 tales of horror - First a possessed doll (Trilogy of Terror style) with a killer possessed cat, next a woman stalks herself, then a powerful stolen crystal exacts revenge, lastly, a woman is haunted by her dead husband - BA
6472 Gestapo's Last Orgy, The aka: Caligula Reincarnated as Hitler (76) Nazis abuse Jews! Officers dine on Jew flesh. A woman is fed to hungry Dobermans and other atrocities! You've been warned- definitely not for everyone! BA
243 Ghastly Ones, The (69) Milligan!
283 Ghost Dance (82) BA
L686 Ghost Delivery (02) Call them to scare you! Just connect on the website of Thai ghosts! Subs - BA
8948 Ghost Driven : Twilight Zone Cops (02) Ben is haunted by the ghost of a woman who was his girlfriend in a previous life, and it interferes with his hysterical girlfriend and his investigation of a man who has been murdering and raping young women (in that order) in public gardens Horror- Subs
P152 Ghost Eyes (75) Obscure Shaw Brothers, horror LBX with Subs - Similar to "The Eye" but made 30 years ago - + trailers -
8675 Ghost Hospital (88) subs from disc
3709-9485 Ghost House (88) aka: La Casa dell' orco A sexually confused young woman is haunted by childhood memories when she moves into an old mansion in Italy with her husband and young son…. Lamberto Bava UNCUT import print of the gory ghostly chiller BA
8251 Ghost Keeper (81) Their ancestors spoke of the evil being that lived in the mountains. Too late they heeded their warning... BA
8715 Ghost Meets You (90's) A murdered woman's head lives for revenge against her killers- LBX Subs
Q30 Ghost Ninja (80) Zombies vs. Shadow warriors
2476 Ghost of the Fox (93) Chinese ghost story Subs
9470 Ghost Office (00) Subs
8487 Ghost Town (88)
8672 Ghost Walk Around (90's) Japanese horror F.L.
8671 Ghost Walk Around 2 (90's) Japanese horror F.L.
8834 GhostRiders (87) Outlaws, hanged 100 years ago, return for revenge.
K84 Ghosts...of the Civil Dead (88) Brutal Australian made violence in a High-Tech security prison . Intense, sobering account of current state of penal system
1757-8232 Ghoul, The (75) BA
L418 Gimlet (95) Before Vigo Mortensen received "the call" from Peter Jackson for the "Rings" trilogy, he acted in a number of films (most pretty good). Here's one in which a deranged serial killer stalks a women who owns a bar. This is a really good one. LBX Subs !
878 Girl in Room 2-A (75) BA
4519 Girl Slaves of Morgana le Fay (71) Morgana takes souls of young women. Those who refuse grow old and ugly in the dungeons of her castle. Sex and fantasy French horror - subs- Awesome!
2910 Girls Nite Out (83) BA
P26 Girls on the Road (72) Michael Ontkean, Dianne Hull, Kathleen Cody, Big - Boobed Uschi Digard, and Ralph (dad Walton) Waite as a hippie commune leader that hits on young teenaged girls (which alone is worth the price of admission !) - BA
1682 Glass House (72) Alan Alda, Vic Morrow prison thriller. BA
Q953 Goblet of Gore (96) Andreas Schnaas gore drenched classic never released here ! In the opening 12 minutes or so, there is a sacrifice of a nude woman by an extreme decapitation by a fanatical cult lead by an evil (but sexy) witch woman and her Goblet of Blood which is crucial to the rituals. Then a bloody sword battle with splitting heads and falling limbs resulting in wonderful geysers of blood. Then to the head-witch-bitch Cultist who loses her head ! Later in time, the Sacrificial Goblet is found and it is time for the evil to resume. There is one great scene where a woman is blowing a guy and his supernaturally enhanced member literally makes her head explode. Another guy stabs his mate, then has sex with the stab opening, until his manhood plunges from her mouth splitting her in gory pieces. Yes, it's got some XXX moments, but not gratuitous long sex scenes, just a little XXX sex with the extreme violence, so be warned if that isn't your thing. Hey! It's in English too, so there!
2050 God Monster of Indian Flats (73) From director Fredric Hobbs , the man who brought us "Alabama's Ghost", comes this, the only "Mutant killer sheep" movie ever made !!! Hilarious monster !
4514 God’s Bloody Acre (88) BA
1309 Godsend, The (79) "Omen" / "Exorcist" styled with an evil little blonde girl.
3851 Gone to Ground (76) mad killer terrorizes vacationers at a beach house BA
9483 Good Against Evil (77) ABC-TV pilot about a writer (Dack Rambo) teaming up with an exorcist, to battle an evil guy (Richard Lynch) and his group of Devil worshipers. Obscure possession thriller with Jimmy Sangster (Hammer veteran) as writer.
7134 Good Night, God Bless (88) Vicious killer, disguised as a priest, hunts, stalks and stabs his victims.
L237 Goodbye (93) Obscure madness follows one man's trek to insanity - 52 minutes - F.L.
4564 Goodbye Gemini aka: TwinSanity (70) Unnaturally close twin siblings Jacki and Julian become enmeshed in the swinging London scene, where they attract the attention of the heavily indebted gambler Clive, setting in motion a nightmarish sequence of events.
2959 Gore-met Zombie Chef From Hell (87)
9253 Gorgon Video Mag 2 () Lots of horror clips and snips including a visit to Screaming Mad George's workshop and a interview with the madman himself !
5162 Gorgon Video Mag 1 ()
T583 Gothic (86) Ken Russell directs
L640 Gran Bollito (77) Weirded out Shelly Winters kills men (in drag, playing as women, one is Max Von Sydow!) and cooks their bodies up in a big stew! Slurp Slurp... She uses a meat cleaver for some head whacking - Wild one LBX and in Italian (never translated).
3183 Grave Misdemeanors aka: NightLife (89) BA
4654 Graveyard Disturbance (87) Lamberto Bava strikes again! BA
1742 Graveyard of Horror aka: Necromaniac (71) BA
1477 Graveyard, The aka: Terror of Sheba (74) BA
1301 Great Alligator, The (78) Barbara Bach BA
T936-3231 Great White (80) aka: The Last Shark - Simply incredible quality of this Shark Attack Classic that stars James Franciscus and Vic Morrow - LBX , with Foreign Subtitles, but in English Language - Highly Recommended for Shark Freaks! BA
3988 Grimm's Fairy Tapes for Adults (69) The characters from the classic Grimm's Fairy Tales (Mother Goose, etc.) engaged in activities the Grimm Brothers probably wouldn't approve of…. Twisted, perverted mixing bag of everyone's favorite fairy tales. - Snow White, Cinderella, etc. LBX - very atmospheric with some gore thrown in. F.L. BA
8074-8941 Grotesque (88) Linda Blair BA
L653 Guard from the Underground (92) From director Kiyoshi Kurosawa , a dark vision about a psycho door - man / security guard on a killing spree rampage - Subs
5239 Guts of a Beauty (86) LBX
3519 Guyana Tragedy, The (80) $22 VHS / $26 SHG VHS /$20 DVD
680 Guyana: Crime of the Century (79) UNCUT 108 min! Rene Cardona Jr. version of the Jonestown tragedy.
5196 Guzoo () This Japanese language short (40 min) has a big monster chow down on a couple of young girls. Followed by “Skinny Puppy Gore Video“ on same tape. Fair quality.
T226 Hackers, The (87) Obscure S.O.V. Gore film with "The Hackers" your typical maniac family on the loose
5188 Halloween 6 : Director’s Cut (95) 7 min. longer than theatrical release. Fair quality.
T647 Hanako (95) aka: School Mystery Set in an elementary school and centered on a boy named Takuya and a new transfer student named Saeko. Takuya's classmates think that Saeko has been possessed by Hanako, the ghost that lives in the bathroom. - Creepy Japanese Horror with Subs
T347 Hand That Feeds Death (74) Great Facial Transplant Horror with Klaus Kinski - Now with Subs !
B121 Hands of Steel (86) John Saxon
3168 Happy Hell Night (91)
3715-9299 Hardware (90) Uncut
L927 Hari-Kari aka: Merzbow (90's) Want to see an allegedly real suicide? (It's NOT for real) Agonizing, unflinching sick flick. Watch as this young Japanese schoolgirl cuts and stabs herself, pulls out her guts and bleeds to death before your very eyes.
2848-6307 Haunted (76) BA
1187 Haunting of Julia (76) Grim ghostly horror.
801 Haunts (76) Cameron Mitchell BA
2909 He Knows You’re Alone (80)
8724-8651 He Likes to Bite aka: My Soul is Slashed (91) letterboxed F.L. Stunning vampiric visuals dominate this vampire comedy
8739 HeadHunter, The (82) Letterboxed F.L. Chow Yun Fat stars in this action horror BA
Q438 Heat of the Flame, The (76) Antonio Ferrandis, Eli McClure - Rare Spanish made Thriller
5339 Hell (60) uncut letterboxed from disc with subs– fantastic trips to hell by lost souls with nudity and tortures galore
Q679-R39 Hell (05) Gory Thai Horror now with Subs
4657 Hell High (86)
9566 Hellish Love (72) In the Nikkatsu "romantic porno" style comes this ghost story - Subs - BA
T193 Hell's Gate, The (89) Gory Umberto Lenzi horror , now with English Subs! Trash those old prints !
3003 Help Me, I'm Possessed (74) aka: The Possessed - Mad doctor in desert lab. Hunchback helper. Girls are beaten. Corpses are dissected. And lets not forget! A mad monster on the loose that resembles Giant Red Licorice Twizzlers!!!!
6331 Helter Skelter Murders (71) Another factual re-enactment of the Sharon Tate/ Manson Massacre. Lots of nudity and hippies.
Q779 Hiding Place, The (90's) Blessing is plagued. Everything concerning her is in shambles. A demon has control of her affairs ! You think you've seen it all? NO YOU HAVEN'T! Check out this Possession, Nightmares, Angels vs. Demons bizarre entry from Nigeria and then you can stop watching films...Forever! Of course this is below Grade Z, which gives it it's charm - BA
3362-L839 Highway to Hell (90) Escaped mass murderer goes on a rampage and is hunted by the cop who sent him up the first time. (NOT the Chad Lowe flick)
9905 Hiruku the Goblin (91) aka: Spiders with Human Heads - Finally a nice letterboxed print with English Subs - BA
4427-2667 Hitcher in the Dark (89) Directed by Humphrey Huberts (who is actually Umberto Lenzi!) BA
910 Hitch-Hike (77) David Hess plays a psychotic killer !
6310 Hollow Gate (88) Halloween killer thriller slasher
595 Hollywood Strangler Meets the SkidRow Slasher aka: The Model Killer (79) BA
3268-L841 Hollywood’s New Blood (87) BA
3289 Holocaust 2: The Memories, Delerium, Vendetta (79) William Berger and Gordon Mitchell. Jews capture Nazis for revenge!
T86 Holocaust 2000 (77) aka: Rain of Fire - 98 minute version
676 Holy Mountain, The (79) LBX
L124 Holy Virgin VS. the Evil Dead (91) Do yourself a favor and don't miss this great Category 3 classic ! LBX - Subs - BA
3257 Home Sweet Home (80) Body By Jake Steinfeld plays a slasher who crashes a Thanksgiving Day party!
1713 Honeymoon Killers, The (70) Based on the true story of Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck, who met through a lonely-hearts correspondence club, Ray is weedy, feral, and untrustworthy; Martha is enormous, compulsive, and needy. Together, they play out a horrifying scheme in which he lures lonely women out on dates and proposes marriage to them, with she pretending to be his sister. They take the women's savings and then murder them remorselessly. BA
1169 Honeymoon of Horror aka: Orgy of the Golden Nudes (64)
1288 Horrible Sexy Vampire (70) RARE! UNCUT! Fair quality.
6080-437 Horror Hospital (73) Michael Gough
378 Horror House on Highway 5 (75)
1746 Horror of the Blood Monsters (71)
2723 Horror Story (93) Czech spoof on the old horror cinema subs
8958 Horror Story, The (96) Overdubbed in Russian (can still hear spoken English) Violent bloody horror - BA
912 Horrors of Burke and Hare (71) Yutte Stensgard
7374 Horrorscope 1: The Voice from Hell (00) More Horror !! LBX-Subs
3298-8061 Hospital Massacre aka: X-Ray (82) Barbi Benton
25 Hospital of Terror aka: Nurse Sherri (77) BA
5225 Hot Love (85) early Jorg Buttgereit films : Hot Love Horror Heaven Captain Berlin etc. In German
7298 Hot Touch (82) Wayne Rogers, Samantha Eggar, Patrick Macnee! Very rare Canadian slasher/drama. Wayne Rogers is an artist. His women are hot, his paintings are hot. He's got what he wants! The hot touch! Directed by Roger Vadim BA
T959 Hotel (04) Jessica Hausner directed this Austria/ Germany Co - Production - Horror - F.L.
8638 Hotel, The (2002) Saassaulte and Pun inherit a beach mansion from Luang Narubal, the husband and benefactor whom they betrayed and left to die in sorrow... Thai horror w/ subs.
5786 House By the Edge of the Park (84) David Hess
6231 House in Nightmare Park, A aka: Night of the Laughing Dead (73) BA
2170 House of Death (81) Ruggero Deodato
9286 House of Lost Souls, The (89) Abandoned lodge is haunted by the tenants that were murdered there in the past. Decapitations and more in this Umberto Lenzi directed horror and now in English! LBX- BA
K194-Q897 House of Mad Souls, The (03) Thai Ju-On rip-off with the sexy Cindy Burbridge and Byron Bishop - Subs - BA
3218 House of Seven Graves () English subs – Argentina horror. Fair quality.
4345 House of Shadows (83) Yvonne De Carlo BA
3014 House of Terror (72) BA
220 House of the Damned (71) Pleasence ! BA
3005 House of the Dead aka: Alien Zone (75)
9464 House of the Devil: Evil Sledge (00) That's right. An evil killer sledge hammer possessed by it's former user haunts the new owners in a murderously compelling way - Subs - BA
Q41-N61 House of the Yellow Carpet (82) Franca and her husband Antonio decide to sell a yellow rug which was a gift of Franca's stepfather. One day, while Antonio is out, a strange man rings saying he wishes to buy the rug. But the man's visit becomes a nightmare. Giallo, now in English! BA
9287 House of Witchcraft, The (89) Man's dreams of a witch and her penchant for boiling human heads starts to become true! Now in English! LBX! BA
Q431 House on the Outskirts, The (75) aka: Casa En Las Afueras - Eerie old mansion setting for this Spanish made thriller - Fair Quality - Subs
8384 House on Todville Road, The (95) fact based tale about a sex cult
4749 House That Screamed, The aka: Finishing School (69)
1428 House That Vanished, The (74)
2383 House Where Evil Dwells (82) A young couple moves to a House in Kyoto, Japan. It turns out to be haunted.
5194 House with Windows that Laugh (76) Pupi Avati classic Italian horror. Subs
2901 HouseKeeper, The (85)
Q44 Human Experiments (80) Linda Haynes - A demented prison doctor performs gruesome experiments on his patients. When a woman is charged with murder, she is fair game for the doctor and his evil intentions. BA
8677 Human Pork Chop (93) Cops investigate a criminal running an unsuspecting restaurant, while trying to trace the steps back to how he ended up running it suddenly…. LBX -Subs
L69-9443 Human Skin Lanterns (82) Period horror tale deals with an insane artist who delights in killing young girls to make attractive ornamental lanterns out of their tender young flesh - I guess you could say his victims really light up his life… BA Subs
1281 Humanoid, The (79) UNCUT outer-space saga w/ Richard Kiel & Barbara Bach BA
47 Humongous (82) BA
L396 Hunch (03) Aggressive Thai ghost - Subs - B.A.
4352 Hunchback of London (61) Edgar Wallace RARITY F.L.
3714 Hunting Ash (95) Hi tech Japanese horror sci-fi subs
7354 Hunting Creatures: Director's Cut (2001) More ultra gory German language violence and mayhem! BA
T421-9828 Hunting Ground, The (83) aka: Cota Di Coza aka: Code of the Hunt - Directed by Jorge (Let Sleeping Corpses Lie) Grau. This film is pretty violent (especially the blow-torch to the woman's crotch scene!) and is in the mold of Last House on the Left. Lawyer Woman defends ruthless scum. Then ever so righteously, she and her family face extreme brutality in a home invasion from the very people she defends - Hah! Recommended! - And in English too!
4477 Hunting Season, The (87) where hunters become the hunted!
4175 Hypnos: Madness for a Massacre (67) aka: Massacre Mania With Robert Wood and Fernando Sancho. Paolo Bianchini directs this Italian language Giallo-type horror. BA
8683 Hypnosis (99) aka: Saimin Three apparently unrelated suicides occur on the same day in Tokyo. One involves a young athlete, one a groom at his wedding reception... LBX Partial English - the rest F.L. From the director of "Parasite Eve" BA
N64 Hypnotized (04) Korean Horror - LBX - Subs
L238 Hysteria (98) Patrick McGoohan - Asylum lunatics are experimented upon with implanted chips resulting in disaster
3319 I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle (90) bloodsucking bike!
596 I Dismember Mama (72) Albert tried to kill his rich snobby mother once. Then he was institutionalized. Now he's escaped. Albert is after his mother again...
4496-184 I Drink Your Blood (71) BA
3617 I Due Volti Della Paura (72) Italian language thriller starring Fernando Rey! BA
2794 I Like Bats (86) In this Polish horror film- a vampire woman seeks help from a shrink to become human. Meanwhile a mad strangler stalks the night. Quality a bit soft. Subs
3635 I Predatori Della Pietra Magica (89) Italian language – War action/ Chinese magic mixture BA
5121 I Spit on your Corpse (74) classic trash BA
4562 I Was a Teenage Zombie (87) uncut version of this hard to find gore flick !
6488 I Was a Zombie for the F.B.I. (86) spoof- something's terribly wrong in Pleasantville. A cult classic
3475 IceBox Murders, The (82) Jack Taylor stars in this tale of a maniac who likes to kill young women – pretty ‘cold‘.
4451 Iced (88) Sadistic murderer stalks stranded skiers
6484 Idiots, The (98) A group of people renounce " normal " society to seek the idiot within. They do this by freaking out in public, acting like retards and other anti-social crazy behavior. Ends in a graphic XXX orgy. subs, letterboxed BA 21+
8501 If...... (68) Malcolm McDowall in his first film! Three unruly students fail to conform at a British boarding school . Strict discipline and repressive conditions stirs a violent rebellion when students bring guns to school for revenge. Funny, but violent and disturbing. Especially so in today's times. Surreal and violent ending. Highly recommended.
1445 Igor and the Lunatics (85) UNCUT from import !
7121-3072 Iguana (88) disfigured 19th. century sailor is abandoned on an island where he declares war upon mankind killing anyone who defies him. Filmed on location in the Canary Islands. BA
1993 Iguana With the Tongue of Fire (78) Anton Diffring
L675 Ikase Royale (99) Hey! It's a XXX Japanese "Battle Royale" rip - off ! Optical censoring and in Japanese language. Over the top and lots of fun! Lots of topless Japanese schoolgirls in and out of uniform... Of course all models are 18 or older - F.L.
3477 Il Gioko (89) Lamberto Bava directed this bizarre MFTV about a young teacher at a creepy girl's school that is trying to find out about "the game" her pupils are playing. Starring Alessandra Acciai, Jean Herbert and Daria Nicolodi. Quality a bit soft. In Italian so F.L.
Q252 Il Piacere e il Mistero (64) Enzo Peri directed early Mondo type with weird native customs, pagan worship, remote Asian locales and tribes - F.L.
9917 Image of a Bound Girl (80) Professor kidnaps co-eds for vicious sex games. Gets complicated when his wife finds out ! Nikkatsu ! Subs - BA
4684-3429 Immoral Tales (74) Walerian Borowczyk’s trilogy with a cool tale on Elizabeth Bathory. BA
L458 Immortal Enemy (03) Thai horror - A vampire summons an army of living dead - Subs - BA
8677 Immortal Spirit (99) more horror - LBX with subs
5269 Imp 2 (87) subs
8671 Imp, The (81) Gory surgery, zombies, gory violence, supernatural elements - subs
6407 Imp, The (96) letterboxed subs Japanese horror/gore BA
1041 In A Glass Cage (86)
3722 In an Old Manor House (85) A disturbing, erotic, chilling ghost story with twists and turns as well as political rebellion. Polish horror with Subs.
6432-913 In the Folds of Flesh (70) LBX BA Guests of a villa are killed one by one by their hosts. Incest, decapitations, and an acid bath featured + a sleazy green tinted Nazi death camp flashback! FUN!
4209 Incredible Melting Man, The (78)
5165 Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed Up Creatures, The (64)
3223 Incubus (82) monster-sex-demon
8762 Inflatable Sex Doll of the Wasteland (67) Trash LBX F.L. Fair quality.
4845 Inheritor (90) Dan Haggerty. Obscure gore flick.
4419 Initiation, The (82) slasher stalks teens trapped in a department store overnight
B138 Inn of the Damned (75) Australian western/horror hybrid set in 1896. Inn run by murderous couple scenario - From import disc.
8643 Inner Senses (00) Woman with mental problems sees ghosts. No one believes, then her shrink sees them ! LBX subs
6453 Innocent Prey (88) P.J. Soles' husband is a razor wielding killer
1775-5185 Innocents From Hell aka: Sisters of Satan aka: Alucarda (71)
P47-914 Inseminoid aka: Horror Planet (81) LBX with trailer
7513 Insomnia (97) Stellan Skarsgard version grislier than U.S. remake - subs
5177 Interface (84) computer games turns deadly
8430-2 Interrabang (69) rare giallo - director Giuliano Biagetti F.L.
223 Intruder (89) Uncut gore classic!
8789 Inugami (01) LBX F.L. subs Legend dictates that the Bonomiya women are cursed to guard the urns which house the spirits on the Inugami, the wild dog gods.
1782 Invasion of the Bee Girls (73)
L461 Invasion of the Blood Farmers (72) They planted the living and harvested the dead - BA
2947 Invasion of the Girl Snatchers (73) Hippies vs. Aliens!
P17 Invasion of the Mindbenders (87) Roy Thinnes - Teenagers become possessed by aliens and kill! BA
3724 Invasione Del Pornonauti (93) zombies, dominatrix, and music by Goblin and Pink Floyd ! Italian language
L357 Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (70) Florinda Bolkan - Oscar winning giallo-esque Italian thriller with a music score by Ennio Morricone
62 Invisible Dead, The aka: Orloff Against the Invisible Man (70)
2759-9889 Invisible Strangler (84) Elke Sommer. Filmed in 1976
6103 Isabel (68) A woman believes she is beginning to lose her mind when she begins seeing ghosts and spirits. Genevieve Bujold thriller
9519 Island of Blood (82) A movie company is filming a murder mystery on an island. Soon afterwards cast and crew members start getting murdered...
L166-9254 Island of the Fishmen (79) Now it's uncut and in Wide screen English language in a great print. Want the alternate version entitled "Screamers' with some alternate scenes? Mention it with your order and it's a ten dollar extra disc or tape. Barbara Bach has never looked as good as she does in this "Dr. Moreu-esque " flick directed by Sergio Martino - BA
9469 Island Tales, The (00) Quarantined on an island things begin to go wrong - BA
275 It Happened at Nightmare Inn aka: A Candle For the Devil (70)
T243 Ivanna (70) This is the Spanish Language version of "Scream of the Demon Lover" - BA
20 J.D.’s Revenge (76) He came back from the dead to possess a man's soul, make love to his woman, and get the Vengeance he craved!
1997 Jack Be Nimble (94) from New Zealand
3946-6373 Jar (84) Bottled demon drives a man mad.
L335 Jason se Lo Monta de Miedo aka: Viernes the 13th - Wow! Hockey masked killer wields knives and chainsaws, mixed with scenes of damn near hard-core sex with drop dead gorgeous bitches !!! F.L. (doesn't matter, very little talk) With extras! BA
915-6301 Jaws of Satan (83) Killer cobra terrorizes a small town priest whose family was cursed centuries ago for persecuting the Druids. Fritz Weaver BA
9227 Jekyll and Hyde Portfolio, The (71) Dr. Dorian Cabala lets loose his inner demon and no-one is safe from his sexual perversions, lusty violence and insatiable evil! - BA
597 Jekyll and Hyde: Together Again (82)
6416-425 Jennifer, The Snake Goddess (78) Ostracized at a snooty private school because of her rural, poor background, a scholarship student is tormented to the point where her only remaining recourse is revenge, using the only method she knows: her psychic control over snakes! BA
Q176 Jezebel's Kiss (90) Meredith Baxter Birney, Meg Foster, and Malcom McDowell star in this obscure small town by the sea-side sleaze thriller.
L135 Jigokuhan : Portrait of Hell (69) Incredible "Hell on Earth" message dominates this tale of an evil ruler in 14th century Japan who orders his court to paint a mural of heaven with drastic results - LBX - Subs - BA
K142 Jigsaw Murders, The (88) Chad Everett, Michelle Johnson. Body parts of a young woman are turning up...
452-6460 Jitters, The (89) Asian vampires that hop like kangaroos can only be stopped by gluing paper to their foreheads. Really! Oh yeah, the paper has to have oriental writing, in blood, on it to work.
9685 Joe Bob Speaks (90's) Loads of clips with Joe Bob from his defunct cable show telling jokes and offering his unique insight to the movies he is presenting and more. Hilarious and highly entertaining compilation includes his last farewell to this particular show ... Essential to the Drive-In Aficionados
4656 Joe D’Amato Totally Uncut (99) Letterboxed subs Joe D’Amato’s story loaded with scenes form his films! Joe D’Amato talks about everything as only one of the masters of sexploitation and gore can. Nude color Laura Gemser box art available – Highly recommended for Italian sex and horror film fans ! BA
1996 Johnsons, The (93) Dutch horror classic.
9885 Jonathan (69) extremely RARE vampire flick from Germany UNCUT! Subs. Fair quality.
Q18 Journey into the Beyond (77) Before "Faces of Death", this one had people retching in the theatres. Psycho kinesis, Hypnotic Dentistry, Exorcism, Levitation grislier elements and more in this cool documentary narrated by John Carradine - BA
Q174 Jungle Heat (85) Sam Jones, Christopher Doyle - Gory Viet Nam Jungle Thriller with gun battles, excessive blood-letting, "skinning by acid" torture...more. Exploitative, brutal
3235 Junior aka: HotWater (85) K.C. and Jo are two hardened female ex-cons who decide to build a marina on a lake in backwoods Texas to start a life for themselves, only to be hassled by the redneck locals who do not like outsiders
9398 Juvenile (00) Japanese Sci-Fi - Subs
8788 Kakashi aka: Scarecrows (02) Super Creepy Japanese Horror! A Must! LBX Subs.
L162 Kannibal (01) Linnea Quigley is a crime boss in this violent thriller. That's right Linnea, Scream Queen of the 80's - She's damn good in this one too! - BA
L274 Kapop (03) Erotic Thai made horror with Subs! BA
2108 Keep My Grave Open (79)
7116 Keep, The (83) WWII horror thriller with a neat monster and great special effects
1657 Keeper, The (84) Christopher Lee
L132 Kichiki (97) When the leader of a Leftist group commits suicide in prison, despair and confusion rule the group and revenge and violence erupts in graphic way. Extremely violent and sadistic Japanese film with a featurette after the film. You have been warned! Subs - BA
K39 Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast it (70) Bizarre incest obsessions endanger haunt and doom a man in this bizarre thriller with Jean Sorel. Directed by Salvatore Samperi, score , Ennio Morricone - LBX - F.L.
3963 Killer (88) Excellent low budget gore flick shot for $ 9,000
L901 Killer Butterfly (78) Bizarre Japanese horror - F.L.
4238-7120 Killer Crocodile (89) LBX UNCUT print !
7119-2403 Killer Crocodile 2 (90) LBX
4483 Killer Inside Me, The (76) Everyone figures Lou Ford, a small-town, Texas, deputy sheriff, to be a normal, good-old-boy kind of regular Joe. But no one knows about "the sickness" that drives him to kill. Stacy Keach
102 Killer Instinct (81)
8457 Killer is Still Among Us, The (86) Camilla Teti directed this- one of the sickest Giallos ever- with gruesome body mutilations including some disturbing female private part removal scenes. Quality a bit soft with English Subs.
1195 Killer Nun , The (78)
873 Killer Snakes (75) A young man who has been beaten, abused, humiliated and laughed at all his life finds that he has an unusual connection with snakes (they understand and obey him). He decides to use his newfound friends to take his revenge on everyone who ever did him wrong.
4414-3729 Killer Tongue (97) In English BA
241 Killer’s Moon (78) BA
8548 Killers (96) Brutal flick has vicious killers on the loose
P139 Killers are Our Guests, The (74) Rare Giallo! Quality a bit soft
5106 Killing Birds (87) Joe D’Amato UNCUT LBX BA
2855 Killing Hour, The (84)
8578 Killing Kind, The (73) John Savage is a crazed killer BA
8057 Killing of America (80) Grim docu with lots of real footage. Interviews with serial killers and more. Very interesting and disturbing.
T88-916 Killing of the Dolls (75) Grim little thriller only fair quality. Subs
3731 Kingdom of the Spiders (77) spider attack classic!
4472 Kiss Daddy GoodNight (87) Uma Thurman stars in this Danish made thriller before she hit the bigtime
4935 Kiss My Blood (97) German gory vampire horror (English subs) letterboxed
Q727 Kiss of a Dead Woman (74) aka: Il Bacio di Una Morta - One of the last films of Peter Lee Lawrence before his suicide at age 29. F.L.- BA
8559 Kiss of Dracula (02) Italian Language Dracula flick $22.00 VHS/ 26.00 SHG VHS / $20.00 DVD
6304 Kissed (96) twisted love and necrophilia dominate this disturbing arty corpse - sex fest - Don't be afraid because its arty- it's still sick and disturbing! Feel better?
8868 Kizuma (98) Japanese Thriller- Subs
8644-8635 Kokkuri (98) Teenage Japanese girls play with spiritism. Japanese horror w/ subs.
9309 Kourei (02) aka: Séance - Psychological horror from Japan - Subs - BA
Q196 Kuorneko (68) Woman and daughter are assaultd and murdered by soldiers. Later Samurai are found at the site of the murders with their throats torn out - LBX - Subs
L930 Kyoko vs. Yuki (00) Feuding Japanese schoolgirls fight it out in bloody graphic detail in a typically brutal, yet darkly funny way - F.L.
2791 Kyra: La Signora Del Lago (79) witch horror
8440 L' Assessino Fantasma (69) Larry Ward, Teresa Gimpera, and Jack Stewart. Scheming blonde plots to drive her husband insane so she can have him institutionalized. Then, she and her twin brother (who she's having an affair with) can have his money. LBX F.L.
Q933 La Banda Vallanzasca (78) Mario (Nights of Terror) Bianchi rare thriller
4362 La Belle Captive (83) F.L. Alain Robbe-Grillets bizarre exercise prompted by Rene Magrittes paintings. Sexual imagery amidst artistic sleaze make this an acid movie for sure – subs
8065-3266 La Bimba di Satana (82) Fully uncut! F.L. BA
3572-7139 La Blue Girl 1, 2, & 3 (92) aka: Injû gakuen Live Action S.O.V. – Naked superhero women battle penis tentacled monsters! Great fx ! Japanese language. (All three $30 VHS or $ 35 SHG VHS / $40 DVD) LBX
7138 La Grande Troville aka: Tender Dracula (74) Peter Cushing French language version
9282 La Matanza De Cannibals (93) Crazy cannibal family terrorizes two couples! Papa approves as daughter rips out victims spines after sex, Junior eats human heart sandwiches, and sucks the brains out of his sisters newborn baby and other healthy god fearin' behavior from a clan that believes in strong family values -F.L.
Q178 La Monja (05) aka: The Nun - Spanish Horror - LBX - F.L.
Q256 La Polizia Brancola Nel Buio (75) Rare Giallo. Beware the scissor killer ! F.L.
Q189 La Sorella Di Ursula (78) aka: Curse of Ursula Maniac has sex with girls, and then kills them with a large Dildo! Italian Giallo type LBX with Subs
8484 La Verita Secondo Satana (71) aka: The Second Truth of Satan - Renato Polselli directed madness, sexuality, nudity, blood and death classic in Italian language only.
3498 Labrynth of Dreams (95) B&W w/ subs
9924 Lady Caligula in Tokyo (81) Sex and submission - Subs - BA
2789 Lady Dracula (77) F.L.
9858 Lady Frankenstein (72) Uncut 94 minute version is longer than the cut- released version! Import print in English and the definitive cut of this trashy classic horror - BA
8443 Lady of the Lake aka: La Donna De Lago (65) In Italian
3021 Lady Poison: Beasts of the Underground (90’s) female “Jack the Ripper“ tale! Subs
3009 Lady Stay Dead (82) Aussie horror
8201 Lady Terminator (89) ultra-violent fun!
7349 Lamp, The aka: The Outing (87)
T96 Las Alimanas (The Alligators) (76) Armando De Ossorio directs this rare brutal action. Gators eat the evidence when thugs dispose of bodies. assault and more.. Helga Line and Frank Brana star. Fair Quality, Rare - F.L.
2215 Las Vegas Serial Killer (87)
2327-9195 LaserKiller aka: Corruption (67) A doctor goes to extreme lengths--even murder--to restore the badly burned face of his fiancé. FULLY uncut disturbing print with all the gore and nudity! Cushing! BA
3220 Last Blood (61) aka: Door to Door Maniac Johnny Cash is a killer in ’48 rural Georgia BA
1426-9181 Last House on Dead-End Street (77)
T932 Last House on the Beach, The (78) aka: La Settima Donna aka: Terror - Florinda Balkan - Finally a really nice print of this classic, restored, LBX and in English!
1118-8385 Last House on the Left , The (72) UNCUT
T384 Last Quarter, The (03) Japanese Thriller with Subs
6513 Last Summer (69) Richard Thomas, Bruce Davison, Barbara Hershey star in this ‘coming of age’ drama with dire consequences. This hard "R" version is uncut.
919 Laughing Dead, The (89)
5249 Le Charlots Contre Dracula (80) Neck-biting comedy Italian style F.L.
Q291 Le Couteau Sous La Gorge (86) aka: The Razor Under the Throat - Sexy slasher with Bridgette Lahaie and Florence Guerin - Better print - F.L.
4333 Le Evase: Stories of Sex and Violence (78) aka: Women Against Women, a Tale of Sex and Violence Four female convicts break out of prison, and during their escape they take hostage a bus full of young female tennis players… LBX In Italian BA F.L.
2585 Le Foto Di Gioia (87) Lamberto Bava directs this giallo which deals with models of nudie mag being murdered
3027 Le Manti Del Mostro (74) A doctor (Klaus Kinski) who stumbles upon a secret experimental laboratory when he returns to his wife's ancestral homestead. Work in the lab turns the curious Kinski into a Jekyll and Hyde split personality, with the evil alter ago going on a killing rampage blamed on a pair of tramps--one of whom bears the name Polanski. Italian/Turkish co-production in Italian language LBX
8452 Le Notte Della Violenza aka: Call Girl (66) horror giallo in Italian. Poor-Fair quality.
1891 Legacy of Satan (73)
1436 Legend of Spider Forest (76)
3244-7358 Legend of the Eight Samurai (83) Princess Shizu's family is wiped out by an family of undead seeking revenge. The eight samurai can save her, but who and where are they? BA
3440 Leonora (83) sex, witchcraft
3992 Les Gants Blancs Du Diable (73) aka: The White Gloves of the Devil F.L.
9920 Lesbians in Uniform (83) Trouble erupts when a lesbian wants to have an affair with a man - Nikkatsu - Subs
2161 Let’s Scare Jessica to Death (71)
Q26 Lethal Woman (89) Merete Van Kamp, Shannon Tweed, James Luisi - D: Christian Marnham - A group of men are told that they have won an "erotic vacation" at a fantasy island. In reality, they are being lured to the island by women they have wronged, and once there- the women start to hunt them! - BA
842-6474 Let's Play Dead aka: School Girls in Chains (73) Two deranged brothers, who are under the domineering influence of their crazed mother, kidnap young girls and keep them captive in chains in their basement, where they subject them to depraved "games" that often end in torture and murder. BA
8649 Libera Me (01) Korean thriller with a lethal pyromaniac. Epic LBX subs F.L.
9834 Libidine (79) aka: Lust A man's soul is transferred into a snake and it menaces Ajita Wilson and her lesbian lover. One of them has a sexual thing with the snake and it gets quite repulsive from there on out. LBX In Italian
7413 Libidine: The Snake Girl (70's) In Italian. A hot young woman falls in love with a snake. sleazy
L674 Lien De Sang (02) Obsessed with revenge a woman with a cross scar on her forehead seduces her abusers incognito, only sharing her identity with them as she violently murders them. Vile and violent brutal ***e, lots of gory violent deaths (including dismemberment) large knife through the mouth and more! Lots of sex and nudity too! Think "I Spit on Your Grave" and turn on the Splatter - Meter! F.L. (but that doesn't matter it's all sex and violence ...)
7340 Lies (86) Set in a mental institution thriller
8669 Life After Life (81) Subs from disc
LD3 LifeForce (85) UNCUT LBX Print !
Q19-2816 Lifespan (74) Hiram Keller, Klaus Kinski, Tina Aumont - Search for Immortality - BA
9829 Lifetaker, The (75) British horror. Man returns home to find his wife has taken a lover. He decides on a nice grisly plan of revenge and begins its execution in this bloody thriller that also supplies gratuitous nudity!
598-6146 Lift, The (83) Dutch import! Killer elevator!
T472 Like a Spider in a Net (98) German Language Thriller - LBX
2475 Living Dead in Tokyo Bay (92) subs
9280 Liz and Helen (70) This Riccardo Freda directed Giallo was released here under the title " Doubleface " and it was cut. This uncut print features all of the nude scenes and is more coherent. Klaus Kinski stars as a jealous husband. He sees his dead bride's doppelganger in a porno and wonders if she is really dead or... ? - BA
Q655 Lizard Baby (05) From the guy that brought you "Doll Cemetery", (and others) Hideshi Hino, we get another of his creepy tales LBX with Subs
T147 Lizard Woman (04) Cool Thai monster movie. Exploring a forest a group finds a seemingly abandoned house in the wilderness. Soon they are attacked by Lizards. One foot long Gecko jumps right into a chick's mouth and goes down her throat. Gulp! Includes a fanged monster lizard woman.. rituals... flesh eating and death by mass lizard attack. In Thai (No Subs- but easy to follow) F.L.
9715 Lois aka: The Bear (70) Young delusional dude thinks he is a were-bear due to his mom being attacked by a bear on her wedding day. So he goes all friggin' beary assed bonkers on his young bride. Rare weird Polish flick with subs but only in Fair quality
L467 Lonely Violent Beach (71) Married couple drive to a house by the sea, are set upon by mad rapist bikers, and damn it all if wifey doesn't fall head over heels for her rapist. What's a hubby to do? A different twist from the usual assault and revenge formula .
2628 Long Live the New Flesh (86) Excellent docu on David Cronenberg and his films up through 1986's "The Fly".
Q638 Look Out, Officer (90) Shaw Brothers with Stephen Chow action spook-fest mixes ghosts, fart jokes, super-powers, Bruce Lee spoofing, urination humor and more - LBX - Subs
P153 Lost Souls (77) From the director of Men Behind the Sun - LBX - Subs
3062 Love Butcher, The (75) killer gardener
2669 Love Camp # 7 (69) Two young WAC officers go undercover as POW's in the prison camp hoping to get some information from a scientist that's being held there, before being sprung out by the French resistance. Unfortunately things go wrong with the break out and they end up overstaying their welcome and being subjected to the same indignities as the other inmates. First film in the wave of Nasty Nazi films - BA
8685 Love in the River (98) Ching is a voluptuous widow whose three short marriages have each ended with her husbands dying due to unknown causes… LBX Subs BA
9873 Love in the Strangest Way (98) Fatal Attraction styled film about a man who has an affair with a crazy slut when his wife and child are away. She weasels her way into his life until he reaches his breaking point and kills her. Or does he? A nail biter. Subs
5089 Love Me Deadly (73) A Coven of Devil-worshipping necrophiliacs moves to L.A. and sets up their base of operations out of a funeral home (how convenient!) Genuinely shocking horror thriller. BA
M29 Love Soul (98) aka: Ghost in Love - Subs
2512 Love Thrill Murders, The (71)
9512 Love to Kill (93) A woman looks to a cop for help against her abusive husband, who constantly assaults, beats, and belittles her and her son, but the husband catches wind of the cop's plan. Category III Subs
3486 Lover of the Lord of the Night (86) Venusita (Elena de Haro) falls in love with the son of a wealthy family and enlists the aid of a sorceress to make her desires reality. Subs.
Q241 Lover of the Monster (74) aka: Le Amanti Del Mostro - Klaus Kinski horror, now with an added bonus! An actual T.V. interview from German T.V. with Kinski himself ! This includes some cool behind the scenes footage of Kinski blowing his top on a movie set. Great interview - All, movie and interview with Subs! LBX - BA
1683 Lucifer Complex, The (78) An intelligence agent discovers a Nazi plot to revive the Third Reich by using clones
7254-8308 LunchMeat (87) Paw and the Boys ambush men and women in the woods and rip them to shreds for their dinners! BA
3258 Lurkers (88) aka: Home Sweet Home A woman is haunted by flashbacks of her dead mother and visions of dead people floating.
9932 Lustful Trio, The (72) aka: Byleth - il demone dell'incesto Mark (Devil's Wedding Night) Damon is not happy to meet his sister's fiancé since he has been screwing her. Damon's character is also a maniac that kills when he sees sex action. And of course its all skin and violence in this Spanish language rarity. Opening sequence involves a women being stabbed to death after sex...
2172 Luther the Geek (88) As a young child Luther The Geek or "The Freak" witnesses a band of men goading a geek (a man who bites off chicken's heads and drinks the blood) into performing. In the ensuing hullabaloo, Luther bites his lip and likes the taste of blood….
4210 Lynch: The Yakuza Torture (73) Ocho is accidentally captured by a drug trafficking cartel who use Chinese women to smuggle drugs into Japan by hiding it in their … (well you get the idea)
T321 Macabre Case of Prom Pi Ram (03) A corpse of a young woman is found by a train track. In Flashback we are told her story, and how she came to such a grim fate, at such a young age, also inter-cut with the present as authorities investigate, sifting through evidence and suspects memories. F.L. - BA
132 Macabro aka: Frozen Terror (80) Lamberto Bava !
6216-238 Mad Butcher, The (72) Victor Buono - BA
4479 Mad Stylist, The (97) Cat III ultra-violence with subs
9919 Madame De Sade: She Beast in Hell (86) Spurned mistress captures and tortures her lover and targets his new bride for next in line - Nikkatsu! Subs - BA
N72-3158 Madhouse (81) aka: There Was a Little Girl - Excellent Horror directed by Avidio (Beyond the Door) G. Assonitits - Two sisters, one a teacher, the other a deformed and deranged mess. Also with a lethal killer dog ! Cool twist too. This is a classic.
5090 MadHouse Mansion (74) Marianne Faithful Barbara Shelley
T672 Madonna... A Case of Blood Ambition (90) A lethal seductress seeks revenge for the murder of her father - BA
9407 Mae Bia (02) This Thai horror revolves around a snake succubus woman and the man she seduces and destroys as his family collapses. Subs.
T865 Magic Toyshop, The (87) We had to list this twisted gem again ! No one seems to have heard of it. A bold and imaginative excursion into the sexual awakening of a young girl from "Company of Wolves" creator Angela Carter. Tom Bell stars as the evil Uncle Phillip with a mysterious obsession for the toys that he makes. Following the news of the death of her parents- Melanie is sent to live with her Uncle and Aunt (a mute who has not uttered a word since her wedding day.) She soon learns the sinister secrets of the Toy Shop and her own family. A tale of dark evil forces- incest and obsession and many stunning FX. - BA
3594 Maison Assassinee (88) aka: The Murdered House Bizarre film set post WWI complete with bewitchments, a castle with vicious dogs, the village, strange deaths, things in threes all shot amongst splendid rural landscapes F.L.
5197 Making of Blood Church + (92) Unfinished film "Blood Church" with Linea Quigley footage here. See Linea do the same scene over and over again, naked and more. + The Farting Preacher on the same program
9172 Malabimba the Malicious Whore (79) Classic trash directed by Andrea (Burial Ground) Bianchi. After a seance, a mother and her daughter become possessed by sex crazed evil spirits. NymphoMania, voyeurism, a daughter gives Grampa a blow job which kills him, sister Sophia is seduced and then with shame jumps to her death and MORE! Explicit with XXX. Subs
6201 Maleficia (90's) in French 1860 Transylvania- a woman is nailed to a cross in broad daylight by a Satanic cult. They fill their cups with blood. Next- another woman is impaled in the face and eyes- more cups filled. Next- a woman is chained down, throat slit, and disemboweled. As the cult rips her up, eating her guts, zombies rise from the grave. Meanwhile a stagecoach of people draws near...(and this is just the first 15 minutes!)
9375 Malenka: Niece of the Vampire (68) aka: Fangs of the Living Dead - This is the uncut print of Ossorio's classic vampire flick! - BA
2358 Malpertuis (72) Orson Wells discovers ancient Greek gods still living and sews them into human skins! Bizarre stuff! In English with foreign subs
2987 Mama Dracula (80)
L648 Man Who Didn't Want to Die , The (88) Lamberto Bava directed
9846 Manaos (79) South American plantation master allows his adulterous wife to be gang assaultd daily by his men. Her lover is set to be castrated . He escapes with the help of a friend (Fabio Testi) and they dive into the jungles for a challenging quest to get a crew together to return for revenge. Agostina Belli and Florinda Balkan also appear in this one for the sleaze factor.
T94 Man-Eaters (88) Catriona (The Beyond) MacColl is one of three cannibal women on an island. They feed on shipwrecked men. Comedy and Gore combine in this fun Euro-Trash
3943 Mania (86) 4 tales of suspense and death
5215 Maniac (77) Oliver Reed BA
3492 Maniac Killer (76) Eurosleaze, Satanism, and sex with Chuck Connors, Robert Gintry, and Bo Svenson- directed by Andrea Bianchi ! BA
9817-3281 Maniac Responsible , The (74) School girls are being killed (a recurring theme in hundreds of films we offer) and lo and behold it's another vicious giallo!
8959 Maniak (01) Russian action violence as police track a killer -F.L. - BA
3392 Manipulator, The (71)
1725 Manitou, The (78) A psychic's girlfriend finds out that a lump on her back is a growing reincarnation of a 400 year-old demonic Native American spirit….
1580 Mansion of the Doomed (75) An insane surgeon begins removing the eyes of abducted people in hopes of performing transplants on his daughter who lost her own in a car-accident he caused.
2811 Manson Family Movies (84)
8838 Manson Massacre, The (72) Thought lost- this is the long missing Manson flick (with original trailer and in German language) Gore, nudity, and Uschi Digart as Charlie's mom in flashback. A forgotten exploitation trash classic! BA
600 Mardi Gras Massacre (78)
4446 Mark of Cain (84) Robin Ward and Wendy Crewson star in this obscure horror thriller (shot against a wintry Canadian countryside) that deals with an old isolated mansion and a murderous twin escaped from an asylum.
723-K69 Mark of the Devil 2 aka: The Witches (72) A tribunal interrogates, tortures and murders "witches" and "heretics" during the Inquisition. Erika Blanc
391 Mark of the Witch (70) A 300-year-old witch terrorizes a college town to get revenge on the descendant of the man who persecuted her.
K149 Mark, The (03) Weird sexy horror. Giulia's pregnant. Her rich boyfriend (Mark) leads "The Demons" a violent gang. He wants her to abort. Enter hot witchy blonde named Serena who seduces Mark and sex with Serena comes with a curse....LBX
9810 Marta (72) Time clock at bottom of screen but do not let that stop you. Here is an obscure Spanish "Psycho" rip-off that really delivers the goods! It's in English, has a Mom obsessed killer with dark secrets and Marisa Mell provides the nudity. Can't go wrong with this one!
251 Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary (76) A female bisexual artist turns out to be a vampire
5309-9805 Mask of Murder (80’s) RARE stalker/ slasher with Christopher Lee and Rod Taylor. Fair quality.
9805 Mask of Murder, The (85) Christopher Lee and Rod Taylor star in this slasher thriller and also with Valerie Perrine who gets naked!!
L956 Massacre (89) Lucio Fulci presents this gory Giallo directed by Andrea Bianchi and now with Subs !
599 Massacre at Central High (76)
3804 Master of Horror (88) UNCUT Lamberto Bava – English language!
2426 Matador (86) subs Antonio Banderas
3131 Mausoleum (82)
3878 Maxim Xul (91) Adam (BatMan) West is a professor of ancient lore who battles the title demon character BA
M95 Maya (89) Decent Italian made horror (In English) with eerie atmosphere and some truly chilling scenes.
3363 MeatCleaver Massacre aka: Hollywood MeatCleaver Massacre (77) Christopher Lee was duped into unknowingly participating in this below average turkey.
P22-3007 Medusa (73) Giallo which stars George Hamilton and Cameron Mitchell - BA
3271 Medusa Touch, The (78) Dark psychological thriller. Lee Remick and Richard Burton
T580 Memorial Valley Massacre (88) More campsite slaughter, this time out with William Smith and Cameron Mitchell
X14-4267 Mephisto Waltz, The (71) Alan Alda, Jacqueline Bisset, Bradford Dillman, Barbara Parkins - A Fantastic Satanic thriller about personality transference, and incestuous diabolical perversion. LBX -
Q652 Messiah 4: The Harrowing (05) Helen McCrory - A woman stung to death by bees, two women hooked together like meat, a man starved to death in the bodies mount up Red Metcalf (Ken Stott) and his team race to get ahead of a killer who's murder tactics mirror the punishment of sinners from Dante's Inferno and believes he's literally sending his victims to Hell! - 2 DVD-R or 2 VHS - $20
3840 Messiah of Evil aka: Dead People (73)
T136 Meteor, The (04) Epic Action, Thriller and Horror combined. After a meteor storm hits, everybody starts to flip - out. Supernatural elements begin to take. Cool monsters, robed Druid like beings and violent battles make this a lot of fun, even if there is no English Translation. F.L.
T68 Mia Moglie, Un Corpo Per L'Amore (73) A man married to a sexy nymphomaniac (he can't contain) weighs his options while he plots with his lover. LBX and in Italian Language
2609 Miami Golem (87) David Warbeck BA
2871 Microwave Massacre (79) BA
1212 Midnight (80)
2000 Midnight Intruders (82)
7138 Midnight's Calling (2001) More extreme gore! German language zombie gut-cruncher. Death metal soundtrack. LBX Gee I feel like a raw steak ! Slurp.
L161 Mill of the Stone Women (60) Uncut Euro-version. It's like a Bava film. Fantastic colors and surreal imagery. Horror art from another era - BA
1755 Mind Snatcher (72)
3400 MindKiller (86)
N18 Mirage (90) Rare slasher with a group of people in the desert being stalked by a madman in a truck. Heads roll, impalings and more Knock 'Em Dead fun -
3263 Mirror of Death (87) beware the Queen of Hell ! BA
3019 Mirrors (78) A woman's dreams lead to death.
L818 Mischievous Lolita: Attacking the Virgin from Behind (86) Hey don't look at me, I didn't title this movie! A guy's sex doll transforms into a real girl and is kidnapped and sold to a sex club ! - Subs - BA
T100 Miss Death (67) Rare John Carradine film in which he plays yet another Mad Doctor. F.L.
603 Mistress of the Apes (79) Larry Buchanan directs!
Q956 Mizuchi (06) Newspaper correspondent visits a nursing home in the outskirts of Tokyo. Inside is a dead resident with squashed eyes and bloody scissors, holding a note that says "Death Water". This is just the beginning of a terrifying nightmare...LBX- F.L.
3941 Mnasidika (69) Michael and Roberta Findley horror sleaze
Q350 Moebius (96) Missing train in subway station is investigated by a young mathematician based on lost maps and technical data sheets. This mystery builds to an amazing revelation in this Argentina filmed science-fiction - Subs
8979 Moho Han (98) Dark Japanese thriller with Subs
Q645 Mon Amour - Eine Morderische Liebe (97) Robin Renucci, Florence Pernel - A woman cannot escape her stalker ex, as he attempts to assault her, beats her, slices her up gorily with a straight razor, drugs her, kidnaps her, ties her to a bed and molests her etc... German - LBX
T629 Mondo Bizarro (66) World destinations are visited for intriguing , offensive, odd and uncanny observations of the human condition
P125 Mondo Candido (75) Jacopetti and Prosperi bizarre , Fellini-like adventure fantasy - F.L.
T630 Mondo Freudo (67) More weird world experiences are filmed
2169 Mongrel (83) At a boarding house, a vicious dog gets loose from his chain…..
2917 Monk, The (73) Ambrosio (Franco Nero) is a monk who is sexually tempted by an emissary of the Devil, a young girl in monk's robes. After he has committed numerous crimes, it appears that he will be caught and punished by the Inquisition. Instead, he signs up on the Devil's team and wins his freedom.. and eventually, the papacy.
3059 Monkey Boy aka: Chimera (90)
T409 Monster aka: Humanoids from the Deep (80) Uncut Import Print ! More Gore than the U.S. release ! A fun "head tearing off" sequence missing from U.S. version + more...What, I mean WHAT are you waiting for ? Doug McClure
4553-923 Monster and the Stripper, The aka: The Exotic Ones (73)
2509 Monster of Florence aka: Il Mostro di Firenze (85) giallo
9482 Monster, The aka: I Don't Want to Be Born (76) Donald Pleasence, Joan Collins and Caroline Munro - Outrageous trashy killer baby classic ! BA
6261 Monster Dog (85) Alice Cooper is a werewolf in this uncut import print BA
1658 Monster Hunter aka: Absurd (82) Joe D’Amato ultra gory sequel to “Anthropophagous“ !
2758 Monster Shark (84) UNCUT import print of “Devil Fish“
4340 Moon Child (71) John Carradine
2737 Moonlight Sonata (88) A female fashion model travels to remote Northern Finland wilderness to take a break. Unbeknownst to her, she is about to be terrorized and molested by inbred locals. F.L.
Q393-1283 Morbus (83) Zombie Horror - F.L.
Q962 Morke (05) Here's a Danish film about a man investigating his sister's suicide. He suspects her new husband of killing her. The films twists and turns throughout as we follow this tortured man as he slowly descends into (at least partial) madness and finds himself in one intense situation after another. - F.L.
L463 Mortal Reflection (04) Thai made - Nasty revenge for a assault - F.L. - BA
1999 Mortuary (81)
4548 Mortuary of the Dead (90’s) docu mortuary horrors and close up dissection– guaranteed to make the most jaded ill. If this doesn’t make you sick…… (runs under an hour)
9892 Mosquito (76) Wonderfully demented , disturbing gore classic that features a sick perverted killer with a perverted bloodlust - BA
235 Movie House Massacre (84)
1336-7341 Ms. 45: Angel of Vengeance (81) A shy and mute seamstress goes insane after being attacked and assaultd twice in one day, in which she takes to the streets of New York after dark and randomly kills men with a .45 caliber gun…..
2444 Multiple Maniacs (70)
1870 Mummy and the Curse of the Jackal (68)
L655 Mummy Theme Park (00) More Al (Plankton, Flight from Hell) Passeri with a ton of FX, Gore, and what looks like a huge budget! Imagine a giant underground theme park ride with hundreds of colorful Egyptian worlds, throw in an evil guy at the controls and monsters and what do you get ? In English!
127 Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny, and Girly (70) Freddie Francis !
3738 Murder at Monti Parioli Street (98) Italian language giallo
3034 Murder By Phone (82) A disgruntled phone company employee develops a device whereby those answering a phone can be murdered...
3075 Murder Clinic, The (66) Italian horror.
5018 Murder Elite (85) An English woman (Ali MacGraw) returns to her homeland after losing her fortune in America, and is stalked by a serial killer.
9923 Murder for Pleasure: Female Detective (96) Sex killer copulates and then kills . Then he mutilates the sex organs of his victims. Sick stuff. Watch out for the nipple severing sequence in the opening segment. Ouch! - Subs - BA
8458 Murder in a Blue World aka: Clinique of horrors (73) English language print
1745 Murder Mansion (70) Spanish horror
6245-4353 Murder Obsession aka: Fear (80) Ricardo Freda slasher uncut F.L.
P56 Murder Secret, The (89) Gory murder awaits a family that visits their Aunt Martha at her remote country house - This was directed by Mario Bianchi under the direct supervision of Lucio Fulci - BA
8294 Murderer's Keep aka: The Butcher (70) Vic Tayback, Talia Shire- Secret ingredients in the hamburger is people! Yummy!
8783 Musical Vampire, The (99) Action, vampire, fantasy. LBX Subs.
8097-3251 Mutant Hunt (86)
8562 Mutation 2 : Generation Dead (99) Gory Brutal German Language Splatter
12-6449 Mutations, The aka: FreakMaker (74) Pleasence !
7339 Mutilator, The (84) uncut unrated edition BA
L920 Muzanze (99) Rumor has it that a psycho guy murdered an adult video star and recorded it as "snuff" film. A women reporter begins to investigate....F.L.
7133 My Brother Has Bad Dreams (72) Guy goes bonkers as his nightmares become his obsession and eventually his reality. BA
5174 My Dear Killer (71) Uncut widescreen giallo- a guy is decapitated by a crane in the opening sequence! Ouch ! BA
1136 My Lovely Burnt Brother and His Squashed Brain (88) Italian with Eng. Subs Fair print
6274-760 My Sister, My Love aka: Mafu Cage aka: The Cage (79) With Will Geer- incest, jealousy and murder! BA
L297 Mysterious Murder, A (02) Bizarre deaths plague a family in a strange mountain village motel - B.A.
P104 Mystery Files (96) Horror - LBX - Subs
T471 Naked Girl Killed in the Park (72) Alfonso Brescia directed Giallo Inheritance Killer Thriller - F.L.
LD4 Naked Killer (92) subs
9349-3744 Naked Massacre (76) aka: Born for Hell Quite literally smokes the piss poor "Speck" release. This is based on Speck and his notorious crime of the century. BA
8676 Naked Poison (2000) sex, sex, and violence! subs, LBX
5041 Naked Rage (89) disturbed wench wastes lustful men
6435 Naked Rose aka: Naked in the Dark (89) naked wicked Spanish language sex and gore BA
2838 Naked Vengeance (86) same vein as “I Spit On Your Grave“
T95 Naked Violence (69) aka: I Ragazzi del Massacro - Punk kids gang - assault and murder their female teacher. Why? And how to break them into confessions? LBX and Uncut
8977 Naked Weapon (02) Sequel to Naked Killer - Subs
571 Name for Evil, A (73) Hitwoman hunts lesbian murderess that is attacked to her. Cat III BA
4616 Name of the Game is Kill, The (68) Jack (Hawaii 5-0) Lord and Susan Strasberg – creepy ! With music by the Electric Prunes!
5163 Natas: The Reflection (83)
9870 Nathalie (76) Nice and trashy Nazi classic. Female fighter is captured by the S.S. and brutalized in a castle dungeon. Whippings and a wicked female warden decked out in a black leather bikini and more fun!
T463 Necromancer (05) LBX - F.L.
4144 NecroManiac aka: Graveyard of Horror (71) BA
K158 Necronomicon (94) Nice Lovecraft based trilogy with Jeffrey Combs as H.P. Lovecraft, Richard Lynch and more. LBX ultimate print . Love that first story with Lynch !
4029 NecroPhobia (95) necrophilia is the game of a demented woman – F.L. + Death Press 2 “ in the ’ Faces of Death ’ vein– one gross out tape for sure! Quality varies on “ Death Press 2 “ F.L. Overall Poor quality.
9259 Necrophobia (95) Crazed woman lives to screw corpses. And you thought you had problems! In Dutch Language with no subs. But nice and sick and easy to follow. - BA
9729 Necropolis : City of the Dead (86) Zombie thriller , reincarnated punk rocker witch and more
2748 Negatives (68) twisted sex games with Glenda Jackson
Q205 Nel Silenzio della Notte (80) Crime styled MFTV Giallo - Mario Caino directs - with Stella Carnacina - approx. 65 minutes - F.L.
8099 Neon Maniacs (85) A group of teenagers in San Francisco discover a nest of homicidal monsters living in a tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, but when they try to tell authorities, no one believes them…. BA
219 Nesting, The (84) Carradine !
L643 Netherlands Horror Collection - Just over two hours of short Dutch Horror films! Attack sex doll stabs her owner in the shower (in an entertaining Psycho-like scene), a male hustler takes some cash from some strange guy and is tied to a bed. Then the strange guy's cannibal mom comes in and bites his nipples off... Ouch! Zombies...more! (Mostly in English with some French and Dutch spoken as well.)
9512-5364 Netherworld Videozine 1-5 () Lots of horror talk and clips all on one tape by guys who know what they are talking about.
8872 New Blood (02) aka: Horror Hotline 2 - Sequel -LBX- Subs
K144 New Kids, The (85) Orphaned teens must contend with homicidal peers in their relatives dilapidated Amusement park in Florida - James Spader, Lori Laughlin, Eric Stoltz
3119 New Year’s Evil (80) During a New Year's Eve celebration, a punk-rock singer gets a phone call saying that when New Year's strikes in each time zone, someone will be murdered--and she will be the last one. BA
6238-4447 NewlyDeads, The (87) gory fun! BA
136 Next aka: Next Victim aka: Blade of the Ripper (84) Giallo Alt version
2773 Next of Kin (82) In a rest home for elderly people, a daughter reads her mother's diary. Soon events that are mentioned in the mother's diary begin to happen to the daughter…..
5078 Night After Halloween, The (79) aka: Snapshot aka: The Day Before Halloween
1213 Night After Night After Night ...He Kills (70)
854-9612 Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave, The (71) A wealthy pervert lures beautiful young women to his castle so he can have his way with them. Fullscreen
Q197 Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave, The (71) Uncut LBX version sure beats that old pan and scan version - Great stuff - with Trailer - This is from an import disc -
N13 Night Flowers (79) Serial Killer Vietnam Vets assault and Kill amongst the "seedy" atmosphere of late 70's Times Square. Nudity, assault, Strangling and more... Kind of an odd parallel to the Hillside Stranglers of the era - Pretty obscure grim natured dark horror.
1529 Night God Screamed, The (71) creepy cult crucifies a guy on a cross. More genuine scares! BA
9859 Night Killer (90) Killer uses long finger blades Freddy style to slash up his sexy dancer victims. Cut throats, decapitations and more violence! Directed by Claudio Fragasso
2663 Night Nurse (77) A private nurse uncovers strange goings-on in the home where she is working.
771 Night of a Thousand Cats (72) UNCUT
402-6331 Night of Bloody Horror (69) Wesley goes out on a killing spree while experiencing the nightmares of his brother, who was murdered 13 years ago….
3559 Night of Death (85) aka: La Nuit de la Morte Raphael Delpard directed this obscure foreign slasher. F.L. BA
B137 Night of Fear (72) Terry Bourke directs what some say is the first Australian Horror film! Originally intended as the pilot for a 12 part anthology series entitled" Fright". The censors pounced and branded it 'obscene' and 'indecent'. Fairly grueling little shocker, with beautifully rural backdrop (not the typical bleak outback). A young woman crashes her car in the countryside after taking a wrong turn. Nothing around except a run-down lodge inhabited by a madman and his colony of hungry rats. The rest of the film's somewhat short (just under an hour) running time deals with our unfortunate victim being stalked and terrorized by our resident psychopath and some truly macabre set-pieces with a skull. Influential to TCM and maybe even Wolf Creek.
9404 Night of Terror (98) Aussie thriller with Chris Mitchum
8253-1868 Night of the Bloody Apes (71)
927 Night of the Bloody Transplant (86)
K190 Night of the Creeps (86) Digitally Remastered version with the Zombie Dog ending - BA
K191 Night of the Creeps (86) Uncut Cable T.V. version featuring the cemetery ending. Tom Atkins and Jason Lively star - BA
8733 Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Living Dead (96) They have re-dubbed "Night of the Living Dead" (68) into a comedy here.
3096 Night of the Demon (79) gory Bigfoot movie !
606 Night of the Devils (71) Decent vampire and witch film with gore and nudity. LBX
4475 Night of the Hunted (80) Brigitte Lahaie stars in this Jean Rollins directed horror -Subs
782 Night of the Laughing Dead (73) aka: The House in Nightmare Park In 1907, an actor is invited to perform in an isolated country house, and becomes involved in mysterious and dangerous events….
3141 Night of the Living Babes (87) Michelle Bauer
1998 Night of the Sexual Demons aka: La Nuit De Sexuelle (76) Satanic cults, murders and nudity! F.L.
461 Night of the Sorcerers (70) Amando DeOssorio directed vampire, witch classic!
1491 Night of the Strangler (73) In New Orleans, a relationship between a black man and a white girl leads to a string of murders.
2410 Night of the Walking Dead (75) Vampire flick directed by Leon Klimovsky.
L611 Night of the Warlock + Legacy of Satan (71) and (76) A Demonic Devil Soft-Core Horror Double Feature!!! Night... stars George Flowers as a cult leader that burns women in sacrifice! Legacy of Satan follows a satanic cult as it prepares a clueless girl to be their queen- with a shock ending! Both are nudity filled trashy fun!
9807 Night of Violence (66) A disfigured killer stalks and kills hot Italian women! In Italian Language and letterboxed . Shot in black and white. See this early slasher directed by Roberto Mauri now! He is the director responsible for the classic "Slaughter of the Vampires". This is a great example of early Italian giallo slasher horror!
4105 Night School (81) aka: Terror Eyes Who's been decapitating the innocent girls at a local night school?
3132-7405 Night Screams (87) A football star throws a party for his friends. Two insane killers escape from a nearby asylum on that same night, and in their efforts to elude authorities, wind up at the party….
9395 Night Security Guard (02) Horror- Subs - LBX
6082 Night Slasher aka: Night After Night He Kills (70) BA
4846 Night Terror (89)
1210 Night Train Murders aka: New Last House on the Left (74)
8261 Night Vision (87) A stolen VCR enables whoever watches it to predict the future--but it also shows satanic rites and devil worship.
K143 Night Visitor (89) aka: Never Cry Devil -Low budget, Dark, campy, twisted fun with Michael J. Pollard as a mad Satanist. With his brother they love to kill women. Kind of like "Fright Night" in story with the boy who cries wolf scenario. Shannon Tweed, Elliot Gould- Richard Roundtree -
604 Night Visitor, The (71) Excellent lost 70's chiller … Max von Sydow
2719 NightChild (75) The Titular medallion is a gift presented to young Nicole Elmi. Once the girl places the gift around her neck, she is possessed by the spirit of a dead child who was a murderess. Italian thriller
59 Nightcomers (72) Marlon Brando. Prequel to " The Innocents"
8728 Nightmare (99) F.L. Letterboxed Hong Kong “ Blair Witch “ ripoff BA
1800 Nightmare aka: Nightmares in a Damaged Brain (81) UNCUT with all of the extreme gore scenes missing from some prints!
P23 Nightmare (73) aka: Voices - David Hemmings and Gayle Hunnicutt star. This spook show is great and really shows how ideas currently being used to shock theatre goers today under the guise of originality (hah) has all been done before. Spooky - BA
3447 Nightmare at Shadow Woods (87) aka: Bloodrage Louise Lasser stars. Gory slasher from the era of grue. Two Twins one docile, the other a homicidal maniac. (Look for Ted Raimi in a small role!) Extremely violent and bloody uncut version.
4518 Nightmare Beach aka: Welcome to Spring Break (88) directed by Umberto Lenzi
L633-Q4 Nightmare County (75) Red -necks terrorize hippies by shooting them and setting them on fire. One of our hairy unwanted friends gets the media on his side and complications arise which may turn the tide... With Gayle Hemmingway and Beau Gibson. BA
Q312 Nightmare Honeymoon (73) Dack Rambo, Rebecca Diana Smith and Pat Hingle star - Obscure Hillbilly type Southern Crime Horror Drama Suspense
817 Nightmare in Blood (78) aka: Horror Convention Attendees at a horror-film convention in San Francisco keep disappearing. It turns out that the guest of honor is a real vampire...
8482 Nightmare in Shallow Point (2000) subs
1458 Nightmare in Wax (69)
1681 Nightmare Never Ends (80) aka: Cataclysm Police detective, Mitchell, investigating the death of a victim of a Nazi concentration camp discovers a nightclubbing playboy who has strange powers over women and is seemingly ageless….
3233 Nightmare Weekend (85) Scientist turns college girls into drooling killer zombies !
L656 Nightmare Without End (89) aka: Pesadilla Sin Fin - Another Mexican thriller - F.L.
7122 Nightmare (2001) South Korean gory intelligent horror Subs
7377 Nightmares in Precinct 7 (90's) LBX subs
4069 NightOwl (87) tough to find B&W sexy vampire tale with an appearance by Caroline Munro, with John Leguizamo in his first film!
3457 NightStalker aka: Don’t Go Near the Park (79) Linnea Quigley
1647 NightTrain to Terror (85) God and Satan are on a train discussing the fate of three individuals. The stories of the people in question are told in a trio of very strange vignettes.
4535 Nightwing (79) killer bats!
8060 NightWish (89) uncut version BA
3078 Nighty Night (80’s) F.L. Japanese w/ stop motion monsters !
7123 Nikkatsu S&M Movie Trailers (70’s) F.L. Lots of trailers from the most famous and violent Japanese " Pink Films ". Lots of sick murder and kinky sex.
L647 Nine Guests for a Murder (76) Slasher on an island in this Giallo which features Arthur Kennedy and John Richardson - Nudity and violence LBX and in Italian so F.L.
5091 Ninja III: The Domination (84)
M18-Q648 Ninja Wars (82) aka: Black Magic Wars - Blood spurting decapitations, evil warlord, crazy violent battles, samurai monks - Lots of fun! - BA
R12 Nirvana (97) Christopher Lambert stars ! A video game designer discovers a dangerous virus in his recent creation. The main character of the game has achieved consciousness and begs for his own execution !
9277 No Man's Island (69) Woman leaves her boyfriend for a dyke on an island and he shows up to get her back. This pisses off the butch island dweller who deems it hunting season, gets her rifle, and makes them her prey - From the director of " Amuck "
8495 No Way Out (73) aka: The House that Cried Murder The honeymoon is punctuated by screams of terror! Robin Strasser, John Beal and Arthur Roberts star. Following a dream wedding, a dream couple go to their dream house. Isolated in the woodlands of western Connecticut. But this dreamy tale turns into nightmares as the futuristic building seems to take on a life of its own and the bloodshed begins BA
9830 Nobody Knows Anybody (99) Really cool Spanish horror from the director of "Thesis" features a satanic cult theme, doomsday cults and more. Quite literally smokes the rehashed American horror scene and is worth a look ! In Spanish with English Subs !
1144 Nocturna (78) John Carradine
2474 Nocturnal Demon (90) Killer on the loose comedy Subs
2621 Nosferatu in Brasil (70) Ivan Cardoso bizarre, indescribable sex trip
17 Nosferatu in Venice (88) Klaus Kinski stars as the beastly fanged one in this sequel
3846 Nostril Picker, The (93) Loner turns into a girl to lure and kill other girls…. Demented, gory & amusing.
4217 Nothing Underneath (86) Serial killer uses scissors to assassinate top-models… Donald Pleasence stars in this Giallo
5376 Nude Fear (98) letterboxed subs - more amazing Hong Kong horror! Creepy gory fun!
4400 Nude For Satan (74) Italian Gothic horror that tells the tale of a man who stops at a remote castle hoping to get medical help for an injured woman, only to find the inhabitants mirror the darker sides of the woman and himself. Subs
3064 Nuns of Archangelo, The aka: Sisters of Satan (71) Intrigues in a 16th century Italian cloister near Verona lead to gruesome happenings. Sister Giulia, pretending to save the Mother Supreme from her sickness, is really trying to kill her in order to become Mother Supreme herself. The cardinal suspects something about sister Giulia's intrigues and raids the cloister, bringing all those who did wrong to trial...
T930 O Estripador De Mulheres (78) Brazilian Nasty Jack the Ripper - F.L.
T929 O Signo De Escorpio (74) Rare Psychotronic Brazilian slasher of the 70's...F.L.
7111 Obscene Beast Teacher #1 (94) Live action Japanese language " tentacled monsters " stalking and raping women movies! 5 Volumes all sold separately. Or purchase all 5 for $50 + S&H
7110 Obscene Beast Teacher #2 (95) F.L.
7109 Obscene Beast Teacher #3 (95) F.L.
7108 Obscene Beast Teacher #4 (96) F.L.
7107 Obscene Beast Teacher #5 (96) F.L.
K151 Obscene Desire, The (79) Marisa Mell stars in this possession horror with gore and sleaze. Plenty of nudity, nice Gothic atmosphere and general uneasiness. Pretty obscure Italian horror. F.L.
3361 Obsession: A Taste For Fear (87)
2225 Occult Dimensions (87) aka: Don’t Panic On his seventeenth birthday, Michael unwittingly unlocks the evil forces of a Ouija board….
7461 Occult Experience, The (70's) docu on exorcisms, demonic sex rites, witch covens, etc.
8109 Occultist, The (89) BA
4095 Oedipus Rex (67) Pier Pasolini (Salo) strikes again with another tale of depravity Subs 21+
4122 Of the Dead (Des Morts) (81) death tape with lots of foreign rituals
7267 Offerings (88) Free from the sanitarium, a man seeks his bloody retribution
8098 OffSpring, The aka: From a Whisper to a Scream (86) Cool 80's gore with 4 tales. Vincent Price, Clu Gulagher, Martine Beswick, Susan Tyrell, Cameron Mitchell and more. BA
3024 Ogroff (83) aka: Mad Mutilator French splatter F.L.
9394 Oily Maniac (76) aka: You gui zi A glob of oil oozes around and materializes into a goo-man-monster at will. Looks a little like " Brides of Beast" Filipino monster. Wild off the wall Shaw Brothers. Subs
1047 Olivia (85) Ulli Lommell Mystery/Horror
5272 Omega (90’s) F.L. Bizarre horror from Germany
L761 Omen (03) Letterboxed horror with Subs
3442 One Dark Night (82) As part of an initiation into a club called the Sisters, a young girl must spend the night in a mausoleum. Meg Tilly, Adam West
2310 One Minute Before Death (88) Poe adaptation
3031-6399 One Night Stand (84) In Australia, four teenagers in a Sydney theater are astounded to hear the news that a nuclear war has broken out in Eastern Europe. They try to figure out the best way they can survive the coming conflagration.
Q528 Open House (87) Adrienne Barbeau - Gory Fun 80's slasher with a bloated sleazy killer offing real estate agents - LBX
3969 Open Season (74) UNCUT LBX – three Vietnam vets go on a sadistic killing hunt in this tough to find film. You bet- their prey is human! Peter Fonda
2001-N51 Oracle, The (85)
N51 Oracle, The (85) Monster demon horror - BA
8379 Organ (98) Gory Japanese horror with subs
5224 Orgasmo (69) longer uncut Euro version – aka: Paranoia – this print is letterboxed with subs – Carroll Baker
5333 Orgasmo Nero (80) Richard Harrison– porn
4467 Orgies of Edo (69) subs widescreen
864 Orgy of the Dead (65) Ed Wood directed atrocity with lots of nudity
5164 Orgy of the Vampires (72) A busload of tourists stops in to visit a small European town. What they don't know is that the town is completely inhabited by vampires….. Leon Klimovsky directs
8391 Orloff Against the Invisible Man aka: The Invisible Dead (70)
852 Other Hell, The (80) A decent demon-nun classic!
T965 Ouija (03) Spanish Horror with Subs
8103 Outing, The (86) a killer monster genie stalks teenagers who've broken into the museum after hours BA
8104 Pack, The (77) Hungry killer dogs stalk helpless humans on a remote island.
L456 Pacto De Brujas (03) aka: Witchery Deal - Another newer Spanish horror full of mystery , suspense and terror - Subs - BA
3118 Paganini (89) Kinski believed that he lived through the same experiences as the legendary "devil violinist" Niccolo Paganini, who set whole Europe of the 19th century into frenzy….. Disjointed film was Kinski's passion-work. Subs.
B139 Paganini Horror (89) Rock music soundtrack, Donald Pleasence, Daria Nicoldi, Gore FX more... Female rock band uses the old Paganini mansion to film their latest video and run into... Satan ! Paganini if you remember, allegedly sold his soul to the horned one, who must have liked the place, cause he's still there ! Cheesy but entertaining slice of 80's schlock heartily recommended and finally very nice ENGLISH language print BA
K145 Paint it Black (89) A serial killer covers his victims in modeling clay, and a local sculptor is accused of the crimes…..
607 Panic (76) David Warbeck. U.S. version of " Bakterion ".
N9 Papaya : Love Goddess of the Cannibals (78) Lots of Sex, a small bit of cannibalism, voodoo rituals, gore...It's all here in this, another Joe D'Amato Caribbean smut-fest shot in and around the same as "Erotic Nights of the Living Dead" and "Porno Holocaust". A Voodoo Cult needs sacrifices! Sadly- it's in German language only. But don't let that stop you- because the quality is great- and the visuals are fantastic! In the opening scene a guy is in a hut with a drop dead gorgeous savage like woman who proceeds to rub Papaya fruit all over his body. Pure ecstasy as she then proceeds to fellatio and then.... Chomp! She bites off his wiener! Spewing aside her prize the man screams in agony! Damn that hurts!
5328 Paralyzed aka: Short Night of the Glass Dolls (71) The body of an American journalist is found in a park. He appears to be dead but we soon find out that he's very much alive (but paralyzed). Thinking it's a corpse, the man is sent to the local morgue. From then on, the movie weaves in and out of flashbacks to recount how the man got caught in this predicament. Barbara Bach Giallo.
2004-T219 Para-Psychics (86)
424 Parasite (81) Paul Dean has creted a deadly parasite that is now attached to his stomach. He and his female companion, Patricia Welles (Demi Moore), must find away to destroy it while also trying to avoid Ricus and his rednecks and an evil government agent named Merchant.
8777 Passionate Killing in the Dream (92) Pretty artist sees graphic murders in her dreams. It's the work of a serial killer, in this Asian variation of " Eyes of Laura Mars ". LBX Subs.
7401 Passport for a Corpse (62) RARE thriller F.L.
6223 Patrick Lives Again (80) Obscene violence and gore dominate this Mario Landi horror trash. Made in Italy and a sequel of sorts to the Austalian film " Patrick" Subs.
1709 Peeping Tom (60) A young man murders women, using a movie camera to film their dying expressions of terror. Michael Powell's classic.
0000 Peeping Tom (97) A serial rapist/murderer with a leg fetish notices a pretty female police officer at a shootout, and stalks her and her family to be his next victims….. Cat III with Subs
Q292 Pencil Murders, The (82) Victims are found with pencils shoved through their noses! Poor killer, fillin' 'em full a' lead on a budget. Obscure Crime thriller - F.L.
7097 People Across the Lake, The (88) uncut overseas theatrical release version. (Released for TV in a cut form in the U.S.) Gerald McRaney and Valerie Harper star
5277 Perdita Durango (98) Rosie Perez. Uncut version.
L466 Perfect Creeper, The (03) Worm monster ghost! - F.L. - BA
T708 Perfect Crime, The (78) Part Giallo, part crime thriller with Joseph Cotten, Anthony Steel, Janet Agren and Gloria Guida - BA
P16 Perfect Victims (88) Aids infected madman stalks and kills young women. Cold and brutal with assault and dark tone throughout.
K150-9831 Perfume of the Lady in Black (74) One of the best Giallo's ever. LBX and in English (or LBX in Italian with English Subs). Mimsy Farmer stars. Friggin' essential! BA
Q975 Perverse Attraction (92) aka: Perverse Attraction - Bruno (Burial Ground) Mattei directs this heavy on the nudity and sex murder mystery. David Warbeck stars as a crazed director filming a Giallo, where real life murders keep turning up on the set. Easy to follow, extremely trashy film that is in Italian Language so F.L. BA
L130 Perversion Story (69) aka: Trompetas del Apocalipsis, La - Rare psychological horror from Italy
8204 Pervirella (97) Dribble at the scores of jiggling breasts. Gawk at the aboriginal gangbang of death. Scream at the massive masturbating man tackle monster. Stare at the no-holds-barred lesbian romps. Gasp at the depraved bondage and the fetish orgies of the evil cult ! Get the picture? BA
7106 Peter Jackson Collection () almost 2 hours of interviews and docus. Poor quality (great audio-still watchable).
3746 Pets aka: Submission (73) HitchHiker is captured by a rich collector with a bullwhip that keeps nubile young wenches in cages for his amusement. Another film for feminists to enjoy ! Shut your face and get into the cage!
3753 Phantasia Experience (97) awesome footage from Canadian Film Convention 97 – lots of gore footage, Van Bebber, Chas. Balun, etc.
3646 Phantom Brother (88) Abel’s dead brother keeps on killing his friends ! BA
4769 Phantom of Death aka: Off Balance (87) Lamberto Bava directs with Michael York.
8632 Phantom: The Submarine (99) Ghost on a sub flick. Subs.
3811 Phobia (80) shrink’s patients start to die deaths related to phobias BA
2585 Photo of Gioia (87) A former call girl puts out a fashion magazine and her models start being murdered in this sleezy Giallo. With Serena Grandi, directed by Lamberto Bava. LBX
T402 Pickup (75) Runaway chicks get picked up by hippies in a van and disaster follows...
4384-2195 Pieces (83) Uncut import BA
3198 Pieces of Darkness (88) 3 tales of terror !
T25 Pied Piper, The (72) Only this ain't no fairy tale, see? The grim British period horror version with Donald Pleasence!
6116 Pigs (72) aka: Daddy's Deadly Darling A disturbed young woman escapes from a mental hospital where she was committed for killing her abusive father who assaultd her. She ends up in a small California town where she meets and shacks up with Zambrini, an old farmer who runs the local motel and roadside café and has a pen of pigs behind his house….. BA
2177 Pigsty (69) Pier Passolini. Fair quality.
N16 Pink Force Warriors (85) More female kung-fu warriors than you can shake stick at... and incredible ultra-violent battles with limbs flying etc. Gory violent fun. Don't miss this one! - BA
9916 Pink Tush Girl (78) 2 High School girls decide to become whores after they discover the joys of sex. Leads to much trouble - Nikkatsu ! -Subs
2106-2433 Piranha (72) William Smith assaults in this jungle flick.
4071 Piranha 2: Flying Killers (81) James (Titantic) Cameron was fired from this flick before it was completed! Gore fx by Gianneto De Rossi who did the fx for Fulci films!
415 Pit, The (81) Autistic boy gets his chance for revenge. The townspeople who humiliate him are in for a surprise after he stumbles across a huge hole in the forest, at the bottom of which are strange and deadly creatures…. BA
L453 Pizza (03) A pizza-boy goes bonkers and kills! - LBX - F.L. - B.A.
2660 Plankton (96) Italian language – nice quality workprint with tons of cool monster fx and gore ! This is like a cross between “Leviathon“ and “Virus“. Easy to follow and lots of fun! Look for the eyeball swallowing sequence!
5240 Plankton (Creatures of the Abyss) (96) Cool monster fx and gore. “Leviathon” meets “Virus“ is a good description of this gory sea-beastie horror (Italian language print is longer)
T72 Play Motel (79) Ray Lovelock - Italian murder / revenge and XXX hardcore - LBX with Subs
8700 Play With Strangers (90's) weird ghost story, letterboxed from disc, subs BA
2606 PlayDead (85) Yvonne De Carlo has a pact with a devil doll
609 PlayGirl Killer (70)
807 Please Don’t Eat the Babies (83) Teenage girls are kidnapped and brought to a remote island, which is inhabited by a family of crazed killers.
L657 Pleasure and Death (90) aka: Placer Y Muertos - More Mexi - Horror madness - F.L.
9821 Plenilunio (01) Child killer is loose in the woods . Disturbing dark Spanish horror LBX with subs
L242 Plenilunio (93) Beware the hilarious 8 foot high white werewolf monster !!! A contender for funniest "serious" monsters of the 90's. Gore and more...From Uruguay - F.L.
R35 Plot of Fear (76) aka: E Tanta Paura - Tom Skerrit and Eli Wallach star in this Giallo
5329 Plumber, The (79) repairman terrorizes housewives
4599 Plutonium Baby (87) Danny's mother was contaminated by radiation poisoning at the time of his birth. Years have passed, and Danny begins to go on a killing rampage.
9922 Po Ma Hill Murders (93) Category 3 - Brutal flick - Subs - LBX - BA
1461 Point of Terror (72) Dyanne Thorn BA
Q392 Police Destination Oasis (81) Shirley Knight, Nadine Pascal.. more - Women are captured for sex. After being dumped off on an island they realize they are now part of some type of sex compound with other women. Chained up beauties, brutal assault, a little pillow-fight etc... Will they escape ? Cool rock soundtrack at parts - F.L.
2912 Polish Vampire in Burbank, A (88)
3605 Pool Without Water (82) LBX Japanese horror- guy pumps formaldehyde in women’s rooms before he assaults them – subs
8373-1454 Poor Pretty Eddie aka: Heartbreak Motel and Redneck County (73) The inbred hillbilly classic thriller.
3751 Portrait of Terror (65) A plan to steal a valuable work of art leads to murder…. Patrick Magee – parts of this film ended up in “Track of the Vampire“….
4179 Posseduta (89) LBX In Italian language . A savage nude demon ghost woman stalks three men who live with their cattle in the mountains. She’s really into it when she catches one guy and skins him alive. Looks to take place in the early 1900’s. BA
9476 Possessed (00) Cool "Exorcist" styled possession flick. One kid gets possessed and butchers his mom, a demon inflicted girl tied to a bed spits up on people and more - F.L. w/ Subs
9288 Possessed (00) In Danish with English subtitles- Udo Kier is a serial killer who claims he himself is a victim of possession. Full of violence and nudity ! What more do you want ? -BA
Q224 Possessed (83) Amazing horror hybrid that borrows much from popular American Horror films of this era - Great stuff ! - LBX - Subs
Q225 Possessed 2 (86) More over the top horror borrowing heavily from American 'creature features' with grisly monsters and supernatural action - LBX - Subs
6493 Possession (81) cut to ribbons 80's version - It's here just for curiosity seekers - uncut version also available- Compare the two and see how its almost like two different movies!
54 Possession (81) UNCUT LBX
9898 Possession of Virginia, The (72) The story of a man, 2 women and an inescapable pact made with the Devil. Following a friend's apparent suicide, Paul (Daniel Pilon) begins to believe that something strange is going on. Following a series of harrowing events, Paul finds himself at a Black Mass where the truth will finally be discovered….. Satanic horror from the occult 70's. In English - BA
3143 Possession: Until Death Do You Part (87)
32 Possessor aka: Sex of the Witch (72)
9822 Prato Macchiato Di Rosso, Il (72) Hippie dudes are lured to a lab in a chateau to provide food to a creature the local mad lab dad has created by having their blood drained - In Italian - F.L.
3341 Praying Mantis (82) psychological suspense thriller
3752 Premonition (71) Alan Rudolph – drugged out hippies have violent premonitions that come true
1535 Premonition, The (76) Tale of a young girl who is terrified that her insane mother will take her away from her beloved foster mother…. Richard Lynch, Jeff Corey.
N23 Pretty Wet Lips (73) Forced sex, lesbianism and more as three women recount there deviant sexual behaviors in flashbacks to a shrink. Another rare obscure sex and violence gem.
2845 Prey, The (84) Six campers jaunt off to North Point, where they're promptly stalked and killed by a ghoulish man who ultimately is just looking for a little love….. LONGER import print !
4124 Primal Impulse (74) Klaus Kinski BA
L81 Primal Rage (88) Written by Umberto Lenzi with visual FX by Carlo Rambaldi - Experimented upon baboon escapes and bites a guy on campus which starts an infection amongst the grounds students. Redneck hard rockers kidnap and attempt to assault an infected hot chick and after they are infected they crash an awesome costume filled Halloween party in skull face costumes. Mucho gore- mayhem- sticky gooey situations and politically incorrect violence make this one a winner from the mighty 80's. - Music by Claudio Simonetti - BA
1479 Primal Scream (87) In the future, a private detective tries to stop a large corporation from mining an element whose side effects include igniting human flesh and destroying internal body parts.
Q192 Princess Aurora (05) Chick is cut to ribbons in the bathroom stall in the opening sequence - LBX - Subs
8259 Prison (87) The spirit of a long-dead prisoner returns for revenge, haunting the prison's new governor…... Viggo Mortensen, Kane Hodder…. BA
6474 Private House of the S.S. aka: S.S. Girls (77) Italian language print. This Bruno Mattei Nazi sleaze has over 16 min. cut from the S.S. print ! BA
2586 Private Parts (72) Paul Bartel’s classic twisted vision.
8367 Project Nightmare (85) Two guys are out camping in the woods when "something" tears up their tent and destroys their supplies, so they're on the run and discover a cabin with a woman living in the middle of nowhere by herself. She takes them in, feeds them, gives them a place to sleep, and points them in the direction of a restaurant where they can call for help. Trouble is, almost everyone, including towns and cities that should have been nearby, have vanished….. BA
2599 Prophecies (90) overseas theatrical release of " Friday the 13th. : The Series" Tale.
Q642 Provocation (70) aka: Proklisis - Udo Kier in this rare Greek Thriller - Provoked the last time ! Her Lust for Vengeance will be Satisfied ! - F.L.
9514 Prowler, The (81) Gory blood-bath with Tom Savini FX
1776 Psychic Killer (75) A former mental patient uses astral projection to destroy the people he believes have wronged him…. BA
L932 Psycho : The Snuff Files (90's) Well ..well... we have the sickest tape ever. First half plays like a Japanese porno, then ...laughing sadists, amputations, intestine sex ... in short, vile, reprehensible, and probably worthy of the trash. So what are you waiting for? Order! No seriously- this is rough stuff. Beware! - F.L.
608 Psycho From Texas (75) A drifter/hitman is hired by a local business man to kidnap the local oil baron…. BA
6494 Psycho Sisters (72) aka: The Sibling BA
3283 Psycho Thrill (91) BA
4127 PsychoGirls (87) Italian language horror – a young girl poisons her parents in the opening sequence– displaying her evil tendencies . 15 years later– she is released from an asylum and begins to kill. Four years after that –she sets up shop in the now abandoned asylum (with some help from some equally insane friends) to capture and torture victims. Easy to follow sadism. BA F.L.
7129 PsychoJack (2000) More gory German language splatter !
1961 PsychoMania (71) aka: The Death Wheelers A Gang of young people call themselves the Living Dead. They terrorize the population from their small town…. George Sanders - widescreen !
2180 PsychoMania aka: Violent Midnight (63) An axe murderer is loose in a small New England town
3749-T31 Psychopath, The (73) host of kiddie show – kills parents who are mean to their kids !
3570 Psychopathia Sexualis aka: On Her Bed of Roses (66) man who falls in love with nympho (who’s mother seduces all her boyfriends). From the director of “ Confessions of an Opium Eater “- Albert Zugsmith
2611 PsychoSisters (72) Faith Domerque
4235 Psychout for Murder (69) Italian made giallo
9744 Purple Noon (60) aka: Lust for Evil Passion at ten. Envy at eleven. Murder at noon.... Alain Delon - Now LBX with Subs - BA
7346 Purple Storm (2000) Sci-fi and terrorism LBX subs
2159-8666 Pyro (64) After a brief affair a man goes back to his wife and children. His jilted mistress sets fire to his house, hoping to kill his family. The man, unsuccessfully trying to rescue them, is horribly burned. After he undergoes an operation to reconstruct his face, he begins to plot his revenge against his former mistress.
3480 PsychoPhobia (85) A woman recovering from the death of her husband suspects that her house has been invaded by demonic spirits. She summons a paranormal expert to help her get rid of them. EuroHorror
1942 Pyx, The aka: Hooker Cult Murders (73) Karen Black
3248 Quarantine (89) killer virus
4558 Queens of Evil aka: Witches of the Lake (71) Tonino Cervi’s horror about three sexy wicked witches who “bewitch“ a biker - has a gory finale and lotsa creepy moments ! BA
Q242 Quelli Della Calibro '38 (76) Ivan Rassimov stars in this classic violent crime thriller - LBX - F.L.
7101 Quiet Family, The (98) A family runs into trouble when the lodgers they put up
2588-7474 Rabid (77) A young woman develops a taste for human blood after undergoing experimental plastic surgery, and her victims turn into rabid, blood-thirsty zombies who proceed to infect others, which turns into a city-wide epidemic….. BA
T87 Rabid Dogs (74) A gang of thieves hijack a man's car after botching their getaway from a robbery. They take a woman prisoner…. Mario Bava directs (with help from his son Lamberto) - Great violent crime thriller with George Eastman
4390-681 Rabid Grannies (88) UNCUT BA
1947-T86 Rain of Fire (79) LBX Import print of “ Holocaust 2000 “ BA
4430-1211 Rampage (87) Uncut import version ! BA
T34 Rat in the Darkness (75) Creepy old house is the home for a horde of rats. Then 2 lesbians move in. Are they both female? What about the Rats? Subs
8203-2569 Rat Man, The (87) David Warbeck battles the "RatMan" who's played by the little freaky guy in the "Island of Dr. Moreau" (in the 90's remake) BA
P151 Rats (00) Can you stand another rat movie? Hungry little diseased rodents try to infect Frankfort Germany in this one. LBX and in English Language
3650 Rats: Night of Terror (83) LBX
L452 Rawhead Rex (86) Ireland will never be the same after Rawhead Rex, a particularly nasty demon, is released from his underground prison by an unwitting farmer…. Great quality from import disc! - BA
4761-7492 Raw Meat aka: DeathLine (72) Beneath Modern London Lives a Tribe of Once Humans. Neither Men Nor Women...They Are the Raw Meat Of The Human Race!
3501 Razor Under the Throat, The (86) Brigitte Lahaie strips for pornie mags while a maniac slices and dices people around her. F.L. RARE stuff! Fair quality.
P60 Red Monks, The (88) Lucio Fulci presents this horror directed by Gianni Martuci. A couple move into an old castle and damn it all if there isn't an evil cult of Satanists living in the catacombs!
8689 Red Panther (83) aka: Hai shi chu shi A cop suffering from "posterior ulcers" tries to catch a serial killer who seeks out victims with medical problems.... gory killer movie - Subs from disc BA
2010 Red Queen Kills Seven Times (72) a young Sybil Danning stars in this atmospheric movie with a castle…. Also Barbara Bouchet
L921-L402 Red Room 2 (00) aka: Pain Game 2 - Secret game is played with contestants who contend for money based on their threshold for pain. You won't believe the torture these people put themselves through for the green stuff! Extreme . F.L.
259 Redeemer, The aka: Class Reunion Massacre (76)
9839 Redneck (72) aka: Alias Redneck aka: Senza ragione -Telly Savalas and Franco Nero, Mark (Oliver) Lester. Savalas goes all out into sadism in this one. It's great to see this man go ultra-ham evil and go an a sadistic murderous rampage! Lots of fun! Especially the scene where he forces a family into a trailer and drowns them in a lake!
9226 Redneck County (73) aka: Poor Pretty Eddie aka: Heartbreak Hotel - If'n ya'll haven't seen this little slice of Southern fried slop with Shelley Winters, Leslie Uggams, and Ted Cassidy that features "hillbillybrutal" assault, moonshinin', whippins' and a redneck sheriff played by Slim Pickens than what in the hoot hollerin' hell are ya' waitin on ya' flea bitten varmint!?! Pass that jug Leroy! - BA
4075 Reflections of Fear (72) Robert Shaw, Sondra Locke
3757-6375 Reflections of Murder aka: Autumn Child (74) another version of “ Diabolique “ this one with Tuesday (Pretty Poison) Weld
2660 Regenerator (90) Italian “ Anthropophagous “ himself – George Eastman– directs this gory crazed scientist – turned into a crazed lizardman movie!
6495-271 Reincarnate, The (71) BA
3903 Reincarnation of Peter Proud, The (75) When college professor Peter Proud begins to experience flashbacks from a previous incarnation, he is mysteriously drawn to a place he has never been before but which is troublingly familiar….. Michael Sarrazin, Jennifer O’Neill and Margot Kidder.
5107 Reincarnations (81) It’s the French language release version of “Dead and Buried” BA
3307 Remember Me? (85) Woman must contend with her psychotic husband.
1485 Repulsion (65) Left alone when her sister goes on vacation, a sexually repressed young beauty goes insane with surreal fantasies of seduction and assault…..
4256 Requiem Der Teufel (93) GORY German language horror that seems very “Evil Dead“ inspired !
L80 Residencia, La (69) aka: The Boarding School aka: Finishing School aka: The House that Screamed but...this print is in Italian language - (Also available in English) LBX BA
5216 Rest in Pieces (87) A newlywed couple move into the mansion of the bride's recently dead aunt. Soon strange things begin to happen when the various tenants and servants of the mansion don't want to leave…. BA
7083 Resurrection of Michael Myers 1&2, The (88) Both gory homages on one tape. In German but you won’t care! It’s all about the gore!
X49 Retard-0-Tron Video MixTape (06) One of the most messed up clip tapes ever !!! First, a Japanese woman is covered in human feces, and walks down the street, crazy bike stunts, messing with a fat black female security guard until she goes ballistic and starts swinging, vandalism, failed stunts 101 (Jackass styled wipeouts and more) Extreme XXX clips, Lemmy from Motorhead, Defecation, Real Fights, Stupid Stunts Gone Wrong (With Hilarious Injuries), Speed Limit Breakers, XXX Clips, a kid getting racked while wrecking on his bike (in slow motion! MAN THAT HURT!), More Extreme XXX Nastiness (Gross), One clip from Fox News has one of their correspondents stomping gassaults and she trips and falls off the platform and screams and howls in pain (this clip is worth the price of admission alone as you'll want to play it again and again and laugh your ass off at her agony !), Barfing, Big Zit Popping, Rotted Fungus Toe Sucking (and worse !), a real chick-fight with 2 high school girls beating the shit out of each other in public and more teen violence, Sponge Bong Hemp Pants (Oh No ! We're Out of Seaweed!) More. One of the sickest, most vile mix-tapes of all time. Plenty to laugh at, but lots of gross-out stuff too. You have been warned !!!!
8930 Return from the Other World (02) Gambling, horror flick-Subs
T317 Return of the Bastards (03) aka: Epistrofi ton Katharmaton Ex-wrestler is a drunk. Can't cope after daughter's death. He meets a woman and is drawn into a world of conspiracy and death and onto the trail of a sadistic killer with a deadly secret - Great stuff from Greece and with Subs!
4897 Return of the Family Man (89) “Stepfather“ ripoff BA
8070 Return to Salem's Lot, A (87) A man and his son vacation to the quiet vampire populated town of Salem's Lot….. BA
4343 Returning, The (89) OBSCURE horror thriller ! BA
1559 Revenge (86) A Cult of devil-worshippers prey on students for human sacrifice.
252 Revenge of the Dead (83) aka: Zeder Voices from the Beyond One man's search for an ancient secret...and the dead will rise from their graves!
4814 Revenge of the Living Dead Girls (87) Subs
1538 Revenge of the Zombie (81) aka: Kiss Daddy Goodbye Two children who have psychic powers use them to avenge the death of their father, who was murdered by a biker gang.
1284 Ring of Darkness (76) UNCUT import print !!
1353 Ring of Death (69) aka: Un Detective Franco Nero murder mystery
8955 Ring Spiral (98) Subs
T410-L601 Riot on 42nd Street (87) Jeff Fahey is a cop who's targeted a re-opened grind -house for harassment. Lot's of "last gasps of it's hey-day" 42nd street footage before it was all gutted. This film brings back the era with bloody ultra - violence, political d! (bonus + also the 5 minutes + promotional video for the film!!!) Can't go wrong with this one!!! Recommended!
3345 Ripper, The (85) SOV gore with Tom Savini
2175 Ritual of Death (90)
Q229 Rituals (77) Ever wonder why this movie seemed good, but was missing some bite? It's because the video release of this was cut by 9 minutes and in actuality was the edited T.V. version they released. Here we have the UNCUT version with the entire 9 minutes back in the film. You'll notice the difference in the first 5 minutes with the dialogue. What we get is lots of profanity a gory shot gunned hand- a toastier burning sequence for one of the leads as he screams- and a more fully realized and coherent film. There are no women. Just a group of men on a fishing adventure hunted in the remote Canadian wilderness by an unseen killer. Way ahead of it's time in that respect. A decent "Deliverance" inspired horror with it's own dark twisted vision - BA
9860 Road Builder, The (71) aka: The Night Digger Obscure British psychological horror with a "deadly love" angle
7330 Road of the Dead (99) Ghostly apparitions seek revenge. The female spectre resembles the "Ring" creepy chick. She was run over by a drunk guy and now haunts and tortures him. Chilling. LBX subs
5020 RoboVampire (90) BA
2991 Rocktober Blood (85) Murderous maniac metal rockstar rises from the grave to kill.
Q433 Room Next Door, The (94) aka: Bitter Chamber - Mark Benninghofen - Considered a remake of Pupi Avati's "House with Windows that Laughed" - Foreign Subs, but in English Language, with Pupi Avati writing credit
9575 Roselyn and the Lions (99) 2 lion tamers have a double act . When Roselyn's striking beauty gets all the attention, jealousy leads to drastic and shocking results - LBX - Subs - BA
4525 Rosso Sangue aka: Absurd aka: Monster Hunter aka: Grim Reaper 2 aka: Anthropophagous 2 (81) Letterboxed in Italian language (or in English -fullscreen SPECIFY) Uncut Joe D’Amato classic! BA
L600 Rosso Venezia (03) Just released from prison, a disturbed woman goes on a murderous rampage! Beatings! Torture! Decapitation! Hand severing! Women in Prison! Vomit! Brains blown out! Drill through a women's... well, you get the picture! Lots of blood and grue. Decent make-up FX on decomposed corpses! In one scene Jess Franco and Lina Romay identify their dead and rotting daughter at the morgue. As if that was not enough there is tons of nudity and XXX scenes. One of the sickest- bloodiest XXX flicks of all time! (Over 2 and a half hours long and in English!)
8651-934 Ruby (77) LBX
2541 Run Stranger Run (73) A killer kills in a remote Nova Scotia coastal village. Ron Howard, Patricia Neal.
48-L848 Runaway Nightmare (82) Worm ranchers are captured by a female gang of criminals.
6475 S.S. Camp: Woman's Hell aka: S.S. Camps (76) incredibly gory Nazi torture. Legs set on fire, people roasted in ovens, bamboo stuck under fingernails, and other gore galore (sequences that will leave you dry-heaving!) You're welcome! BA
Q199 Sadist with Red Teeth, The (70) aka: Le Sadique Aux Dents Rouges - Daniel gets out of the hospital where he has been cured for "vampirical obsessions" . Nevertheless, he transforms into a vampire and gorily kills women- despite his young fiancée's support. F.L.
7082 Sam Raimi's Short Films (various) Fair quality (but very watchable) Tons of early Raimi + 30 min "Evil Dead 2" workprint.
M32 Samurai Resurrection (03) Christian leader causes uprising during Japan's feudal era. Resurrected warriors, demon possessed battles and more family hour entertainment. Lots of horror action! Recommended! LBX - Subs
7094 San Francisco Ball (71) Rapists abduct, beat, and carve up young girls. Gory, violated corpses. Sick Stuff! (one hour)
8307-872 Santa Sangre (89) A young man is confined in a mental hospital. Through a flashback we see that he was traumatized as a child…. BA
3764 Satan Returns (96) Killer lunatic is actually Satan's disciple, searching for the reincarnation of Satan's daughter on Earth. Fights, humor, zombie cops, chainsaw mayhem, nailgun crucifixion and a shock ending. LBX Subs.
1818 Satan’s Black Wedding (75) A man travels to another city for his sister's funeral to try to find out why she killed herself. He discovers that she is actually a vampire and returns from the dead to take revenge on her family.
1546-6450 Satan’s Blade (84) At a mountain resort, a local resident is possessed by the evil spirit of an ancient mountain man, and terrorizes a ski lodge.
614 Satan’s Blood aka: Don't Panic (77) Satanists terrorize a couple.
4752 Satan’s Cheerleaders (76)
9190-P46 Satan’s Slave (76) A young girl is caught up in a devil cult run by her evil uncle and cousin. She can trust no one and even people she thought were dead come back to haunt her…. Michael Gough. Also includes the Featurette "All You Need is Blood" filmed during the making of Satan's Slave with Gough interview etc. BA
1582 Satan’s Touch (84) The Devil grants a man the ability to gamble in Vegas without losing.
1137 Satanic Attraction (80’s) UNCUT splatter !
935 Satanik (68) BA
2825 Satanis: The Devil’s Mass (70) Docu with Anton Lavey
T146 Satan's Last Supper (74) aka: The Killer Wore Gloves aka: Hot Lips of the Killer - A guy is brutally slashed with a razor to the neck in the first five minutes (with squirting plasma). With Gillian (Demons of the Mind) Hills - In German language - LBX
9568 Satan's Supper (80) aka: Nightmare Never Ends aka: Cataclysm - Cameron Mitchell "Omen" styled devil's son apocalyptic horror with some cool goofy monster FX
3269 Savage Abduction (75) A serial killer murders a businessman's wife, then blackmails the man into procuring young girls for him to murder. The businessman hires a gang of renegade motor-cyclists to kidnap girls for him….
3116-8750 Savage Attraction (83) aka: Hostage Set in 1980's Australia, this is the true story of a woman whose husband eventually reveals to her that he is an active member of the Nazi party. A real nightmare begins for her….
5156 Savage Beasts (85) UNCUT “The Wild Beasts “
3503 Savage City: Angel Dust (90's) Japanese version of “The Killer“ LBX with subs
6354 Savage Encounter aka: Demon Lust (80) A man and wife trying to escape into the quiet country side attacked by two inbred style lunatics! BA
T852 Savage Hunger, A (84) aka: The Oasis - Chris Makepeace stars - A plane crashes into a barren desert. Survivors (an assortment of typical American stereotypes) think they are lucky to be alive at first. They walk endlessly and finally come upon fresh water- but not before loosing some of their party along the way. One guy starts eye balling a dying woman hungrily. It's not long until human flesh starts to sound not only okay- but pretty tasty! With loud eating sounds added to the gross-out factor as human flesh is consumed (slow singed meat strips over an open flame)! As exploitative as this all sounds- it's really a gut wrenching and rough survival tale with primal realism depicting survival needs and morals which ultimately beg the question. What would you do in similar circumstances? Bon Appetite! B.A.
T200 Savage Lust (90) aka: Deadly Manor - Jose Ramon Larraz (Black Candles, Vampyres) takes a second stab at the slasher genre. Teenagers seek shelter in an old deserted mansion during a storm and begin to get stalked and killed.
9823 Savage Three, The (75) Wicked little crime film that could! Of the 3 savage thugs in the title, one is played by Joe Dallesandro! A great little classic nasty gem!
611 Savage Weekend (79) Several couples head upstate to the country to watch a boat being built. Unfortunately they are stalked by a murderer behind a ghoulish mask.
1850 Scalps (83)
7102 Scarab (82) Rip Torn is a mad sorcerer.
1827 Scarecrow, The (81) John Carradine. Two teenagers, coming of age, in a rural setting, run across the local murderer's path in this New Zealand filmed horror.
3246 Scarecrows (88) Five men heist the Camp Pendleton payroll and kidnap a pilot and his daughter, who are forced to fly them to Mexico....
3197 Scared Alive (82) aka: Island of Blood A movie company is filming a murder mystery on an island. Soon afterwards cast and crew members start getting murdered.... BA
244 Schizo (76) Schizophrenia... When the left hand doesn't know who the right hand is killing!! Pete Walker
620 Schizoid (80) Julie (Mariana Hill) is an advice columnist for the city newspaper who begins to receive anonymous notes threatening murder and worse... Klaus Kinski
8678 Schizophrenic (90's) subs from disc! BA Japanese horror
9466 School Day of the Dead (02) Subs - BA
9863 School Killer (01) Naschy horror with Subs - BA (description in Naschy section)
P24 School of Death (77) Nicely done horror concerning orphanage girls being sold to a disfigured doctor who experiments on their brains - BA
9281 School of Fear (92) New teacher finds the students at the private school which employs her are into wicked games that include murder and . Daria Nicolodi co-stars- Directed by Lamberto Bava.
8263 School Spirit (85) Ghost haunts campus, falls in love BA
P52 Schoolgirl Killer (68) aka: The Young, the Evil & the Savage Michael Rennie, Mark Damon - Incredible print of this above average Giallo about a black gloved killer that stalks and strangles sexy co-eds at a Finishing School - This influenced Argento (Susperia) and a slew of similarly themed thrillers - Wide screen and in Italian language with English Subs with trailer and alternate scene - Essential - BA
937 Schramm (93) As serial killer Lothar Schramm lies dying in a pool of his own blood, choppy memories of his horrific life flash before his eyes. Subs
L827 Scorched Heat (87) Guy killed by accident (by kid's) returns (when they are adults) for revenge. Some gruesome sequences.
Q37 Scorpion Thunderbolt (88) A woman is a snake monster! Richard Harrison Stars
1429 Scorpion With the Two Tales (72)
2013 Scream (81) Hikers stalked by a killer in a deserted western town.
6133 Scream and Die (74) aka: The House That Vanished (also available under that title) BA
698 Scream Baby Scream! (69)
1450 Scream Bloody Murder (72) A psycho who murdered his father is released from a hospital for the criminally insane and promptly goes on a murder spree.
2012 Scream For Help (84) A teenaged girl discovers that her stepfather is trying to murder her and her mother, but when she tells people, no one will believe her....
1744 Scream of the Demon Lover (71)
619-L843 Scream Time (83)
8966 Scream Your Head Off (84) Remember Night Train to Terror with its 3 tales? They were actually edits of 3 full length films. This is the first tale with Richard Moll and John Philip Law. Hospital cuts up patients and sells their body parts.
1673 Screamers (79) After their prison ship sinks in the Caribbean, a group of prisoners and a doctor wash ashore on a seemingly deserted island. They soon discover a strange couple, who invite them to stay at their house.... (U.S. alternate version of “Island of the Fishmen”) Barbara Bach
66 Screaming Dead, The (71)
P59-L410 Second Name (02) Spanish Horror based on a Ramsey Campbell novel. Ancient Cult dedicated to ritual killing of their First- Born . A woman is investigating her father's alleged suicide and gets involved into what led to his demise.... Creepy and actually scary- something most U.S. movies fail to deliver as of late. - LBX - In English BA
3295 Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb, The (93) Way cool mixture of stop-motion and live action mixing horror with dark humor
Q560 Secret Killer, The (75) aka: Wide Eyed in the Dark aka: Eyeball - Killer in red cape and hood is killing off tourists on a tour bus by gouging out their eyeballs. Umberto Lenzi directed Gory Shocker LBX
8798 Secret Life of Jeffrey Dahmer, The (93) unrated. Better than the recent "Dahmer"
3077 Secret of Seagull Island (82) Barbara discovers her blind sister has disappeared and, according to the Italian police, she may have been murdered by a maniac who is obsessed with young sightless women. BA
1731 Secret of the Mummy, The (82) Ivan Cardoso directed sex/horror/comedy
L654 Sect of Death (90) Evil Cult in deep Mexico - F.L.
618-4413 Sect, The (91) Soavi -walking skeletons, demon creatures!
750 Seeds of Evil (74)
L403 Senketsu no Kizuna (00) I Spit on Your Grave-ish sadism and gore! Rough and offensive !!! - F.L.
3000 Sensi aka: Evil Senses (86) Mimsy Farmer erotic thriller (21+)
Q410 Senza Scrupoli No 2 (90) Virna Anderson, Marcello Garcia Facal - Brutal Rapist Killers on the loose - In opening sequence a blonde is on the hood of her car in a parking garage - Lots of Nudity, and damn near hard-core sex - F.L.
8464 Serial Lover (90) French made dark comedy. A woman keeps on killing her lovers accidentally in gory ways. Subs, LBX
7411 Serpent's Tale, The (93) aka: Karanlik Sular Vampire epic Subs
9719 Seven Blood Stained Orchids (72) Umberto Lenzi directed giallo with subs and LBX
9937 Seven Days in the Coffin (03) Thai horror with Subs
3111 Seven Deaths in a Cat’s Eye (73) In a small Scottish village, horribly murdered bodies keep turning up. Suspicion falls upon the residents of a nearby castle that is haunted by a curse involving a killer cat.
9815 Seven Women for the Sadist (76) aka: Seven Women for Satan Great sleazy "Most Dangerous Game" knock-off that really delivers the goods! A demented man lures women back to his lair and after a night of sex he sets them loose and hunts them down in the country-side. BA
5349 Severed Arm, The (73) Trapped in a cave, five men cut the arm off of another companion in order to ward off starvation. After they are saved, their victim seeks revenge on them one by one.
Q490 Sex Beyond the Grave (84) Shaw Brothers Horror LBX with Subs
K62 Sex Hunter (80) Girls train to be professional prostitutes - Subs - LBX - B.A.
M24 Sex Medusa (04) Sexy snake woman seeks to reinforce her breed after her nest is destroyed. She eats rats and swallows eggs whole! Gooey mucus is her calling card and she needs to mate with a man to fertilize her eggs. God Bless the Baby Serpents - Subs
3421 Sex Psycho aka: Widow Blue (71) Nice vile trash
3980 Sexo Sangriento (Bloody Sex) (81) 3 lesbians go to an old castle and have lots of sex– someone is watching them
1273 Sexorcists ,The (77) import print of ”Eerie Midnight Horror Show“ Fair quality.
Q999 Sexual Killer (95) XXX thriller about a female cop (undercover as a prostitute) busting rough trade customers, and she may or may not be the killer that is on the loose. Horny Porno Scenes add spice to the proceedings... LBX- B.A.
L815 Shackle, The (00) Korean thriller involves a guy who just loves to chain up women and assault and humiliate them. The old "shackle " comes in handy to add to their abuse. Subs - LBX - B.A.
9310 Shadow Dancing (88) Christopher Plummer stars in this supernatural thriller that is pretty decent and well acted if you can get through the piss poor 80's dance shit music- BA
8199 Shadow Play (86) Dee Wallace Stone sees her dead lover.
2927 Shadows Run Black (84) A detective investigates a series of killings committed by a serial killer known as "The Black Angel." He begins to suspect that it might not be just a random group of murders…. Kevin Costner
8305-5258 Shakma (89) killer baboon rips up med students BA
Q417 Shallow Grave (87) Passing through a small Georgia town on their way to Florida, four young college girls witness the local sheriff murder a young woman. They try to escape before they become the next victims - BA
6232-4032 Shaman, The (88) horror warlock BA
7299 Shark's Cave, The (78) More "Bermuda Triangle" stuff BA
Q651 Shark's Cave, The (78) Janet Agren, Arthur Kennedy - Bizarre Italian made "Jaws Bermuda Triangle" mixture with mid controlled sharks - This version is in Italian. Also available in an English Language print - BA
7479-R11 Shelf Life (93) Unreleased Paul Bartel black comedy. Locked in a bomb shelter (for thirty years) as kids, they finally emerge!
7378 Shenuchuangshuo (2000) aka: Sheng shi chuan shuo Puppet martial arts masters fight to prevent demons from controlling the sacred stone. F.L. LBX BA
9827 She-Rat, The (97) People are menaced by a giant rodent. Violent. In German with English Subs
L419 She-Wolf of Devil's Moor (78) Florinda Balkan is the town witch who becomes involved with John Phillip Law (an outsider on business) in this rarity. And of course the locals go bonkers - In German, but it's the only way you'll probably ever see this one.
8207 Shock Chamber (85) A trilogy of horror stories with ironic twists: a teenager tries out a love potion, a waitress gets involved in a kidnapping plot, two brothers plan to cheat an insurance company by faking their death. BA
T304 Shock 'Em Dead (91) Aldo Ray, Troy Donahue and Traci Lords show up in this heavy metal possession horror flop - BA
9869 Shocking Dark (89) Terminator/ Aliens hybrid directed by Bruno Mattei. Great little bit of trash with plenty of monsters and violence
Q997 Shocking Red (99) XXX Giallo with loads of XXX scenes with sexy women and a plot involving a knife wielding maniac with mommy issues terrorizing hookers. Enter one tough whore that must do all the dirty work (as usual) to track down the killer. In Italian - Colorful - F.L.
L451 Shogun's Sadism: Oxen Split Torturing (69) Incredible and disturbing classic with plenty of memorable death scenes making this a very shocking and violent film. Includes trailers and has Subs! - B.A.
3121 Shorts of Horror # 1 () 2 hours of amateur horror films and assorted fantastic shorts – sure to melt down your brain!!
1659-L309 Shout, The (78) A traveller by the name of Crossley (Alan Bates), forces himself upon a musician and his wife in a lonely part of Devon...
L70 Siamese Twins, The (84) aka: Lin Tai - Shaw Brothers horror - Subs
4380 Sibling, The aka: Psycho Sisters (72) Faith Domergue and Susan Strasberg BA
8641 Sieben Monde (99) German language thriller. BA
8654-1738 Silent Night, Bloody Night (73) BA
616 Silent Scream (80)
4784 Simon: King of the Witches (71)
2160 Sinful Dwarf, The (73) Incredibly sleazy horror trash cinema !
4672 Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine, The (74) letterboxed subs nunsploitation classic!
8313-2199 Sisters of Death (77) During an all-girl secret society initiation, one of the new members is killed playing Russian Roulette… Claudia Jennings, Arthur Franz. BA
8077 Sisters of Satan aka: Innocents From Hell aka: Alucarda (75) BA
9840 Sitting Target (72) Oliver Reed is in prison when he learns his wife is pregnant! Boy is he pissed! Oliver and another guy break out but he has no idea what he is in for when he gets home! Reed is great in this one!
T469 Six (04) Thai made Occult Horror, LBX with Subs
L893 Sketch (96) Horror with Subs
T52 Skin Em' Alive (78) Rebels assault and kill natives in Africa in this somewhat disturbing Italian made action and sleaze trash. In English and quite obscure.
5320 Skin Striperess (91) the scene where the guy is skinned after sex must be seen to be believed ! Subs letterboxed sex and gore classic !
6442 Skull Soldier: Vengeance For the Slain Beauty, The (90's) letterboxed, subs Cool gory Japanese uncut version! Fair quality BA
2014 Skullduggery aka: Warlock (83) Adam is a man who happens to come from a long line of men cursed. He succumbs to the curse, and basically goes on a killing spree.
L825 Sky High (03) Woman walks down the aisle of her wedding with her heart ripped out and drops dead. Three choices. Heaven, Hell or ... Revenge. Lucky for us... she's pissed! CGI, Sword - Play, Gore and more in this imaginative fantasy horror hybrid.
8066 Slashed Dreams aka: SunBurst (74) BA
5132 Slasher is a Sex Maniac (76) A serial killer is on the loose. His victims are unfaithful wives and he always leaves compromising photographs at the crime scene. Giallo
615 Slaughter aka: Dogs (76) A pack of dogs go on a killing spree….
938 Slaughter Hotel aka: Asylum Erotica (71) A masked killer stalks an institution for mentally disturbed rich women.
1850 Slayer, The (82)
2964 Sledgehammer (83) A young boy murders his mother and her lover with a hammer. Ten years later, a wave of teenage murders plagues the same area. S.O.V. slasher
2017 Sleep of Death aka: Inn of the Flying Dragon (78) British period piece with vampires
4046 Sleepaway Camp (83) BA
8929 Sleeping with the Dead (01) More creepy Asian Horror - Subs
6236-3354 Slugs (88) Killer slugs on the rampage in a rural community….
8769 Snake Charmer (00) Snake woman horror with lots of fx. LBX Subs. BA
9677 Snake Dancer (76) Lots of sleazy stripper action dominates this dramatic tale with a twisted tragic snake ending….
0000 Snake People, The (71) Karloff!
37 Snuff (74) A so-called "snuff" movie involving the exploits of a cult leader leading a gang of bikers in a series of supposedly real killings on film.
L398 Snuff Killer (03) Bruno Mattei thriller in English! Wicked world of "snuff films" in this horror - Subs - BA
4240 Snuff: Volume Red (96) Grim real death, executions, wrecks, animal attacks, etc.
9806-Q934 So Sweet So Dead (72) aka: Slasher is a Sex Maniac - uncut and letterboxed with more sleaze! Sex killer knocks off rich cheating wives. A classic and now finally uncut!
Q557-2710 So Sweet… So Perverse (69) Erika Blanc and Carroll Baker Euro-Trash Giallo
4557 Society (92) The teenager Bill Whitney (Billy Warlock) feels misfit with his parents and his sister Jenny Whitney (Patrice Jennings). When his sister's boyfriend David Blanchard (Tim Bartell) bugs his family, he shows the disturbing tapes to Bill showing incest and a weird society. When Blanchard dies in a car accident, Bill decides to investigate his family and find a scary truth. Uncut print ! BA
621 Sole Survivor (83) A lone survivor of a plane crash is haunted by a feeling unworthy of survival. Dead people start coming after her to collect her….
8460 Sombre (98) Subs- disturbing offensive French slasher with music by Suicide's Alan Vega- a masterpiece!
3160 Something Else- Entirely (85) Norwegian vampire horror film directed by Morten Kolstad. Subs LBX
L521-L940 Something is Creeping in the Dark (71) A group of stranded travelers takes refuge in an old abandoned house, only to find out that they are not the only residents of the building…. Farley Granger and Lucia Bose star in this strange and creepy horror.
246 Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things (71) Stanley is a gay coke-snorting hippie with a penchant for bringing young girls home. Paul (aka: Aunt Martha) is a psycho killer in drag that gets jealous and murders the girls. The craziest Gay Drug Hippie Psycho comedy you'll ever see!
5144 Son of Sam (77) Lunatic escapes from mental institution and stalks coeds on a college campus.
P61 Sorcerers, The (67) Boris Karloff and Ian Ogilvy star in this Michael Reeves directed horror + a documentary about Michael Reeves and his too short career (cut short we know by his overdose) - LBX - BA
M28 Soul (03) Thai Horror LBX with Subs
9903-9885 Soul Vengeance (78) Black guy is framed by dirty cops. He learns voodoo in prison. Upon release he goes turbo-penis and uses his wiener to seduce the cops wives and then goes Super-Turbo Charged-Penis to strangle the cops with his tool of death. Dirty cops.. courtroom corruption... racism... revenge.... and a mutant wang -BA
8699 Sound From the Dark (2000) supernatural horror letterboxed subs.
L334 Space Wolf (02) Week-end of terror as 7 criminals must contend with a man-eating monster from outer space! Gore splatter FX by Olaf (Burning Moon) Ittenbach! Who will survive intact? Subs BA
8372 Spare Parts (85) At this motel, you are killed and your body parts sold! BA
6469 Spasmo (74) English language. Uncut letterboxed classic giallo ! Umberto Lenzi directs. Suzu Kendall stars. Ennio Morricone score. BA
1607 Spasms (83) Killer snake fx with Peter Fonda and Oliver Reed.
764 Spawn of the Slithis (78)
6510-617 Spectre (77) Robert Culp- nudity !
6462 Spectre of Edgar Allen Poe, The (73) BA
939 Spectres (87) Pleasence. Lovecraftian horror.
N58-M23 Spider Forest (04) Recently widowed reporter wakes up 2 days after he drug his team to an isolated cabin, to find everyone dead, and his memory at question in this startling ghostly chiller - Subs
T62 Spider Labyrinth (90) Spider cult recruits. With cool monster fx BA
4056-8661 Spider Woman (95) psycho sisters murder men while having sex with them – LBX Subs
7096 Spine (86) Killer splatters young nurses- sleazy - bloody fun SOV- Fair quality.
3636 Spiral (90’s) LBX Japanese horror has a sex maniac mutilating women - subs
P90 Spirit of Vengeance (03) Parts one and two - Japanese horror with Subs and LBX
Q88 Spirit Trap (05) A house has a secret that won't let you go in this British horror - LBX with trailer
T93 Spirits of Death (78) aka: Un Bianco Vestito Per Mariale - Obscure Giallo - Romano (Nightmare in a Damaged Brain) Scavolini directs this Grim Giallo - Intense - F.L.
T19 Spirits of Jupiter (85) Gravitational pull is increased (due to Jupiter moving closer) which causes people to turn into blood crazed psychos! Obscurity from the 80's, practically unheard of today.
940 Spirits of the Dead (69)
3993 SPK: Despair () Homemade video from an industrial band in Australia. Pretty sick stuff. Intestines removed from a corpse, mutilations massacres etc. Poor quality.
3886 Splatter (85) Canadian made splatter epic (not to be confused with the Japanese film also called “Splatter“) BA
3145 Splatter (95) ULTRA GORE – new drug turns pain into pleasure ! Subs
5167-9410 Splattermania Part 1 & 2 () each runs approx 120 minutes and are soaked with gore scenes from dozens of films of horror/gore Both on one DVD (4 hours) $22.00 / 2 VHS $25.00
3558 Split Second (92) UNCUT LBX Import print of this Rutger Hauer monster flick – about 6 minutes longer than U.S. print! fair quality BA
7161 Spuren Von Blut (2001) LBX German language serial killer flick. By the numbers. Easy to follow.
Q206 Square Root of Three (01) aka: Lidris Cuadrade di tre - Incredibly obscure Italian made horror - LBX - Subs
1549 StageFright (87) aka: Deliria A troupe of struggling stage actors is rehearsing for a small-town production of a play. Everything seems to be as it should until one of the cast members turns up dead. Michele Soavi
3222 StageFright aka: Nightmare (83) crazed actress becomes a killer
3988 State of Mind (92) Psycho woman escapes by killing the ward (played by Paul Naschy) and hides somewhere in a stately manor and kidnaps a young woman….. Paul Naschy, Jill Schoelen.
L305-8630 Step into the Dark (98) Asian Comedy/Horror with Subs
3193 StepMother, The (72) aka: Impulsion As part of a blackmail plot, a woman is forced to seduce her new husband's son. Complications, including murder, ensue…. Nude Claudia Jennings in her debut.
1414 Step-Sisters (85)
3086 Stereo (69) Bizarre medical experiments go awry in this early David Cronenberg directed horror.
7312 Stewardess Diaries (90's) F.L. subs
8642 Stewardess, The (02) Man is terrorized by a Freaky-Fast- Moving-Ghost?-Dressed in red Laughing- stewardess. Is she real? Subs LBX
9437 Stone Cold Dead (89) A boy sees visions of death but is a deaf mute. How will he help ? - BA
8704 Stone Man (80's) supernatural swordplay - letterboxed subs BA from disc
3323 Stone-Cold-Dead (80) BA
2016 Stones of Death (88)
4358 Storia di Una Monaca di Clasuura (73) A woman is sent to a convent by her parents… once there, she first undergoes degradation to acclimatize her to convent life; then she experiences rampant lesbianism by the repressed nuns, and becomes pregnant by her lover…. Finally, her refusal of one nun's lesbian advances leads to plotting and treachery, and her lover being murdered out of jealousy. F.L. BA - Suzy Kendall
1460 Straightjacket (82) aka: Dark Sanity A woman with psychic visions and an alcoholic past moves into a house where the previous occupant was mysteriously decapitated, and soon suspects the visions she's seeing are her own future….
1305 Strange Shadows in an Empty Room (76) An Ottawa police captain searches for the person who poisoned his sister, who was attending the university in Montreal...
9229 Strange Vengeance of Rosalie, The (72) Hitch-hiking Indian woman lures a motorist to lair where she breaks his legs to keep him around. All the signs of affection we would expect from a psychotic bitch. Eventually an unkempt biker arrives (Jack Starrett)
3185 Strangeness, The (85) tentacled stop-motion underground monster
8602 Stranger is Watching, A (82) The 11-year old daughter and girlfriend of a man whose wife had been assaultd and killed in front of his daughter three years earlier are kidnapped by the same killer. Creepy thriller
3403 Stranger, The (87) A woman suffering from amnesia discovers that she is the sole surviving witness to a brutal murder. Although the police can find no clues about any murder, the killers begin to hunt her. Bonnie Bedelia and Peter Riegert
Q941-9841 Street Killers (77) aka: The Human Beast aka: The Mad Dog Killer - Helmet Berger, Marisa Mell - Uncut LBX!! Man, words can't express how great this sadistic classic is, so I won't try. If you have not visited the rough exploitative world inhabited by what may be Helmet Berger's greatest role, then now is the time! - BA
Q285 Street of Joy (74) More Nikkatsu - This one has a bunch of hookers celebrating the last days of their brothel in 1958. As the celebration progresses we get a look at each of their personal stories - LBX - Subs
L811-T682 Strip Nude for Your Killer (75) Classic Giallo directed by Andrea Bianchi with Edwige Fenech . Heavy breathing, masked killer, red herrings, nudity, shock sequences, LBX with Subs - BA
3242 Student Bodies (81) slasher spoof
Q437 Student Connection, The (73) aka: Witness to Murder - Ray Milland, Silva Koscina - Giallo Mystery
4136 Succubare (84) GORY Asian madness BA
4229 Suckling, The (89) Low budget monster fun !
2875 Sudden Death (85) Valarie (Denise Coward) is a happy, successful career woman, engaged to a charming and handsome man. She drives a great car and lives in a beautiful apartment. Then one night she hails the wrong taxi. She is brutally assaultd by the two car thieves who were taking a joyride. They leave her on the sidewalk to die after they're done with her....
622 Sudden Terror (70) aka: Eyewitness Witnessing an assassination, a boy claims the assassins are hunting him. With his older sister, the pair escape numerous attacks…..
Q207 Suffocation (04) Chinese Horror - LBX - Subs
7540 Sugar Cookies (77) Mary Woronov, Jennifer Welles - Sleazy tale of Satanism, sex and death
4166-7296 Suicide Cult (77) devil cults, the CIA and a mad scientist mix up this witches brew directed by Jim Glickenhouse! BA
Q983 Summer Heat (78) (Not to be confused with other films with the SAME title!) In this one a family is terminally horny! The new maid is smokin' and the younger brother is insane with lust for her as he spies. He then spies on his older brother and his wife as they get it on. This young man has issues because his father whipped and assaultd his sister. Complete with downbeat outcome.
4217-6381 Summer of Fear (78) Wes Craven directs Linda Blair in this tale that involves a witch wreaking havoc!
4874 Summer of Secrets (76) A young couple venture into a summer beach house and make passionate love, unaware that they are being observed by a demented doctor who later uses the girl as part of a bizarre experiment.
944 SunBurst aka: Slashed Dreams (74) A couple on vacation in the woods is stalked by a pair of rapists
9303 Supernatural (80) Rare Spanish horror. A woman is tormented by the vengeful spirit of her betrayed husband. In English too! Not to be confused with "Sobrenatural" - BA
3670 Supernaturals, The (85) zombies!
R38 Superstition (82) Remastered Edition - Executed in the sixteenth century, a witch returns to kill all the descendants of her persecutors - Creepy and Gory - BA
T673 Surf 2 (84) Bizarre all but forgotten trash with Eddie Deezen, Linda Kerridge, Eric Stoltz, Ruth Buzzi, Ron Palillo, and uncredited Brinke Stevens, many more.. Yuppie surfers try to take over the beaches and get rid of the scruffy surfers. Gnarly. They turn the stoners into Zombies with an evil brand of soda pop making them mutant surf punks. Bitchin. But some of our scruffy heroes have another plan. Awesome! With a soundtrack that features tons of New Wave bands of that era from Stray Cats, Oingo Boingo, Thomas Dolby and more...
T670 Surrogate, The (84) Shannon Tweed, Carole Laure and Art Hindle star. A couple gets involved with Psychotic Murderous Sex Surrogate - BA
613 Survive! (76) A plane crashes into the mountains, survivors eat the dead to survive.
4978 Survivor (80) " Carnival of Souls " variation.
T951 Suspicious Death of a Minor (75) Yet another fantastic quality print! LBX and with Subs
6084-2630 Swamp of the Ravens (74)
3124 Sweet 16 (83) A beautiful lonely girl named Melissa tries to make new friends from a town she's currently living in. The only problem is, each of the boys that she spends time with end up brutally murdered….
3224 Sweet Body of Biancha (84) Michele is a mathematics professor who just started a new job in a school with some peculiar teaching methods... fair quality
2711 Sweet Body of Deborah (68) Riddle, riddle, Debbie in the middle. Surprise, surprise, guess who dies? Carroll Baker Giallo
2417 Sweet Home (89) A family moves into a haunted house, where the expected happens. They are besieged by a properly horrid but more than usually annoying ghost out to avenge the loss of her Ugly Rubber Baby.
Dick Smith FX- Subs
4219 Sweet Movie (74) sick arthouse film Fair quality
L715 Sweet Spirits (72) aka: The Red Headed Corpse - Erika Blanc and Farley Granger star in this sexy Giallo -
6224-1289 Swinger's Massacre (76) aka: Inside Amy This thriller/drama follows a a suburban lawyer, down a ruinous, blood-covered road. The trouble begins… Rene Bond and Uschi Digart BA
3344 Sword of Heaven (85) A Japanese policeman in Los Angeles uses an ancient magic sword to battle killers and an extortion ring….
7355 Sworn Revenge (2000) Horror/comedy LBX subs
9824 Symptoms (74) Donald Pleasence's daughter Angela (looks just like him) stars in this thriller that has a "Repulsion" feel.
Q989 Szamanka (02) A woman starts a lustful affair with an archaeologist who has just found the mummified remains of a Shaman. A Shaman is the wrong kind of guy to dig up, which is realized all too soon. This Polish film directed by Andre Zulawski is LBX and with Subs ! - BA
9383 T.V. Dante: The Inferno: Cantos 1-8, A (89) Directed by Peter Greenaway this attempts to bring to the screen Dante's Inferno. Incredibly gripping work , not to be missed. Best translation of this work to ever be filmed. A must have. BA
8709 Take Five (90's) letterboxed , subs, from disc Ripoff of " Scream" BA
7384 Tale From the East, A (90) aka: Man hua qi xia more horror/comedy Subs
3071 Tale of Torture, A aka: Pit of Bloody Horror (65) A photographer and his models go to an old, abandoned castle to shoot some sexy covers for horror novels. Unbeknownst to them, the castle is inhabited by a lunatic…. LBX Mickey Hargitay
8617 Tales of the Bizarre (69) A thousand years ago, an Arabian judge, believing the locked chest in his wife's room to contain her living lover, had it buried in a deep pit and threw away the key. Now the mummified lover recounts some more recent incidents in the sex war of which he was an early casualty. Decent hard-to-find sex and horror trilogy. BA
7380 Tales of the Unusual (2000) A four-part anthology in the spirit of The Twilight Zone, this film starts off with a group of commuters stranded at a train station in the rain... Cool strange tales. LBX subs
148 Tales That Witness Madness (73) Dr Tremayne is an enigmatic Psychiatrist running a Futuristic asylum housing four very special cases…. Donald Pleasence
4893 Talos the Mummy (98) Centuries ago, under the sands of ancient Egypt, a prince was buried and his tomb eternally curses so that no man would ever again suffer from his evil ways. But hundreds of years later on a greedy search for treasure, a group of archaeologists break the curses seal of the tomb.... LBX uncut import print that runs about a half hour longer than the butchered U.S. print! Christopher Lee
625 Tanya's Island (80) Vanity dabbles in monkey love with Rick Baker in an ape suit designed by Rob Bottin. Yep, the good old days when this talentless vixen paraded around in her birthday suit to show off the only assets she ever had, her body.
7136 Taste For Fear, A aka: Obssession: A Taste For Fear (88) Models die! Uncut version
P111 Tattoo (02) German Serial Killer Thriller! This killer collects tattoo skins from his victims as art. Creepy fun ! - LBX - Subs
Q985 Taxi Killer (88) Here we have an unfinished film. That's right, never completed, never released, a hodgepodge mess. That is what makes it so interesting! Stelvio Massi was in the process of directing this and things obviously went terribly wrong! It is a Giallo about a murderous Taxi Driver that kills young women! There is no music, sometimes no sound at all, and abrupt cuts, but hey, here it is, you'll never see this footage any other way. F.L.
T153 Taxi Tonight (04) Creepy Thai Horror with Subs
7117 Teen Vamp (88) A nerd becomes cool when he becomes a vampire.
N17 Teenage Jailbait (73) Soft-core trash with plenty of juicy sex and violence. Home invasion goes wrong! assaults, beatings...more! With Rene Bond
1329 Teenage Strangler (68) A troubled teen with an undeserved criminal past is the suspect when young women start turning up around town dead and marked up with lipstick…
M16 Temegochi (97) Creepy ghost story about a little girl watched over by a vengeful guardian angel - LBX - Subs - BA
8936 Temptation of the Spiritual World, The (00) Horror - F.L.
2597 Ten Brothers (95) aka: Shi xiong di Subs
1382 Tender Dracula (74) aka: The Big Scare Two writers and their girlfriends visit the castle of an actor who specializes in playing vampire roles. As the night progresses, they begin to wonder if the man is an actor playing a vampire, or a vampire playing an actor….. Peter Cushing
3043-4249 Tenderness of the Wolves (73) Gay serial killer who murders young boys so he can serve them as dinner to his circle of fellow cannibals….. Ulli Lommel! NEW factory sealed VHS only. $8.00
2178 Tenement aka: Camp of Survival (85) A drug selling and violent street-gang terrorize the renters of a big trashy apartment-house…..
8200 Terminal Man, The (74) George Segal is wired for murder BA
8304-5022 Terrifying Tales (89) Anthology of horror tales BA
P48-8311 Terror (78) Another Norman J. Warren classic! Gore horror LBX BA
3779 Terror at 10 Killer (87) Just when you thought it was safe to go on vacation!
2022 Terror at the Opera (87) A young operetta is stalked by a deranged fan bent on killing the people associated with her to claim her for himself. Argento !
1282 Terror Express (79) Three thugs commandeer a couple of cars on a moving train and spread terror among the passengers.
4855 Terror in Sutterville aka: Family Reunion (87) A family is trapped in a ghost town during a satanic ritual-
408 Terror in the Swamp (85) There is something wild breeding in the Louisiana swamps, it is part human, part animal and totally horrifying.
1528 Terror of Frankenstein (76)
9899 Terror of the Disgusting Worms from Outer Space, The (85) Here's a rare one. Apocalyptic spraying blood and nudity with fun action sequences and lots of those pesky killer worms. A bizarre nightmare of blood and violence shot tongue and cheek with punk rock soundtrack. In German with English Subs - A bit shaky pre-opening credits then clears up.
2021 Terror on Alcatraz (86) Frank Morris, returning decades later to the scene of his escape from Alcatraz, scours his old prison cell for a map to a safety deposit box key… Aldo Rey
1984 Terror on Tape (83) Gory party tape hosted by Cameron Mitchell! With Michelle Bauer!
3459 Terror on Tour (83) Hard rock horror.
N19 Terror Tape/ F**k #8 (94) Radical video camera guy Randall Phillips hates "everybody" ! This is mainly one mean guy and his personal vendetta against the human race. Watch as he has a verbal battle with his black "holy roller" neighbors. Also a Porno Puppet show- some XXX- Fetus Puppets- Real Death Footage- degradation of a pregnant woman- more... Hey- we don't make this stuff. It's here for you to examine and take offense with- or to laugh at and enjoy- whichever whatever who cares....
8101 Terror Vision (86) A family's new satellite TV system starts receiving signals from another planet, and soon it becomes the passageway to an alien world…. BA
Q399 Terrorist, The (78) aka: El Terrorista - Karim Bey as the title character - Pretty cool and obscure, from foreign disc - F.L.
7421 Tesis (97) Spanish film that deals with a "snuff" film ring. What "8mm" should have been! Subs.
9187 Theater of Death (66) The Theatre of Death in Paris specializes in horror presentations. When bloodless bodies start showing up all over town there could be links with the theatre…. Christopher Lee!
1534 They Came From Within aka: Shivers aka: Orgy of the Blood Parasites (75) The residents of a suburban high-rise apartment building are being infected by a strain of parasites that turn them into mindless, sex-crazed fiends….
8808-3986 They're Coming to Get You aka: All the Colors of the Dark aka: Day of the Maniac (72) A woman recovering from a car accident in which she lost her unborn child finds herself pursued by a coven of devil worshipers….. UNCUT! Gorgeous LBX A great Sergio Martino directed giallo/ horror! BA
T664 They're Playing with Fire (84) Eric (Private Lessons) Brown is being seduced by Sybil Danning in this one. Lucky guy!! Not so lucky as he may be the fall guy for murders. But if it means he gets to have sex with Sybil Danning, hell, it's probably worth it! Part exploitative sex, part homicidal slasher flick.. BA
8448 Third Eye (66) aka: Il Terzo occhio Italian language giallo. Franco Nero, Erika Blanc
L71 Third Full Moon (94) A sequel to “Thou Shalt Not Swear” Chow re-teams with Lau to investigate a murder. Chow's wife is the suspect... Shaw Brothers horror - LBX - Subs
944 Thirst (79) The descendant of Elizabeth Bathory is abducted by a cult of self-proclaimed supermen who achieve this state of superiority by drinking from the "blood cows"….. Australian vampire flick.
8953-8633 Three (02) Horror - Subs
T152 Three Faces of Terror, The (04) Sergio Stivaletti - The Italian Gore FX master and director of "The Wax Mask" returns with this new directorial effort. Man, this is great stuff too, with an obvious homage to "Dr. Terror's House of Horrors, and Mario Bava's "Black Sabbath". Three train passengers are approached by a hypnotist (played by John Philip Law) and each of them get a scary vision. Three stories concern 1. A Lake Monster 2. Mad Doctor and 3. Werewolf. Great stuff! Highly Recommended! And in English!!! What are you waiting for!?!
9844 Three Immoral Women (79) Walerian Borowczyk's sequel to "Immoral Tales" . This time a trio of tales about vengeful women. Story #2 is the best with some horror elements. In English!
5165 Thrill Killers, The (64) aka: The Maniacs Are Loose Three psychotic murderers escape from a mental institution and stalk women in Los Angeles…. Ray Dennis Steckler
5093 ThrillKill (86) Karlie Kendall's job is to write computer games - but in her spare time she hacks bank accounts. After Karlie's untimely death they realize that she has hidden the money well inside the computer game "Thrillkill" - leaving the single clue to her sister, stewardess Bobbie….
9400 Tigress of King River (02) Thai horror/action hybrid - Subs
3927 Time of the Roses (63) Finland sci-fi – Letterboxed with subs. Poor quality.
9842 Time of Warriors, A (91) Here we go with a Croatian "Deliverance" styled story which involves what is supposed to be a peaceful camping trip but evolves into a fight for survival. Subs
3778 TimeWalker (82) killer alien mummy on the loose !
4763 Tintorera: Bloody Waters (77) Susan George.
4079 Titan Find aka: Creature (85) A expedition to Titan uncovers an alien being, that goes on a rampage…. BA
X50 Titicut Follies (67) Banned film deals with life in a Massachusetts Mental Institution in 1967. The film-makers were given full clearance to make their film, and the experience is offensive and unnerving to say the least. The results were so horrifying and grim, the film was never distributed. This was before anti-psychotic medications were developed. The indifferent and somewhat sadistic treatment afforded to this bunch of lunatics is tough to watch. They are treated like animals (some worse). Archaic doctor's with primitive teachings and ideas make one wonder who the 'real' crazies really are here. Possibly influenced "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" at least some. One of the bleakest, disturbing documentaries ever made. So, go to the Loony House, and watch this Insane, Crazy, Mad Mess !
2853 To All a GoodNight (80) David Hess directed slasher
6386 To Kill a Clown (72) Alan Alda sics Dobermans on a young couple renting a beach cottage. Alda is a demented cripple who suffers from being in a POW camp BA
4195 To Kill a Stranger (85) Donald Pleasence captures a woman and takes her home. BA
4044 Todd Killings, The (71) Dune buggies, murders, and Richard (John Boy) Thomas as an acid head! LBX
L929 Tokyo Blackout Elevator Panic (00) 2 men and 2 women are trapped in an elevator. They fantasize , sex and violence... Subs
Q780 Tom Savini and David Letterman (varies) Tom Savini was on the Letterman show five hilarious times. He grossed David out with his incredibly realistic gory creations from films like "Friday the 13th" , "Day of the Dead", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2", "Creepshow" and more. He also made David the victim of such bloody effects by shooting him in the chest, and in the head, setting his hand on fire, and slicing his arm open. David was a great sport through all of this, while afraid, and perhaps a little annoyed. Here are all 5 segments. Highly entertaining for gore hounds of the old-school. BA Quality varies
6165-6370 Tomb of the Undead aka: Garden of the Dead (72) alternate title with BA
6235-624 Tomb of Torture (63) aka: Metempsycho
Q175 Tomb, The (04) Bruno (Nights of Terror, Rats and many more) Mattei! Mummy Horror, Old Style Gore, Monsters -Yea! - LBX - F.L.
T60-L125 Too Beautiful To Die (88) Giallo with some decent and gruesome murders, and in English !
7345 Too Late Claire, Too Late (68) RARE giallo F.L.
2900 Too Scared to Scream (85) A killer is brutually attacking several tenants that live in a high rise apartment building in New York City. Mike Connors and Anne Archer
2656 Top Sensation (69) “They'll Do Anything to Get Everything. And They Always Come Out On Top”! Giallo with Edwige Fenech F.L. Poor quality
3209 Topline (88) Franco Nero and George Kennedy – aliens try to protect their ship
K154 Torched (04) A nurse is assaultd and gets revenge by capturing her rapist and torturing his sorry ass to death, testing her own humanity. Every assaultd woman's fantasy is torturing, or just all out killing her attacker, is it not?
3389 Torment (86) A detective sets out to capture a psycho who kills women, but the psycho turns the tables and goes after the detective's girlfriend….
2303 Tormentor (73) aka: Death Carries a Cane BA
1191 Torso aka: Bodies Bear Traces of Carnal Violence (73)
1721 Torture Dungeon (69) Andy Milligan directs.
T366 Touch of Satan (71) A man meets a farmgirl who is actually a witch…
5072 Tower of Evil aka: Horror on Snape Island (74)
61 Tower of the Screaming Virgins (68)
2020 Town That Dreaded SunDown, The (77) A Texas Ranger hunts for a hooded serial killer terrorizing the residents of a small town, set in 1946 Arkansas. Losely based on a true story.
4772 Toxic Spawn aka: Contamination (81)
L941 Tragic Experience at Villa Alexander (72) While camping, a group of hippies are attacked by Satanists! With Camille (I Spit on Your Grave) Keaton ! Subs !
L452A Trailer Terror # 1 (various) Import trailers to blow your mind ! Not all in English - Over 90 minutes
4247 Trance (81) LBX Obsessed fan kills and eats her pop idol! Fair quality.
LD5 Transmutations (86) Ingrid Pitt BA
6332 Trapped Alive (92) A sheriff's deputy, some escaped prisoners and two young girls find themselves trapped in a mine shaft where a cannibalistic mutant is hunting them for food. Cameron Mitchell
943 Trauma (78) A detective investigating the murder of a teenage girl begins to focus his suspicions on the three girlfriends of the victim, who call themselves "The Inseparables." with Fabio Testi
K152 Treato Del Horror, El (91) Decapitation, a headless guy chasing people with a sword, creepy atmosphere and more in this obscure Spanish language Mexi-Horror - F.L.
T194-L404 Trek, The (04) Giant killer snake ruins the adventure a group of young people are taking in the jungles. Bugs eat people, giant snake attacks, terror, adventure and more. Subs! Much better than the crappy "Anaconda". And this is really shot outdoors and is not set - bound on a Hollywood stage. There is also an American- English speaking couple on "The Trek" as well.
L700 Trick (03) Japanese thriller - Subs - LBX
8111 Trick or Treat (87) Eddie Weinbauer is a typical All-American teenager, at least he was until he fell under the evil spell of Rock Music…. BA
458 Trick or Treats (82) Five years after his wife, Joan, had him wrongfully and deliberately committed to a mental institution so she could live with her boyfriend…
8062 Troll II (92) A young child is terrified to discover that a planned family trip is to be haunted by vile man-eating monsters out of his worst nightmare... Italian made horror BA
4352 Tropic of Cancer (72) aka: Peacock’s Place BIZARRE Italian made flick voodoo giallo horror.
N8 Tropic of Cancer (72) aka: Death in Haiti Bizarre Italian made Giallo/ Hallucinatory drug film with eroticism, nudity, and murders. Now in English in FULL SCREEN OR LBX (Specify or LBX will be sent). With Gabriele Tinti and Anita (Antichrist) Strindberg
9818 Trouble Every Day (00) Vampire cannibal film! A wicked vampire killer woman has wild sex with her victims before she rips them apart for food! Some great cruel violence in this one! (In English with some French)
9687 True Gore (87) Among the highlights of this death tape is the actual audio of Jim Jones wasting his cult with cobra venom Kool Aid. The idiots wail and scream as they die like trapped cowardly rats. Pretty grim
8867 Turn (99) Japanese Sci/Fi - Girl is caught in a time loop -LBX- Subs
L844 Turning, The (90) Gillian Anderson gets naked in this tale of love, death and alienation.
K27 Tutte le Auto della Polizia, A (75) aka: Calling All Police Cars aka: The Maniac Responsible - Italian language version - This print is nicer, and brighter but not Subtitled. Decent Giallo with some brilliantly nasty murders.
8696 Twilight Garden (2000) Due to an accident, detectives Chi and Wah are demoted and assigned to a police station in a remote village... LBX Subs BA
1660 Twisted Brain (74) A nerdy highschool super whiz experiments with a chemical which will transform his guinea pig "Mr. Mumps" from a gentle pet into a ravenous monster...
4108 Twisted Nerve (68) Haley Mills - Tagline "Cleaver. Cleaver. Chop. Chop. First the mom and then the pop. Then we'll get the pretty girl . We'll get her right between the curl..."
4576 Twisted Nightmare (87) A group of teenagers win a trip to a summer camp they had attended as children. However, soon after they get there they begin to disappear one by one….
T234A Two Faces of Fear (72) aka: I Due Volti Della Paura - A professor's wife falls in love with her husband's assistant. When she learns he's planning to move to another city, she does everything she can to avoid it, with no success. Soon afterwards, he's found dead, in obscure circumstances. Giallo style with George Hilton, Fernando Rey LBX F.L. BA
L651 Two Masks for Alexa (72) Rosalba Neri gets naked a lot and assaultd (in a Rosemary's Baby type sequence, by three guys). Pisses her off though , and she stabs her lover.... LBX - F.L.
M31 Two O'clock A.M. (96) Horror LBX with Subs
4762 Two Orphan Vampires (97) A pair of teenage girls, who are blind by day, but when the sun goes down, they roam the streets to quench their thirst for blood.
8486-9089 Ugliest Woman in the World, The (2000) An incredibly ugly woman uses secret drugs to look beautiful. She's a nutcase from her days of torment (which we see in flashback) and she violently murders people as she pursues her goal of winning- the title of "Miss Spain". The drugs wear off during the final contest and she becomes her grotesque self for the bittersweet ending. Subs
3971 Ultimate Death Experience, The (96) Deathtape hosted by a guy in a leather S&M mask. Docu/horror
K156 Una De Zombis (03) Horror Zombie Gangster Action with plenty of violence - Lots of fun ! LBX with Subs
L896 Unborn, The (03) After waking up in a hospital to discover that she has been pregnant for ten weeks, a drug addict begins to experience vivid hallucinations…. Thai horror with Subs
9481 Uncanny, The (77) Peter Cushing and Ray Milland star in this trilogy of feline horrors - Also with Donald Pleasence and Samantha Eggar- Now Wide screen - BA
4764 Undertaker and His Pals, The (67)
2873 Unhinged (83) Three college girls on their way to a jazz festival crash their car in the isolated woods during a rainstorm, and are taken in by a mysterious family in an old mansion. Little do the girls know, the family has a dark, murderous secret….
N69 Unhuman (04) Thai horror with a mad scientist and aliens with plenty of violent action and gore - Subs
L399 Uninvited (03) Jeong-won is a man with no memory of his childhood and his real family. At the beginning of the film he witnesses the deaths of two young girls… Chilling and arty ghost story - Subs
3492 United Trash (95) German and English language dialogues – In South America – Gen. Werner (Udo Kier) and his wife Martha (Kitten Natividad) give birth to a disgusting dwarf with grotesque sexual organ misplacements. This piece of colorful trash must be seen to be believed !
X42 Unman, Wittering and Zigo (71) David Hemmings - A new school teacher learns the previous teacher he is replacing was murdered by the students. Is he next ? He sure thinks so.
8112 Unmasked Part 25 (89) BA
6326 Unnamable, The (88) Back in the 1800's a lady gives birth to a monster. They decide that the baby is too ugly to name, therefore the monster is known as the "Unnamable"… Based on Lovecraft !
8440 Uno Bianca Vestita Per Mariale aka: Spirits of the Dead (72) Giallo in Italian language directed by Roman Scavolini
P34 Unsatisfied (72) Killers keep a watchful eye on a dying man's caretakers, and eliminate trouble makers - BA
6209-2024 Unseen, The (81) A trio of Female reporters find themselves staying overnight in a house occupied by a hostile 'being' known only The Unseen…. Barbara Bach. BA
2542 Until Death (87) Murdered husband comes back as a living dead looking for revenge…. Lamberto Bava directs BA
7132 Urban Ghost Story (98) After a car accident, Lizzie lies dead on the roadside - slowly she is taken into the light - but is pulled back to earth when she is revived by the doctors. British ghost story
Q990 Urban Scumbags vs. Countryside Zombies (92) Gore Splatter from Germany. Title says all. I'm rootin' for the Zombies ! In German - F.L.- BA
9467 Us, Two (00) Girl has a dead sister intertwined in alternate worlds - Subs
5204 Vampire Cop (90) BA female cop is bitten by a vampire
8375-4 Vampire Happening, The (71) An American actress inherits a castle in Transylvania. What she doesn't know is that her ancestor, the Baroness Catali, was in actuality a vampire countess, and emerges from her tomb to ravage the nearby village and Catholic seminary….
34 Vampire Hookers (78) Don't let them bite...or they'll suck you dry! John Carradine
6385 Vampire of Dusseldorf (65) Serial vampire killer murders whores during Hitler's rise to power. F.L.
9865 Vampire Sect, The (98) Very similar to feel of 70's vampire flicks. Carmilla is resurrected and starts with her vengeful blood-letting . Sex and violence ! Nudity and Nubile Vampire Women - In Italian
8740 Vampire's Breakfast (86) Subs. LBX Reporter stumbles upon a nest of vampires.
7118 Vampire's Night Orgy (73) A busload of tourists stops in to visit a small European town. What they don't know is that the town is completely inhabited by vampires….
5358 Vampyre (90) aka: Vampyres... When Life Is Not Enough Obscure vampire horror
6380 Vampyre, The (89) British made vampire opera
875 Vampyres (76) A lesbian vampire couple waylay and abduct various passer-byes, both male and female, to hold them captive at their rural manor in the English countryside in order to kill and feed on them to satisfy their insatiable thirst for blood. UNCUT erotic lesbian vampire classic! BA
2026 Vanishing, The (88) subs – kicks the U.S. version’s ass
N73 Vanity Serum, The (04) Giallo/Mystery/Thriller from director of "Almost Blue" Alex Infascelli. Big Budget suspense filled horror - LBX - In Italian so F.L.
K177 Veil of Blood (73) aka: Curse of the Sex Crazed Lesbian Vampires - Uncut and in English! Sexy Lesbian Vampire classic directed by Joseph (Confessions of a Young American Housewife) Sarno
5183 Velvet Vampire, The (71) A couple accepts the invitation of mysterious vixen Diane LeFanu to visit her in her secluded desert estate. The couple soon realizes that Diane is in reality a centuries-old vampire….
5 Vengeance is Mine (74) aka: Sunday in the Country Three vicious thugs are on the run in rural America after robbing a local bank. They seek refuge at the home of a reclusive farmer (Ernest Borgnine and Michael J Pollard)...
3049 Vengeance! (80) aka: Scream for Vengeance Four hoodlums break into a jeweler’s house and brutally murder him, his wife and daughter. On the run they kidnap Jenny….
8069-627 Venom (82) International terrorists attempt to kidnap a wealthy couples child. Their plan comes unstuck when the boy's pet snake, a deadly Black Mamba, escapes, and the terrorists and several hostages are trapped in the boy's London home. Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed- BA
3423 Venus Fly Trap (88) remake of “ House By the Edge of the Park “
3642 Veronique La Morte– Vivante (66) aka: But You Were Dead F.L. BA Fair quality.
7515 Very Edge, The (62) British made tale of a sadistic sex pervert who attacks a pregnant woman
K162 Vicious (88) Youth goes "way bad" in this brutal Aussie thriller
2743 Victim, The aka: Autopsy (75) A pathology med student and a priest team up to investigate a wave of suicides blamed on sun spots and discover a number of them to be actual murders….
L894 Victim, The (99) A computer engineer is kidnapped and tortured. Since then, his girlfriend senses he's no longer the same person…. Subs
1712 Victims (85) Four young girls on a camping trip in the woods are stalked by a pair of crazed serial killers. BA
3234-6085 VIJ , The (67) Russian vampire / witch film about a priest who must destroy a hideous beast who resides inside a desecrated church ! Flying witches, walking skeletons, demons, etc. Subs.
2613 Vindicator, The (86) An employee of a secret company operation becomes the victim of the company's special weapons project…. Stan Winston fx
6276 Vineyard, The (89) An island of death fueled by the blood of its victims BA
T950 Vio la luna...y compro un Cementario (03) Gory footage, splices of Naschy and Santo films , Archival Hitler, what is this wild comedy horror from Argentina all about ? Buy it and find out ! F.L.
3607 Violader Infernal (90’s) Spanish language – man resurrected after being executed sets out on a sex, drugs and death rampage!
T709 Violated (84) assault and Revenge are the order of the day in this violent crime thriller - BA
7445 Violation Fatal aka: Fatal Violation (70's) Gory tale of a mad woman who brutally murders. Nudity F.L. NO SUBS
1648 Violent Bloodbath (73) aka: Penalty of Death Terror grips a resort town when a little girl and her parents are found assaultd and bludgeoned in their cottage…. Fernando Rey BA
3970 Virgin Prison Torture (97) Japanese – letterboxed ultra violent
9929 Virgin Slave in a Box: Part 2 (90's) Imagine....F.L.
8616-813 Virgin Witch (72) Sybil has lured Christine (a young model) to her castle for more than modeling… she is recruiting a virgin for induction into a witch's coven, led by the owner of the castle, Gerald. To their surprise, Christine is more than eager to join the coven, but begins her own secret battle for control. BA
2824 Visions (97) lots of naked women in this Italian language giallo
P18-3017 Visions of Evil (75) aka: So Sad About Gloria - A young woman just released from a mental hospital moves back in with her family. However, she is soon troubled by disturbing visions in which she commits a series of axe murders…. Dean Jagger and Lori Saunders - BA
2286 Visitants, The (87) Aliens chase a teenager who stole one of their ray guns
3306 Visiting Hours (82) A crazed, women-hating killer (Ironside) assaults and brutalizes journalist Deborah Ballin (Grant). When he discovers that his attack didn't kill Deborah, he comes to the hospital to finish what he started. Michael Ironside, Lee Grant, Linda Purl and William Shatner!!
839 Visitor, The (79) The soul of a young girl with telekinetic powers becomes the prize in a fight between forces of God and the Devil. Mel Ferrer, Glen Ford, Lance Henrickson, John Huston and Sam Peckinpah!!
6089 Vlad- The Impaler (79) Incredibly hard to find live action Romanian film- depicting the tale of Vlad. Letterboxed with subs!
T649 Voice, The (05) 4th Whispering Corridors Korean horror film - Subs
686 Voodoo Black Exorcist (73)
3926 Voodoo Dolls (90) Canadian horror set at a girl's school with supernatural elements (including killer dolls)
L903 Vortex (83) Lydia Lunch, James Russo - Noir elements in this low - budget flick which deals with corporate corruption discovered by Lydia Lunch's character (private detective). Pretty cool little flick and hard to find ...
9617 Voyage into Fear (93) aka: Encounters Spooky ghost thrills on a country estate
L222 Voyeur's Perverse (77) aka: Eyes Behind the Wall - John Phillip Law and Fernando Rey star in this obscure oddity. Opening sequence has Law strangling a woman on a train. Voyeuristic madness leads to terminal results - LBX with subs
626 Vultures (83) A dying wealthy patriarch, Ramon (Jim Bailey) summons his relatives to his bedside, setting the tone for intriguing suspense when a bizarre set of murders occurs. The terror begins with the arrival of the old man's sister and her lover. Blood and gore are a regular state of affairs. Stuart Whitman, Yvonne DeCarlo and Aldo Rey !
3950 Wacko (81) Greydon Clark’s parody of “ Friday the 13th. “ stars Stella Stevens
L291 Wailing, The (80) aka: Fear aka: Murder Obsession - Riccardo Freda directed giallo like horror complete with axe hackings, a chainsaw decapitation, black mass nightmares, and sexy babes including Laura Gemser - A must - BA
7281 Waking Hour, The (71) Import print of the "The Velvet Vampire" BA
3348 Warlock Moon (75) A young girl mets a boy, they take a trip to the country, where they end up in a witches house. BA
L618-859 Washing Machine, The (93) A police detective investigates the murder of a man found dismembered in a washing machine and is drawn into a web of deceit and murder by the dead man's lover and her two sisters…. Ruggero Deodato directed Giallo, with nudity and gore LBX English !!!
8383-423 Watch Me When I Kill aka: The Cat's Victim (77) A pharmacist is murdered, and a woman happens to see the culprit leave the scene. She soon finds herself being stalked by the killer… Giallo BA
3261 Water Spider (71) French language fantasy - fair quality
T35 Waves of Lust (75) Ruggero Deodato directs this tale (written by Lamberto Bava). Two couples on a yacht are having a grand time until one of the men goes bonkers. Brutal uncomfortable sex, high tension, claustrophobic suspense and more.. It's in English too!
2974 Wax Mask , The (97) Paris, 1900: a couple are horribly murdered by a masked man with a metal claw who rips their hearts out… Argento produced horror directed by fx maestro Sergio Stivaletti
L802 We the People (94) James Brolin, his pregnant wife, and two other couples go on a holiday to their vacation home in the woods. Once there, they are menaced by killer psychos with assault on their mind. This U.S. film was never released here! In English with Foreign subs.
3077 Weapon, the Hour, and the Cause, The (73) Italian language with Carlo Rambaldi fx.
2329 Web of the Spider (72) Based on Edgar Allen Poe's "Night of the Living Dead”…. Italian made supernatural thriller/ remake of "Castle of Blood".
L614 Wedding Trough, The (70) aka: The Pig Fu**ing Movie - A screwed up weirdo has sex with a pig (simulated) , then it gives birth to a bunch of little piglets. He hangs the little bacon porkers, and then puts their putrid mini corpses in jars as a collection...
632 Weekend (67) A supposedly idyllic weekend trip to the countryside turns into a never-ending nightmare of traffic jams, revolution, cannibalism and murder….. French / Italian fantasy. Fair print
L117 Weekend Murders (70) Italian horror. BA
6486-628 Welcome to Arrow Beach aka: Tender Flesh (74) A hippie girl wandering on a California beach is taken in by a Korean War veteran who lives in a nearby mansion with his sister. The girl soon begins to suspect that the mansion is home to some very strange goings-on…. Meg Foster
3387 Welcome to Blood City (77) Canadian " Westworld " ripoff with Jack Palance
4339 Welcome to Spring Break aka: Nightmare Beach (88) Diablo is a biker gang leader executed for the murder of a young woman. A year after his death, it's time for Spring Break….
T954 Werewolf in Bangkok (04) Werewolf Battles, Transformations, Humor, Gore, Slayers, Action Packed Sequences...Looks like an attempt to emulate "Underworld" in some ways. Very entertaining - LBX - Subs
631 WereWolf Woman (77) A woman has dreams that she is a werewolf so she goes out and finds men. She proceeds to have sex with them and then rip their throats out with her teeth...
262 WereWolves on Wheels (71) A biker gang visits a monastery where they encounter black-robed monks engaged in worshipping Satan... BA
4720 What are Those Strange Drops of Blood on Jennifer? aka: Case of the Bloody Iris (72) Jennifer (Edwige Fenech) a beautiful model who moves into a luxury highrise shortly after its previous tenant had been brutally murdered. Soon enough, she encounters a masked man creeping into her room at night; her estranged husband's possessiveness turns violent; she finds herself falling in love with the most peculiar landlord....and, of course, the bodies start piling up…. BA Subs
4575 What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? (69) Geraldine Page is a murderess in this hard to find horror! BA
3786 What Have They Done To Your Daughters? (74) Police investigate apparent suicide of teen girl and uncover details of a teenage prostitution racket. They go on the hunt for a motorcycle riding killer…. Sequel to “Solange“
947 What Have You Done to Solange? aka: The School that Couldn’t Scream (71) A teacher who is having an affair with one of his students takes her out on a boat. They see a knife killing on shore. Other gruesome murders start occurring shortly thereafter…
2681 What the Peeper Saw (73) Killer kid- Mark (Oliver) Lester terrorizes Britt Ekland.
4768 What Waits Below (83) The U.S. government has been using deep caves in Central America as bases for a special type of radio transmitter used for communicating with submaries. When the signal from one of these transmitters suddenly disappears, a team of soldiers and cave specialists is sent in to find out what happened…..
4100 Whatever Became of Jack and Jill (71) lovers terrorize a meddling grandmother. Fair quality.
2726 When the Screaming Stops aka: Lorely’s Grasp (74)
N26 Whirlpool (70) Rare Jose Larraz directed sleaze and dread. Taglines : She Died with Her Boots On...and not much else! - More shocking than Psycho! More sensual than Repulsion! More nerve ripping than Baby Jane! (Time-Coded so there is a counter number running through-out.)
7405B Whispering Corridors (00) Korean Horror F.L.
6201 White Angels...Black Angels (69) Luigi Scattini- Italian language nudity filled docu on religion, witchcraft, Satanism. Lots of naked rituals, blood drinking, etc. Voodoo religious rituals include a young virgin who has her head shaved, then a goat is cut up above her and splashes her with blood, then the icing on top is feathers. With Anton Lavey (devil horns and all) performing a Satanic wedding. Holy roller psycho also profiled ! What a beautiful screwed up world !
3264 Who Dunit? (82) aka: Island of Blood A movie company is filming a murder mystery on an island. Soon aferwards cast and crew members start getting murdered...
4889 Who Saw Her Die ? (72) A young girl is brutally murdered somewhere in France. Sometime later, the same thing happens to the daughter of a well-known sculptor... . uncut widescreen Giallo
9468 Wicked Ghost 3: The Possession (2000) More Asian horror - F.L.
7130 Wicked Ghost: The Fear, A (2000) decent horror ! LBX subs
4044 Wicked Wicked (73) ULTRA RARE exploitation – gimmick filled with a split screen. Tiffany (The Candy Snatchers) Boling stars in this tale of a twisted electrician that cuts up blondes to use their parts to build the “ perfect woman “ . They called the film process “ duo vision “ as on one side of the screen you can see the victim and on the other– you can see the stalker !
L602-1133 Wide Eyed in the Dark (75) aka: Eyeball aka: The Secret Killer - Classic Umberto Lenzi Giallo , now letterboxed and in English !
3788 Widow’s Nest (77) Patricia Neal, Susan Oliver BA
L808 Wife Collector (85) Taxi - Driver rapist has a twisted relationship with a former victim - Subs - BA
8913 Wife to be Sacrificed (74) Man kidnaps and tortures his ex-wife. She likes it! They kidnap a few people to torture together... F.L.
9925 Wife's Sexual Fantasy Before Her Husband's Eyes (80) Grim and unyielding. Tragic moralistic/view consequence of sexual obsession - Subs - BA
441-6457 Wild Beasts, The (84) The water supply for a large city zoo becomes contaminated with PCP, and the animals go crazy and get loose…..
L177 Wild Eye, The (67) Directed by Paola Cavara - Incredibly bizarre film in which an obsessed film director stages scenes that border on the sadistic for his documentary which leads to abuse of his subjects.
8481 Winter Lily (98) Something's wrong with Lily... Dare to find out? Canadian Thriller Hard-to-Find
8058 Witch Doctor (88) Indian curses and revenge BA
8876 Witch in the Family, A (99) Swedish Horror Comedy -LBX- Subs
1948 Witch Story (89) A group of college kids spend their vacation it in the creepy old haunted house one of them inherited….. John Freda
5140 Witch Who Came From the Sea (71) A disturbed woman is haunted by memories of childhood abuse, which culminates in a murder spree…. Millie Perkins BA
1391 Witch With the Flying Head (77) woman who has been cursed by a witch must rip off her head every night so it can fly around, attack people and drink their blood, which keeps her alive…. F.L. Fair quality.
2290 Witch’s Mountain, The (72) A young couple traveling thorugh the Pyrenees stays overnight at an ancient Spanish castle, only to discover that it is the headquarters for a coven of witches.
3499 WitchBitch aka: DeathSpa (87) Michael's health club is besieged with a series of terrible murders involving killer saunas and other grisly devices…. BA
454 Witchcraft 70 (70) A mondo style report of satanic rites from around the world. Includes devil worshipping, voodoo cults, church of satan, black magic, naked exorcism and pagan rituals….. Dir: Luigi Scattini
3889 Witchery (88) An angry mob drags a husband and his pregnant wife, suspected of performing sacrificial satanic rites, from their home, ties them to a cross and burns them alive…. Linda Blair and David Hasselhoff
9488 Witchfinder General (68) Matthew Hopkins (WitchFinder) tours the land offering his services as a persecutor of witches. Aided by his sadistic accomplice John Stearne, he travels from city to city and wrenches confessions from "witches" in order to line his pockets and gain sexual favors. When Hopkins persecutes a priest, he incurs the wrath of Richard Marshall….. Definitive uncut version. Original score + a Michael Reeves docu ! Great print... BA
3880 WitchFire (85) Shelly Winters goes insane and escapes the asylum ! BA
18 Witching, The aka: Necromancy (71) Orson Welles (head of a witches' coven in the town of Lilith) needs the powers of Lori Brandon (Pamela Franklin) to raise his son from the dead.... BA
2852 WitchMaker (69) A psychic researcher and his assistants investigate a series of murders of beautiful young women. BOTH ENDINGS!
L333 Witches' Hammer (69) aka: Kladivo na carodejnice Czech "Crucible/Witch finder " styled flick with emphasis on authenticity. Nudity, torture, witch-burnings and more "Christian" (as apposed to "Satanic") murder. Very well made and with Subs!
8448-2 With Heart in Mouth (67) aka: Deadly Sweet Giallo In Italian- Tinto Brass directs
Q435 Without Apparent Motive (71) aka: Sans Mobile Apparent - A series of murders is committed in Nice on the French Riviera. The commissar Carella is in charge and tries to find a missing link between all these murders…. Giallo with Dominique Sanda and Jean-Louis Trintignaut LBX English
6402-8459 Without Warning (80) UNCUT alien invasion flick with Jack Palance, Martin Landau, Cameron Mitchell, Neville Brand and a young David Caruso ! LBX! Gory and the inspiration for “Predator“! BA
2460 Wizard’s Curse, The (92) The wizard's curse is a monster created by a magician from the brains of two dead criminals and it turns on its creator and kills him... Comedy/Fantasy/Horror F.L.
1951 Wolf-Devil Woman (82) A woman who was raised by wolves seeks revenge on Red Devil, the villain who ordered the murder of her parents….
3520 WolfMan (79) After the death of his Father, Colin Glasgow (Earl Owensby) finds out that his Father and Grandfather were cursed and that they were Werewolves…. plays like a 40’s wolfman movie
5205 WolfWoman (77) U.S. Version of " Werewolf Woman". Mutilations, massacres, etc. !
L630 Women and Bloody Terror (69) aka: His Wife's Habit - Gerald McRaney stars in this sexploiter! A promiscuous slut (there's an oxy - moron) gets more than she's bargained for when captured by two sadistic rapists who have ideas of their own! This was released on a double bill with "Night of Bloody Horror" (also with McRaney).
L931 Women's Flesh (99) A woman slowly tears herself apart and starts to eat her own flesh. Gore / Fetish tape has no English is for the most jaded tastes only...
L807 Woods are Wet: Women's Hell (73) Wayward girl finds herself in Hell when she agrees to live at an isolated estate. Print has a few shaky spots. Subs - BA
N25 World's Rarest Wildest Trailers Vol. #1 - Tons of cool trailers like, Smooth Velvet, Raw Silk, Super Spook, Ghetto Freaks, Riot on 42nd Street, Please Don't Touch Me, Let Me Die a Woman, The Oracle, Women for Sale....Tons more in yet another superb trailer tape!
6396 Wraith, The (86) uncut European widescreen edition BA
9478 X - Cure (00) Victims with a large " X " carved into their bodies and their killers remember nothing. Could it be they are hypnotized to kill?
T955 X Set Up (05) Horror - LBX - Subs
4734-1848 Xtro (82) Letterboxed
9294 Yesterday (02) A number of children suddenly disappear. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense selects an elite group of scientists for a top-secret mission. Then, 30 years later … Subs BA Sci-Fi/Crime/Action
4208 You’ll Die At Midnight (82) When the adulterous wife of a police officer is found brutally stabbed in her apartment, her husband Nikola immediately becomes the prime suspect because he's an alcoholic and doesn't have an alibi. But when more murder occur in the city, a female police psycho-analyst points out that the nature of these killings strangely resemble the style of notorious Italian serial killer….. Lamberto Bava Giallo
3178 Young Prey, The (73) aka: Sixteen Backwoods couple acquiring a large sum of cash. They decide to take their three kids to the state fair, where their two elder children (a boy and girl in their teens with an implied incestuous relationship) are corrupted by some shifty carnival folks. The girl is coerced into sex with a daredevil motorcycle rider (in front of an audience), the boy becomes prey to a busty stage dancer who is after the family's cash…. BA
T149 Your Sweet Body to Kill (70) aka: Il Tuo Dolce Corpo Da Uccidere - Alfonso Brescia directs this Giallo - LBX
3262 Zato Ichi (89) blind swordsman cuts people to bits – ULTRA GORY triple digit body count !
6221-2359 Zeder: Voices From the Beyond aka: Revenge of the Dead (84) a Pupi Avati film
Q547 Zhest (06) Retired journalist is going to write another story a serial killer…. Hard trip begins and everything becomes surreal. Russian Serial Killer Thriller - Really Different and definitely worth your time! LBX with Subs!
2601 Zodiak Killer (71) The San Francisco area is beset by a series of seemingly random murders without motive or pattern. The police are taunted by phone calls and letters... graphic murders
DV6-2699 Zombie Lake (81) In a small village, somewhere in France, dead German soldiers, killed and thrown into the lake by the Resistance during WW II, come back….. LBX BA
3226 Zombie Nightmare (87) Tony Washington (Jon Mikl Thor) is killed by a gang of rampant trendy teenagers. Molly Mokembe (Tia Carrere) is a voodoo lady who brings him back from the dead to seek revenge…. metal soundtrack!
8258 Zombie vs. Ninja (87) Ethan, a young man, is beaten while his father is killed by a group of thieves. With the help of an undertaker, Ethan trains in kung fu by fighting the dead.... BA
4683 Zombie: The Resurrection (98) zombie film from Germany with ultra gore and nudity – timecoded F.L.
8579 Zone of the Dead (78) aka: House of the Dead aka: Alien Zone A man who had an affair with a married woman is fleeing the woman's murderous husband, who has found out about it. He meets up with a mortician, who tells him the stories of the people who have wound up in his establishment….
L668 Zurich Cop Eaters + Blutgeil Case Documentary (90's) Ahhhh.... see how another country lives! Dealing with "Censorship in Switzerland" as 2 normal horror fans, (every day guys) make a mini - splatter movie and get into a Swiss - Load of trouble. No free speech here! Our film rebels revel in poking fun at the "heads up their asses" cops and governmental (Gestapo) leaders. Yep- the literalists are on the lose taking everything seriously. After the real life scoop of what happened- you get to see their little epic that had everyone in a Swiss Fit.